#I noticed a few of the oina NPCs talk about sailing to the other parts of Nippon from Kamui
It seems your hunch was right: the merchants definitely seem more willing to speak to you with Kuki's mask on your person. They indulge you when you ask about their routes, though most of the ones they tell you about seem to lead to other parts of Kamui. When you ask about going further, they've all given you strange looks, with a few asking if you plan to cross by sea. It seems leaving might be trickier than you thought...
"Well now," eventually comes a voice from behind you, "what a pleasant surprise to see you up and about."
When you turn, you can't find who's speaking. Thankfully, if Akemi has taught you one thing, it's to look down before taking any steps around you. What you find is another poncle... actually three of them, though you immediately recognize the one in the middle.
"I think I should be saying the same to you!" You offer Ikken as best a bow as you can at your height, and you're pretty sure he offers you one back (at least you think he does, it's admittedly a little hard to see with him down at your feet.) "You're a bit far from Ponc'tan, no?"
"I'm here on business. Even training another, I'm still the current Celestial Envoy for now." He holds up a hand to steady his guards when you carefully take a knee in the snow, and you swear the glow around him warms. "It's good to see you faring much better than when we met. I see the oina have even warmed up to you."
"Well, some of them." You offer him a bit of a shrug. "Even then, I'm sure none of it would have happened without the poncles' aid." As soon as you say that, something clicks in your brain, and idea pops into your head. "Actually, if I may be so bold, I'd like to ask your help one more time. Or at least a question only you can answer."
Well that certainly has Ikken's attention. He gestures for your hand to hop up into your palm, and you wait for him to settle before lifting him more comfortably into your sight. "When the Celestial Envoys go out to spread word of the gods, how do they travel beyond Kamui?"
"You don't plan to stay in Wep'keer?" You shake your head, and Ikken tilts his the other way. "Do you hope to follow the next envoy when he's ready, then?"
"I'm planning to go south," you clarify, "I have other destinies that I'll need to see to."
That has Ikken humming a bit, a hand going to his chin in thought. "I suppose the work of a prophet would keep him busy," he muses, "especially in times like these." After a moment of humming and musing, the poncle in your hands looks back up. "There's a tunnel in the southern part of Kamui that leads to the rest of Nippon, in less time than it takes to cross by sea. I doubt you'll fit through the entrance we poncles take, but the space it leads to is much more human sized."
Well that's incredibly promising. You're starting to wonder why no one ever thought to tell you about this before. "And the Oina don't use it?" you muse as Ikken offers a shrug.
"I can only assume they don't know how. Honestly, I can't say I completely know how the big folk would use it. I've never seen the door open at your height." Oh. That's... admittedly less promising, even as Ikken continues. "Though, if the poncles can use it, I'm sure someone the gods favor enough to live among them might be able to find a way as well."
You really don't know how well that confidence is placed, but you're willing to check it out if it means you won't need to find someone willing to ferry you across the ocean. (Ugh, what a way to find out that the thought of boarding any sort of boat again makes you feel a little ill...) "I'm sure I can figure it out. Can you show me where it is?"
"I'm afraid the journey's a bit far for me, especially when I have both a village to attend to and an envoy to train." You don't need to see his face to know exactly what look he's giving you. "But if you're willing to carry me the rest of the way to see Moshiri, I think I might have an idea for who can."
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