#I need to unlearn it being matoria l
looniecartooni · 3 years
Wisely: Oh sure- everyone is soooo happy its that tough exorcist with an attitude problem that's longer than his hair's birthday just passed. But everyone seems to ignore the fact that it also our wonderful Matoira's birthday as well! *opens a door to reveal Maitora petting a mouse*
Wisely: What? Is Matoira not important enough too you? They happen to be in charge of everything that goes on around here. They created those spells Cross uses to reserrect that dead lady and make the skulls, they programmed the ark- Perhaps if you got to know them more, you could see exactly why-
Kanda: Oi- does that five-eye guy ever shut up?
Wisely: Huh? *peers into the room Matoria is in and sees that Kanda is in there with them* Wh- Wh- WHAAAAAAT?!!
Mightra: *shrugs*
Wisely: Matoira! What- what's he doing here? How did he get here?!
Matoria: ... *shrugs*
Kanda: Well unlike you and everybody else, they're being quiet and not forcing gifts upon me or bothering me every second. Everyone's got something to say. I want to spend my time as a year older in peace. Hey- creepy mask person. Mind if I pet one of these mice? They're also being quite quiet.
Matora: *hesitates a moment before handing him a mouse and picking up another one*
Wisely: Uh...
Kanda: *pets the mouse, then glares at Wisely and draws mugen* Get out. Its not your birthday.
Matoria: *nods*
Wisely: Ack. Alright fine! Celebrate however you want! I'll just... go take a nap I guess.
Kanda: Hmph.
Matoira: *closes the door*
Wisely: ... Well then-
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