#I need to figure out how to access the subsidied cali ins*rance shit :
freebooter4ever Β· 1 year
Ok the one thing i haven't been talking about that's been going on behind all this job stuff...i hurt my knee while running a week before everything happened. Not the bad knee the GOOD knee. I had been making plans to see the doctor the week where instead my boss took me into a meeting room and told me so sorry you're laid off and please leave the building quietly without explaining to anyone.
and the thing anyone not in the US might not realize: americans IMMEDIATELY lose their health ins*urance the minute they get laid off. Liberal states like WA, CA, and OR are some of the few who have social health but even that takes a while to sign up for, it's not an automatic transfer. But what is automatic is that the minute you no longer are working you are expected to pay out of pocket for any health costs.
I was looking at the prospect of being unemployed, building a portfolio, and looking for work all while being unable to keep up my usual level of exercise. Exercise is really the only thing i use to manage my depression - i have known since high school that if i go even a week without regular cardio im fucking screwed. So yeah, i've been scared shitless these past few weeks - not about finding a new job but mostly just not wanting to hit that spiral down. especially when im supposed to be "advertising" myself as an artist.
BUT after a heck of a lot of very careful stretching (thank you dance background), icing, and generally trying to stay off my knee unless necessary (even driving ffs) - this weekend i was able to go running (4 miles, soft dirt trail), walk to and from the grocery store, and walk around ALL day yesterday at the gardens. And my knee feels completely normal. :D
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