#I need a mentor chararcter for info-dumping
dont-touch-my-soup · 1 year
Magic Inspiration Tag
Thanks for tagging me @i-can-even-burn-salad​ <3
I am gonna leave it as an open tag. Please tag me if you do it too. I always loooove talking about worldbuilding.
Rules: share the inspiration/s for the magic system in your WIP
That’s a good question. I think my main inspiration was music. Sometimes music feels like magic, and I was wondering what that could look like in a fantasy world. That’s how the song magic in Unsung Heroes was born. That’s also the reason why most chapters are named after songs and/or centre around songs in one way or another.
Then I needed an “evil counter magic”. I am not proud, but it was basically like “uhhhh something evil? ... whatever demons it is”. I probably watched too much Supernatural when I was younger.
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