#I need this in hd 🙄😩
melissa-leaf · 1 year
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
I just finished watching Undisputed 4 and i just have one question to ask: who was this movie for? Because it definitely wasn't for fans of these movies.
The way they changed Boyka's character into something that just felt like the tool for some christian propaganda more than the deranged beast we grew to know and love is baffling to say the least.
What, did middle age crisis hit him so bad he forgot about his all life goal about being the most complete fighter and became a guilt ridden christian instead? What's that fucking bullshit? Our boy Yuri didn't give a flying fuck about that stuff. He was a fighter and he was an honorable one, but he wasn't a fucking UWU I FEEL GUILTY ABOUT KILLING 🥺 pussy.
Even if we put his god awful character development ("") aside, the plot on its own was ridiculous man. And that's not even counting the ending, which I'll get to in a minute. What made the directors think ANYONE wanted to see Boyka with a love interest or whatever? This was the worst possible way to introduce a relevant female character to the movie, honestly. They would have been better off if she could help him train or something, instead of creating this character that got constantly sexualized despite her whole point was that she hated that. It honestly feels insulting.
The fights were so fucking BAD too holy fuck, they couldn't even nail that, the most important part in a undisputed movie. They were repetitive, irrelevant, confusing... EVEN THE FINAL FIGHT, THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE, FUCKING SUCKED ASS. Which is even sadder considering the fucking potential that big boy had.
But, truly? I think the ending fucked up when they tried to make Boyka a hero, because Boyka is NOT a hero.
He's an anti hero at best, being a very honorable fighter who doesn't like dirty play, but he's not this... Feminist icon looking to redeem himself after accidentally killing a guy who did that to himself (since Boyka very clearly told him to stay down).
Everything after that fight, however, was just plain bullshit. Like... This whole movie feels like it's spitting on the face of Undisputed 3 and that hurts me so much because, how fucking dare you.
It's not that the script on its own was bad (it was though, literally all of this could have been solved if Boyka just wrote a letter or sent her an email, we all know he's not stupid and this is 2016 so he has the resources to NOT GOING TO THE COUNTRY WHERE HE'S A FUGITIVE), but it's simply not good for a Yuri Boyka movie. No one wants to see Boyka fall in love, or be a hero, or... Whatever he was doing, having mediocre fights he wasn't even passionate about, i guess.
Undisputed 3 was good because it was Boyka's redemption, it was his "I'm no longer a villain", and that was enough. We didn't need to see him become a full on morally white hero. No one needed that, no one wanted that.
I think that's all I can say. The longer i went on writing this the sadder i got. It's truly such a disservice to the franchise and to the character... And to have him right back where he started? What the fuck does that achieve? What was the whole point of his redemption - WHAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF UNDISPUTED 3 - if you are gonna leave him where he first started?
All the good they could have done, they didn't. It's like they just handled the project to someone who had never watched any of the movies except for some YouTube clips and let him run wild with it. All the potential to have references to the previous fighters... Nothing. Only one miserable flashback.
And to add insult to injury,
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melissa-leaf · 2 years
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pre-final 😏😌 uh, I need all that hugs-videos in hd 🙄😩
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