#I never write 2.2k at the very beginning so... we're off to a good start hopefully
mingyoozi · 7 years
Wonwoo: Blood for Blood, Bloom for Bloom (pt 1)
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[table of contents] I. II. III. IV.
anonymous asked: hello! if its not too much, can i request a wonwoo hanahaki disease au scenario? like i want it very angsty bc i lov to break mi own heart but i dont want anyone to die. thank you, you lovely little bean hehe ^~^💛
Summary: a kind of fictional historical thing based in the tudor era but like u can’t really call it that cuz like did henry VII or queen elizabeth actually ever reign in this fictional world ??? that’s the real question.. also mingyu and wonwoo don’t wear those ugly ass balloon pants that were classic of the tudor era…. I wouldn’t do that to them… nor would I let them do that to themselves….
The sounds of an orchestra playing and feet shuffling in the background fade. Your shoes suddenly feel like nothing, unlike the previous iron weights that they had felt like before. Every blister and bruise becomes completely unknown to you. You lean against the window, the latticework cold against your cheek as fatigue settles into your bones, though only out of the anxiety of having to dance with strangers in the middle of a loud room.
“There you are,” You hear from behind you. You don’t turn toward the voice, knowing exactly who it came from and knowing also that you’d rather not see him right now.
“Here I am.” You state, your voice sounding pathetically weak and getting lost and muffled in the glass panes of the window.
“Your sister is looking for you.” Mingyu says. He reaches out for you, placing a hand on your shoulder, but you shrug it off with a sigh.
“When is she not?” You scoff.
“You shouldn’t be walking around with that kind of attitude. She may be your sister but she’s still the next queen and this is still her wedding party.” He scolds. It’s accompanied by a flick to the back of your head.
You grimace. “I wasn’t the one who gave her the flowers, I don’t see what good my help will do.”
“Your sister’s ineptitude of self control isn’t the problem here,” He hisses, taking you by the forearm and dragging you back through the palace. “It’s the fact that you’re not there to hold her hair back while she expels petals into her chamberpot that is.”
You scoff, but you let him drag you down the corridors and deposit you at the door to her room. You knock on the door, but you don’t wait for her reply. The lantern beside her bed is dwindling, providing only a dim light to only a small portion of the room. You can hear retching coming from the darkest corner.
“Oh, Jieun.” You gasp. You rush to her side almost immediately, letting the door swing shut behind you. The light from the corridor peers in through the cracks.
“I’m alright.” Jieun insists, wiping her mouth on her sleeve.
As annoying as the situation is, you still feel bad for her. She is your older sister, after all.
When your parents died and your uncle had shipped the both of you off to a neighbouring kingdom, a betrothal sitting heavy on Jieun’s shoulders, she had taken care of you. She watched over you and made sure that you still received the same love and attention that you would have had at home. And now, rubbing Jieun’s back as you watch the colour return to your face, it dawns on you that it’s your time to return the favour.
She takes deep breaths as she sits on the floor, her hand clutching yours as she feels the familiar pangs of the rose in her torso digging its thrones into her heart and her stomach. She had always loved roses as a child, and you can only think of one person who loves roses more than she does. That’s how you’d figured it out in the first place.
“Stupid Mingyu,” You curse. “I should’ve killed him as soon as the first petal fell from your lips.”
“No, you shouldn’t have.” She grumbles. She lets you help her up and onto her bed.
You kneel behind her, forgoing your expensive dress and your stiff crinoline. “Give me one good reason why.” You say as you untie the back of her corset.
“Because it’ll only make things worse. I’ll have a disease with no cure.” She says, tilting her head back so that you can brush her hair.
You clench your jaw. “You already have a disease with no cure. Mingyu is devoted to the king, he wouldn’t let himself fall in love with the king’s betrothed, even if he wanted to.” You say.
“Alright, then because he’s your best friend.”
“You’re my best friend.” You argue. She giggles, though it’s interrupted by a cough.
“I’m your best friend by blood,” She says. “Mingyu is your best friend by choice.”
“It wasn’t my choice.” You grumble. She giggles again, and it’s an incredibly sweet sound to your ears.
You had a quiet upbringing, a life and education without music. Jieun was trained in politics and the traditional instruments of your ancestors, where you were trained to hunt and read and write. Royalty had never suited you, and being the youngest of five in line for the throne had always been a relief as it allowed for more leniency towards your whims.
Jieun could have been your parents’ successor and you could’ve stayed at home with her, had it not been for your uncle taking over and promising her to the Jeon dynasty. Your three brothers had been allowed to stay in your kingdom, your uncle favouring a local education influenced by your family’s own beliefs than the education of another culture.
The cultural differences between your kingdom and the Jeon’s had never ceased to amaze you in the few months that you had been living with them. You hadn’t been allowed to go to school, only seeing tutors in the palace who were shocked to see a girl practicing writing. Only certain people were allowed access to the library, so you found yourself quickly lacking an entertaining pastime in the first few weeks, until you met Mingyu.
“You should go.” Jieun suggests as soon as you’ve finished brushing the knots out of her hair. “The queen will want to speak with me about her son.”
You roll your eyes. “He probably thinks the flowers are for him.” You say, getting up and returning to your pile of clothing. You struggle into your crinoline and your silk dress, silently thanking your dressmaker for putting the laces on the front of your bodice instead of the back.
“You’ve never even met him. He’s not that bad, Y/N. He likes reading, like you. And he’s actually quite tolerable.” She says, laying on her side and pulling the sheets over herself.
“Tolerable,” You mutter distastefully under your breath, so low that Jieun doesn’t hear it. “Get some rest, Jieun. You’re looking frail. I’ll call someone to light the fire for you.”
Jieun is right. You don’t have any right to be insulting the king when you’ve never seen him around the palace even once. Though, that is cause for concern, given your curious nature and the fact that you had investigated every corner of the bright-tiled castle within your first week of living here.
Mingyu is still standing outside when you exit Jieun’s room, leaning against the wall and staring down at his boot-clad feet.
“Oh,” You let out. “You’re still here.”
He chuckles. “Yes, I’m still here.” He says.
If it wasn’t for your sister’s infatuation and your general distaste for royalty, you might regard the next king’s best friend in a better light. Mingyu’s cheeks fill out just enough that they aren’t overly or underly pronounced, laying under perfectly sculpted cheekbones and bright, joyful eyes. A good face and a good build make Mingyu the most eligible bachelor in this kingdom and yours.
“Want to accompany me in crashing my sister’s wedding party? Seeing as she won’t actually be able to attend it herself.” You ask.
He grins at you with that perfect smile of his and extends his arm. “I’m not sure if crashing is the right term. It’s not like either of us weren’t invited.” He says.
You take his arm and allow him to lead you back towards the ballroom. He helps you down the wide flight of stairs, his arm sturdy and reliable under yours. You know that he would catch you if you fell, because he has before. You’re not worried about that. You’re worried about the crowd that awaits you at the end.
“You won’t leave my side, right?” You whisper as you near the bottom of the staircase.
Mingyu snorts. “And throw you to the wolves? Would I ever do that to you?” He says.
You shrug. “You’re very unreliable.”
He laughs, the action of laughing consuming him entirely. It throws you off kilter, and you stumble down the last few steps without much grace and without Mingyu to catch you.
You are caught, though, at the very bottom of the stairs, by someone with a slightly less muscular frame than Mingyu’s but just as much height. Mingyu rushes to your side as the stranger pushes you to your feet, his dark hair and dark eyes entrancing you for a mere second, though you miss the crown that sits atop his head.
“Pardon me, my lord.” You mumble, your cheeks blazing as you dip your head in a curtsey.
“Mingyu,” The stranger says, a scolding tone laced through his voice. “Is this how you treat a lady? You laugh at her and then push her down the stairs?”
“She lost her footing, your highness, and the laughter was all in good fun.” Mingyu defends himself.
The words ‘your highness’ ring through your ears, and your face starts to feel hotter than it had before. Mingyu elbows you in the side and you stand up straight, willing your face to cool down.
“Don’t look so flustered, my lady. I’m sure this brute was the one at fault here.” Wonwoo says.
Mingyu scoffs and Wonwoo chuckles.
“Just for that, you can find someone else to teach you sword fighting.” Mingyu threatens. He turns away from you, leaving you and forgoing the promise he had made to stay by your side.
Wonwoo laughs, wholeheartedly and deep in his throat. “Ignore him.” He suggests.
“I’ve been ignoring him for weeks, I don’t think he’s caught on yet.” You joke lightly, still nervous about being in the presence of your sister’s new husband.
“Tell me, what brings you to my wedding party? I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.” He asks.
“Queen Jieun, your highness. She’s my sister.” You reply.
Wonwoo’s smile falters, but he clears his throat and it’s back in an instant. “My condolences, my lady. The flowers are a terrible illness that I wouldn’t wish upon my greatest enemies. I will watch over her well. I assure you that she is getting only the best medical attention.” He says.
“Of course,” You say. “I wouldn’t think anything less of the Jeon family. You’ve all been very kind and attentive.”
“Would you happen to have an idea of who caused the flowers?” He asks.
You stare down at your hands, guilt settling in your stomach.
“Does it concern you, your highness?” You ask, evading the question as much as possible.
You know that Wonwoo doesn’t love your sister, he doesn’t even feel anything close to the puppy love that your sister is harbouring for his best friend, but you can’t help but fear that he’ll do something regretful to either or both of them.
You keep your eyes low as he replies.
“Indeed, it does. Jieun is young and full of life, it would be a shame to see her taken so early by something so small as an unrequited love.” He says.
You nod. “I agree. Unfortunately, your highness, I haven’t seemed to come into that information. Jieun and I are close, but there are some secrets that you keep only for yourself.” You say. He sighs.
“That is unfortunate. But, I digress. I’ve heard a lot about you, my lady. Your sister speaks very highly of you and Mingyu seems quite taken with you.” Wonwoo says.
You shake your head, your cheeks turning red again. “My sister is my sister, and Mingyu is a fool.” You say, encouraging a chuckle from Wonwoo.
“Yes, you’re not wrong.” He agrees.
The song changes and he offers his hand to you. It’s a song with a slower tempo than before, and the floor begins to clear in favour of more experienced dancers.
“Er, pardon me, your highness. I don’t dance.” You say.
He shoots you a grin that takes your breath away. It’s the first time you’ve ever felt like this around someone of such high stature. His teeth are perfectly aligned, something that you rarely ever see. It’s possible that he might be even more attractive than Mingyu is, though it’s more in your personal taste than conventionally thought, a statement that you thought you’d never say or think.
His cheekbones rest high on his face and his jaw is strong and sharp. You find yourself wanting to reach out and caress his skin that looks so fair and so perfect. The inevitable heirs that he will have with Jieun are bound to be beautiful. They’ll most likely have his dark hair and dark eyes, and Jieun’s upturned button nose.
The thought sends a sour feeling straight to your core, the idea of Jieun holding his children in her arms. For the first time ever, you can feel something that you’ve never felt before. It twists in your gut in a way that makes you want to scream and laugh at the same time.
“Neither do I. I was wondering if you’d like to continue our conversation somewhere where we can actually hear each other?” He suggests.
“Oh,” You say, your voice doing nothing to contain your shock. “I suppose I’m not needed elsewhere. But what about you, your highness? It is your party.”
“Yes, it is. Is this not mingling?” He teases, his grin widening.
You roll your eyes. “You’re just as much a fool as Mingyu Kim.”
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