#I must be in a lee Roman mood tonight
Tickletober Day Nine
Ganged up on
(Warning: intense tickles)
Roman had forgotten. It made sense for him to have forgotten, that had been the whole point. Give lee mood sensors to the other sides and then forget, and get surprised with tickles when he wanted them most. But he hadn’t thought he really would forget.
And so he was surprised, coming down to the kitchen with his mood, he thought, well hidden, only to see Patton smirking at him with an almost evil grin.
And then Janus came into the kitchen, sliding right up behind him and wrapping his arms around Roman’s waist. Roman couldn’t help but gasp, though he tried not to do anything more than that.
“Good morning, Princey~” Virgil practically purred, leaning against the wall with a smirk.
“What’s— what’s going on here?” Roman asked, his lee mood flaring up massively, all his work to push it down wasted.
And then Logan walked in too, holding a glowing sensor, and Roman abruptly remembered. And then realized very quickly that he was about to get exactly what he wanted. He nearly burst into nervous giggles just from that.
The anticipation was awful, all those eyes staring at him hungrily, but not moving, and Roman felt ready to burst out of his own skin. He couldn’t stay still. It wasn’t possible. But even he didn’t expect his first impulse to be shoving Janus’s hands away and bolting.
Almost immediately he had four people chasing after him. His legs felt like jelly already, and he ran for all he was worth, but a hand snagged his wrist, and then another hand grabbed his arm, and then an arm snaked across his waist, and almost before he knew it he was wrestled to the ground.
Virgil was sitting over his waist, and Patton was sitting on his calves, Janus was down by his feet, and Logan was holding his arms up above his head. Roman was already giggling, and all they’d done was pin him.
“Though I doubt you’ll object,” Logan said smugly. “For fairness’s sake we’ll give you once chance to say that the sensors were mistaken.”
But Roman could barely comprehend anything with Virgil rolling his shirt up, and Patton’s hands over his knees, and his socks being removed. Not to mention Logan sitting on his arms and hovering fingers over his armpits.
He managed to shake his head breathlessly.
And then Virgil’s fingers skillfully scribbled over his bare stomach, sending him into laughter. Patton squeezed his kneecaps, making him squeak loudly. Janus was definitely using more than two hands, and several tools, all at once, which made it impossible to tell what was happening to his feet except that it tickled so bad he was screeching. And then Logan, evil Logan, poked his fingers into Roman’s armpits, scribbling in exactly the way that made him go absolutely crazy.
He laughed and shrieked, bucking and thrashing, unable to move under the three of them, and went insane. He could barely breathe he was laughing so hard, and tears slipped from his eyes. It was amazing. Everything he’d ever wanted, even though he could barely stand it.
He didn’t even know how long it went on, just that they seemed to slow down right exactly when he wanted them to. Had he been capable of thinking any clearer, he would’ve remembered that they could very easily see how much tickling he wanted.
He felt like he was only a puddle of lee on the floor, all his muscles weak and limp. They let him rest a little, rubbing gently which made him feel like he was floating.
“That was wonderful teamwork,” Logan said. “But no one of us could really claim to have made you laugh. Patton, you can have the first turn. And the rest of us will endeavor to not tickle him as much as possible.”
Despite Logan’s words, many fingers were still ghosting over Roman’s sensitive skin, keeping him trapped in giggles.
“Hmmm...” Patton said thoughtfully. “What if I tickle you right where you get me~?”
“Nohohoho!” Roman begged, not meaning a word of it. “Nohohot thehehehere, plehehease!”
“Not where?” Patton teased, squeezing around Roman’s thighs and making him laugh and try to squirm. And then he hit the spot that make Roman yell for mercy. “Not here, huh?” He squeezed that one spot mercilessly while Roman laughed and shrieked helplessly, jolts of ticklish sensation running through his body with every squeeze.
And it was worse with Logan’s fingers ever so slowly tracing up and down his armpits, and Virgil drawing circles on his sides, and Janus tweaking his toes.
Finally Patton stopped, peeking around Virgil to grin at him. “Much as I love tickling you so much, I do need to save some for the others.”
Roman was almost worried someone else would start right away, but they gave him another rest, rubbing gently and murmuring teases about how much each of the remaining three would tickle him.
“Ready?” Virgil asked gently.
Roman nodded, bracing for an attack of tickles on his belly, but instead there was a cold feeling of oil on his feet, and he squirmed, babbling pleas for gentleness and mercy. With Patton sitting on his calves, he couldn’t even pull his legs back, and when he felt string he hadn’t even noticed before pull tight, passed to Patton to hold his toes taught, his babbling pleas doubled.
“Is the poor, poor lee scared~?” Janus purred. “He ought to be~ I’m wonderful at my job~”
And Roman knew it was going to tickle. It was going to be so bad. He’d made the sensors so they not only showed his lee mood, but also showed how close he was to safewording. Janus would surely watch and keep him right below the point he truly couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t believe how very well his plan had worked.
And then he heard a buzzing, and adrenaline rushed through his body, giving him just enough strength to buck once, lifting Virgil a few inches in the air, before the electric toothbrushes touched down on his slick toes and he was thrown back into helpless laughter. Janus’s many hands let him torment Roman’s toes and also scrub hairbrushes on his soles, and he took full advantage of this, relishing in the shrieks and screams and crazed laughter.
Roman was sure he would pass out before Janus was done, but sure enough, whenever he was too close, there’d be just enough of a slowing down for him to continue.
But Janus stopped, more abruptly than Roman would’ve expected. “As much as I’d love to continue, you still have two more Lers who very much want to get a good shriek out of you.”
This time the soft rubbing break almost made him fall asleep. Even he didn’t know how he was still so lee as to want more tickles, but somehow he was. And so he didn’t fall asleep, waiting to see who would tickle him next.
A twitch of the fingers still tracing his armpits made him look up at Logan, his eyes wide.
“I know a lot about how to tickle these hollows,” Logan said. “About how you squirm like a madman if I were to scribble quickly, about the deep, crazed laughs if I dig my fingers in, about the shrieks if I were to use a toothbrush like Janus did~”
The anticipation was building and building, and Roman just knew he’d be getting more and more sensitive to whatever Logan did.
“And I also know what drives you the craziest~” Logan threatened, and suddenly there were claws on the ends of his fingers.
Roman’s mouth dropped open, begging never even escaping before Logan scribbled, very fast and very light, the claws absolutely driving Roman crazy.
It was so overwhelming, especially after so many other tickles, and he couldn’t even fight back against it, squirming doing nothing worthwhile. He still tried, thrashing back and forth and squealing and laughing his head off.
It didn’t last nearly as long, the tiny scrap of his mind that could still claim to be rational said. But it felt like fifteen years, trapped and tickled in the worst best evilest way.
Roman really did almost fall asleep during the break this time. He felt so worn out, and also like he was floating on clouds.
He almost didn’t notice when Virgil started, it was so light and gentle, soft rubbing and gentle little scribbles. And instead of teasing, Virgil was murmuring soft praises, about how well he did, and how good he was, and how much they all loved to tickle him, and how sweet his sleepy giggles were. Somewhere, between the soft rubbing from them all, and the gentlest tickles from Virgil, he slipped into blissed out sleep.
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When Patton gets into a Ler mood at the same time as Virgil is in a Lee Mood.
I know, the title isn’t amazing, but whatever. This one has more rough tickling.
They were sitting on the couch. Patton was in the middle, with Roman on one side and Logan on the other. Virgil was laid across them, with his stomach up on Patton’s lap. Roman was holding both his arms and Logan was sitting on his legs. 
Somehow Virgil had gotten stuck in this position. Clearly it had been planned out beforehand. Probably just after he’d first started dropping hints of his mood. Roman and Logan both were doing a very good job of pretending that nothing at all was going on. That they were just casually watching a movie. 
And for the first movie, that’s all it was. Nothing happened, except that Virgil knew his most vulnerable places were open to Patton. And Patton could do anything he wanted. Whenever he wanted. Just the waiting was almost too much. They were having a marathon, and it wouldn’t be over till morning, so Patton had plenty of time. 
And the Patton started ‘accidentally’ brushing his fingers just slightly over Virgil’s stomach, over his shirt and his hoodie. He shouldn’t have been able to feel hardly anything, but he did. The electric tingles shot through him, making him squirm. But Roman and Logan held him still, without ever even looking at him. 
Finally he couldn’t stand it any more. 
“Can you just start already?”
“The movie’s already going,” Patton said, his voice disarmingly innocent. 
“You know what I mean,” Virgil said, squirming a little as Patton’s hand rested casually on his stomach. 
“I really don’t, kiddo. Is there something you want?”
Virgil let out a frustrated groan. Patton was really gonna make him say it, wasn’t he? “Y-you can tickle me… a little….” 
“Oh, is that it?” Patton asked. He held out a hand to Roman, and didn’t even have to ask before Roman was handing over a feather. 
Patton slowly, so, so slowly, pulled Virgil’s shirt up to expose his stomach. Virgil bit his lip, sucking in his stomach as if it would actually help anything. 
The feather traced around his stomach, sending wave after wave of tickly sensations. But never more than would cause light giggles. It was almost as if Patton was avoiding the spots that were ticklish. 
Virgil waited, squirming towards the feather, but never enough. Patton knew him too well. Finally, after one too many failed attempts, he let out a whine. 
“Aww, what is it? Was tickling you a little not actually what you wanted?” Patton teased. 
“No,” Virgil admitted. 
“Then what did you want?” 
Virgil knew there was no way he was getting out of saying it. Patton had all night, and had Virgil trapped. 
Patton fluttered the feather very softly, just above Virgil’s waistline, where he knew it would have him suspended in snorts and giggles. “You know, I’m enjoying myself. I could keep doing this all night long.”
Virgil unconsciously let out another whine. “I want you to tickle me. Please.” 
But Patton still held back. “How much?”
Virgil’s breath caught in his throat. “A-a lot.”
Patton had a sharp, predatory grin. “And what kinds of tickles do you want?”
“All of them,” Virgil squeaked. He was braced for the explosion of tickles, but still it didn’t come. 
“And what’s the safe word?”
Safe word?! He was going to need a safe word?! “S-Sanders.”
“Oh, you’re such a good little Lee,” Patton cooed. “So patient.” 
The feather was now free to explore his tummy, ratcheting up his light giggles into a constant rain of snorts and giggles. Patton dropped several raspberries into the mix, making Virgil let out little squeals. 
“Oh, you aren’t struggling at all, are you?” Patton said. “You must really like this, huh?”
Virgil flushed red, but he nodded. 
Patton gave him a soft smile, and the tickles kept going. Virgil was starting to get tired. The movie ended. 
“You’ve done so well,” Patton said. “Can you stay still while Roman and Logan go to get snacks and set up the next movie?”
Virgil nodded. There was a long break while the next movie was set up, and they had some snacks. Virgil had gotten caught up in the next movie, and almost forgot about the tickles when suddenly something cold touched his stomach. 
Roman and Logan readjusted so that he was held still again. Patton was pouring baby oil on his stomach. Virgil’s eyes grew wide as Patton rubbed the oil to cover every inch of his stomach, and a good bit of his sides as well. 
Then Patton’s fingers started trailing around, tracing patterns. Virgil fell into giggles and loosened up. And then Patton dug into his stomach. Virgil let out a shriek, and then tumbled into deep, uncontrollable laughter. Now he was trying to pull away, but it was impossible. Not that he really wanted to escape. It was still far too fun. 
Logan turned on subtitles, so he could still watch the movie above the loud laughing coming from Virgil. 
Patton was way too good at this, far too practiced, and knew Virgil’s belly much too well. He kept Virgil just on the edge of hysterics, and he kept him there a long time. Then suddenly the tickles stopped. 
Virgil breathed, still laughing, and looked down to see Patton hovering his hand over his stomach. 
“I’m going after that giggle button next.” Patton said. 
Virgil stifled a whine and shimmied around, not that he could get away. 
“I need you to count down for me, ok?”
“F-from whahat?”
“I’ll let you pick.”
Virgil froze at the decision. “Five?”
Patton smiled and nodded. “Five is a very good number. What comes next?”
Patton’s hand got closer. Virgil squirmed violently, and Roman had to shift position again. 
“Pat, Pat please— it's too much.”
“No, it isn’t,” Patton reassured him. “You’ve done this plenty of times before. What’s the next number?”
“Thre-EE!” Virgil sucked in his stomach away from the hand that was far too close. 
“What’s next?”
“It’s… Patton please!”
“Yes, I know you want the tickles. That’s why you asked for them so nicely! But you have to count to get them. What’s the next number?”
“Two—“ Virgil pulled hard at his arms, trying to get away, or protect his stomach, or do anything. Patton’s outstretched finger was only barely not touching now. 
“Last one, Virge. What’s the last number?”
“I don’t— I can’t!”
“Yes, you can. You’re very good at this, remember?”
Virgil squeezed his eyes shut. “One!”
Patton swirled and corkscrewed his finger in Virgil’s bellybutton, and Virgil screamed with laughter. He bucked and pulled, shrieking until his voice left him. Only then did Patton mercifully pull away, and instead rub soft circles on his belly. 
“See, you did so well! Wasn’t that fun?”
Virgil was still shaking with laughter. He nodded. 
“I’ll let you have a break now. We aren’t done yet.”
Virgil’s eyes popped open, but there was not a hint of a lie on Patton’s face. 
Patton let him have a break until he’d caught his breath. Then there was a buzzing sound. Patton waved an electric toothbrush in the air. 
“You know, I never did get to try one of these on your tummy.”
He lowered it slowly, down towards the sensitive spot on the side of Virgil’s waist. 
“Wahait! Patton!”
Patton let it hover just above the skin. “Alright, I’ll wait. You’ll have to tell me when you’re ready.”
Virgil’s skin was crawling with anticipation already, and he knew the longer he waited the worse it would get. But he couldn’t help it. As much as one side of his mind wanted the tickles, another side kept telling him to get away. 
“Nohono, please!”
“Please right now?” Patton said, his face somehow perfectly innocent and fantastical evil at the same time. 
“No! PleHEASE!” Virgil squealed as the toothbrush touched down. 
The soft bristles swirled against his skin, skimming easily with the coating of oil on his stomach. It tickled SO MUCH MORE than he’d imagined. The brush dragged along, down to his waistline. Virgil let out shrieks and peals of laughter, begging for mercy. Tears slipped out from the corners of his eyes, and finally the brush lifted. 
Virgil couldn’t stop laughing for several more minutes, especially with Patton teasing him again. 
“Such a good, strong little Lee. Are all the tickles so fun for you? Little Virgey wants to get tickle-tickle-tickled all night long?”
Virgil’s face was beet red again. 
“We’ll give you a bit of a break. Just a little more. Then you can have more tickles.” Patton rubbed a hand over his stomach. “Tonight this little belly is going to get all the tickles it can hold.”
Virgil let out a giggle, and Patton gave several pokes to his belly, and rubbed softly. It was a short break, and then Patton started lightly scribbling over his tummy. Virgil giggled and let out sweet, soft laughter, hardly squirming at all. 
“Aww, this is your favorite, isn’t it?” Patton said. 
Virgil nodded, his giggles coming too fast to talk. 
Patton kept going a while, and then shifted to kneading Virgil’s stomach, and his sides. He got down to Virgil’s hips, and he practically melted into Patton’s lap, still spilling soft giggles from his lips. 
“Here’s what I want to do,” Patton said. “I think you’ve got one more big tickle in you, and then we’ll stick with the littles ones, alright? I’ll give you all the soft tickles you want.”
Virgil nodded. Probably he could handle it, if it was just one more. And then he could have as many of the soft tickles as he wanted. 
“That’s good! Logan, would you hand me a pillow?”
Logan handed Patton a large pillow, and helped to put it underneath Virgil. It propped up his lower back, so that when Roman and Logan held his arms and legs, his belly was stretched out, held up in the air and perfectly ready to be tickled. Patton also laid an arm over his ribs. He gave an experimental wiggle, which didn’t work. He couldn’t move a bit. 
His breath came faster, and he tried another time to wiggle, but he was really and truly stuck. A nervous, excited smile spread across his face. 
“It’ll only be thirty seconds. That’s it. I won’t do any more than that.” Patton promised. 
Virgil nodded. 
“But I’m going straight after your death spot.”
Virgil’s eyes went wide. 
“And I’m going to use the toothbrush again.”
A whine slipped out from his lips. 
Patton was grinning, but he still had a bit of concern in his eyes. “If it’s too much, you can use your safe word, or you can pinch Roman, and he’ll stop me.”
Virgil looked up at Roman, who was actually looking at him now, and gave him a solemn nod. “Patton’s been wanting to do this all day, but if you don’t like it we’ll stop right away.”
To be fair, Virgil had been wanting to be wrecked all day, but they were acting so serious about it. Then again, it was his DEATH SPOT with a freaking ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH!
Virgil slowly nodded. 
Patton let out an excited giggle. “Alrighty then! We’ll get you warmed up just a little bit.” He scribbled over Virgil’s stomach, which had him bursting into laughter again. “And the timer starts… now!”
Logan held up his phone with the timer, and tapped the start button. 
Virgil heard the buzzing that was the toothbrush, but he couldn’t see it past Patton’s arm. And then it landed just below his bellybutton, swirling in a circle around the rim. 
Virgil SCREAMED. It was the best worst tickling he’d ever experienced in his life. He pulled hard at all his limbs, thrashing to escape the torment. But it just kept going! 
5 seconds. 
 Might as well have been hours. Virgil was screaming so much it could barely be understood to be laughter anymore. 
15 seconds. 
Tears were running down his face. 
20 seconds. 
As if it hadn’t already been bad enough, then Patton dipped the brush inside his bellybutton, swirling and twisting to tickle every tiny bit of it. 
25 seconds. 
Virgil’s laughter went silent, and he could barely even pull or thrash at all anymore. There was no way he was calling a safeword if he couldn’t even laugh, but he when could’ve pinched Roman to make it stop, he didn’t. 
And then the timer went off. It was over. Virgil was gasping and panting, and had all the attention of three sides to help him calm down, and slowly sit up, and drink some water. He slowly regained his composure, at least as much as is possible after being tickled half to death. After a while, the movie was over, and Logan switched to a different one. 
“Do you still want the soft tickles, or just cuddling?” Patton asked. 
“... the soft tickles…” Virgil said shyly. 
“You want more?? After that?!” Roman said incredulously. 
Virgil flushed. He put on a bit of a cocky attitude. “You guys murder me with tickles so often, I had to build up a tolerance.”
So once the movie was started, Virgil laid down over their laps, this time completely free, and tipped to his side a bit so he could see the movie. Patton rubbed his hand over him softly, occasionally giving a little scribble or squeeze, or lightly tracing a pattern. Virgil enjoyed this quite a bit, letting out soft giggles. 
But after a while he tugged his shirt back down, rolling onto his stomach, and Patton shifted to just rubbing circles on his back. He also reached up and pulled at Roman’s hand. Roman got the hint quickly, petting his hair softly. Logan summoned a blanket to cover them all. It took barely five minutes, even with Virgil trying to stay awake, for him to drift off to sleep. 
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