#I only celebrate one of the above holidays but. They happen so closely to eachother i might as well
quotidianish · 1 year
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to everyone who celebrates, I hope you’ve had a nice Yom Kippur, Chuseok, and Mid autumn festival !
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bonus celebration under cut ❤️
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closedcoffins · 2 years
🌿 | for melvi :3c
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“Oh, no. How dreadful. I seem to have stumbled into you in---” Melvi takes a very un-subtle glance above him at the festive plant hanging by a messily tied string from the doorway to what used to be a speakeasy area, before the last lingering effects of prohibition were wiped away completely--- “this particular doorway. What a travesty.”
A smile spreads across his face, the kind Melvi’s been told only appears there when he’s plotting something. Of course, the expression is purposeful this time. Luck would no doubt let Melvi kiss him and be done with it, but he should know by now that Melvi likes putting on airs, likes making a show of things.
Not that anyone else is around. Melvi wouldn’t be so bold if they were in danger of being run into by anyone but the people Luck already trusts enough not to care, of course. 
It’s just the fun of the game. Playing coy, pretending it was an accident that this piece of mistletoe had been placed here ( actually, it wasn’t his doing, but he’ll continue to let Maria think her desperate attempts to find herself underneath it with one of the dancers the jazz hall employs are subtle ) and that he happened to run into luck under it... That’s all part of his fun. Pretending like it’s some evil scheme, when really---
--- He steps closer, the movement so fluid it’d be hard to even notice he was making it until the gap is already closed, until his hands have already found the collar of Luck’s suit and he’s already tugging Luck closer, lightly enough that he knows Luck could resist ( but he doesn’t, he never does, because he also likes to give in more than he’ll admit ). Then he kisses Luck, softly and slowly, the way Melvi himself secretly likes it but won’t say.
He’s not really a holiday person, but he supposes there are merits to the celebration. Traditions like this, for one---but he wonders if the warmth he feels with Luck in his arms is similar to the feeling most people describe when they talk about whatever traditions they might celebrate with the people they love in the month leading up to the New Year.
He’s still thinking about love when he pulls away, opening his eyes slowly, languidly, like the moment will be over the moment he can see again.
“Someone really oughtta move that thing. We wouldn’t want to run into eachother like this again.”
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mistletoe. / accepting.
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darveyfics · 7 years
Combination of Prompts:
anonymous: Holiday prompt: Harvey kisses Donna at midnight on new year's eve
@maybeineed-u: new years eve, they haven’t talked to eachother since the ‘donna’ kiss, countdown starts and he swoops in with an ‘excuse me’ or just pulls her arm from her hand and before she can even speak he kisses her. happy ending <3
Just in Time
"He'll be here," Rachel promises her, squeezing her elbow as she passes and Donna startles at the words, knowing exactly who her best friend and collegue is talking about and yet-
Rachel rolls her eyes. "Don't play that game with me. I know who you're staring at the door for."
"I am not staring at the door," she huffs, turning her back on the entryway and returning her gaze to her hardly touched drink.
"It's his firm. Hell, it's his New Year's Eve party. He wouldn't miss it."
"Rachel," Donna sighs, rolling her eyes at her friend's placating words. "I'm not concerned over him showing up or not. I-"
"Only if he shows up in time for midnight, right?" Rachel teases, wiggling her brow and the redhead scoffs at her.
Harvey is her friend, her boss, the man who she... but they won’t ever say anything to ruin what’s between them. Just because it's New Year's Eve and with the strike of midnight comes a certain tradition doesn't mean she can simply overlook the pace they've set thus far. She's still working to be more, to become a better COO with all the her new responsabilities plus ignoring Harvey after she kissed him, and as much as she wishes she could kiss Harvey at midnight, he hasn’t talked to her the whole week and from what she knows, he hates her.
"And don't tell me you dressed up for anyone but him," Rachel continues, plucking at the skirt of Donna’s dress, the fitted fabric that clings to her thighs. As always, Donna had chosen a dress that couldn’t be missed, a gold sequins long spaghetti strap wrapped dress that clinged to her body and curves perfectly.
"Shouldn't you be coordinating with Michael, preparing for your New Year's kiss?" Donna tosses back instead of denying Rachel’s claims. It's a pointless endeavor, and it may be a little true. She had bought the golden sequins dress for his party, knowing he'd see her in it, had imagined his expression while she'd assessed the plunging backless dress at the mirrors of the dressing room.
She can't deny the surge of disappointment she had felt upon walking inside the ballroom only to learn from Jessica that he was going to be late due to an unexpected delay in his flight back from Chicago. He had been gone all week, accompanying an old co-worker during a case.
It had only been four days, but she had missed him and he was supposed to be back in time for the party he had made her plan weeks in advance for New Year's Eve.
But the party had started three hours ago and it was nearing midnight.
"Who said I was kissing Mike?" Rachel demands loosely jokingly, averting her eyes to one of the flat screen TVs positioned overhead and taking a sip of her champagne. "And stop trying to change the subject."
Donna ignores her, glancing down once more to the drink in front of her, fighting the urge to turn watchful eyes back towards the door.
"We're going to make it," Ray promises him, patting his own bobbing knee in the driver’s seat of the town car, but Harvey’s hope is dwindling. He had told him everything about his break up with Paula, and Ray, who had always rooted for Harvey and Donna, took the chance of a lifetime and coached Harvey throughout this whole week on what to do with Donna.
It's New Year's Eve and the streets are clogged with traffic, the mess of Times Square and the holiday itself casting chaos through the city, and he cannot start his new year off like this, not when he knew Donna Paulsen was waiting for him at his own damn party.
Rachel had sent him a blurry photo of her and he had nearly lost his breath, along with his footing, as he had hustled through the airport with Ray. She looked stunning, like something out of his dreams, and he may not be able to kiss her tonight, but he had to see her.
"She dressed up for you," Rachel had texted him, his eyes flickering down to the phone in his hand, still alight with the picture of his former secretary.
"It's three minutes to midnight," Ray states instead, lifting from his side and reaching for his door.
"Ray?" he questions, but his driver is nudging him out of the car. They're not moving anyway, but he had finally begun to accept that he was going to miss the party, miss Donna. Apparently, though, Ray didn't intend to let that happen.
"If you run, you can make it," Ray informs him, a smile spreading across his lips, revealing a glimpse of white teeth in the flashes of the city lights. "I'll go to your apartment, get your bags in safely."
"Are you sure?" Harvey inquires, his heart already beginning to pound with anticipation.
If he ran he could make it in time.
Ray nods. "Good luck!" He calls after Harvey, tugging the door shut, but still smiling at him from behind the glass of the window. He steps onto the sidewalk and then begins his race down the street.
The countdown has started and Donna finally sighs her acceptance. He's not going to make it and it isn't his fault, she can't possibly blame him for a delayed flight, but disappointment still wraps her in its cold embrace.
All of their co-workers are chanting the numbers, less than thirty seconds to go, and Donna slowly begins to weave her way through the crowd, hoping to escape before the strike of the New Year can resound through the bar, desperate for the chill of night air instead. She’s used to spending this moment in solitude, she had just hoped this year would be different, maybe this year would be the year.
Harvey can hear the shout of seconds ticking by all around him, echoing through the streets, and he's so close, the gigantic building in his sights, and he has fifteen seconds left. He'll make it.
Donna pushes the revolving doors and steps out to the streets, breathes in a sigh of relief, and grits her teeth through the shiver that tumbles down her spine. She had left her coat in the wardrobe, but it's too late to turn back, not when there's only five seconds left until midnight.
The gasp of her name has her eyes flying up to the familiar source, to her boss jogging towards her, a relieved smile spilling across his lips, a gasp leaving her lips before she can stop it.
"You made it," she gets out, disbelief and a ridiculous burst of joy spreading through her chest.
"I made it," he manages, out of breath as he meets her on the sidewalk, his eyes shining while his hands reach for her waist, pausing above her hips, unwilling to touch without her consent. “I’m sorry for... everything. I hope you’re okay with me.. doing this.”
She can’t breathe, her face still scrunched up, confused with whatever is happening at the moment. “Doing what?” She says, her voice cracked and breathless.
They couldn't start this new year off in a state of misery, and because he knew he sucks at talking he does what he’s best, he keeps his mouth shut, or most of it.
“Doing this.”
Happy New Year!
Harvey’s hands rise to cradle her cheeks and he covers her open-mouthed gasp with his lips over hers, the low hum of his moan and the riot of his heart between them drowning out the cheers of celebration, the searing stroke of his tongue clearing her mind of everything but him and the taste of victory on his lips.
"Donna," he gasps out, his heart racketing so hard against his ribs, she has unclenched her fingers from his coat to cover it with her palm, stop it from beating its way out. But her own heart refuses to silence, hammering through her chest and poking holes in her lungs, the task of breathing impossible, unfavorable.
She doesn't want oxygen; she just wants Harvey to keep kissing her, for this moment of resolution to last forever.
Harvey’s hands slip through the curls of her hair, his cold hands skimming her naked back, converging at the base of her spine where the fabric meets again. Her body cants forward, into the furnace of his, and he presses his lips to the corner of her mouth.
"I’m sorry."
"You already said that." Donna sasses, with a smirk on her lips, touching her fingers to his cheek, still able to feel the heat of blood beneath the layer of cold on his skin.
“You want to know something else?” Harvey asks with a smile on his lips.
She chuckles, confused. “What?”
“I love you,” He murmurs softly. She didn’t expect that, her smile vanishing in seconds, her heart beating in a rushed rythm. “Not in a friendly way, not in a brotherly way, not in a platonic way but in an ‘I’m in love with you’ way. I want to stop wasting time and spend the rest of my life making it up to you, Donna.”
She swallows the ball stuck on her throat, her eyes shiny full of tears but her lips stretched in a smile. “I love you too,” Harvey smiles and starts approaching her lips once again but gets rudely interrupted on his way by Donna’s hand. “but so help me Harvey Specter that you‘re doing this because-”
“Donna,” he starts. “you’re it for me.”
They both miss work the next day, and the next, and the next, and the next.
They almost don’t get out of bed for the first two.
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oftheark · 5 years
V A N I T A S ;)
*     VALENTINE’S DAY ALPHABET | Accepting (why not I’m already late as is)
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
Noe likes the concept of Valentines day but doesn’t have a lot of memories around the holiday itself. His grandparents would get him chocolate, but that’s the most he can remember. His teacher didn’t really celebrate most holidays, and while Domi wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to give Noe flowers - that was only if she happened to be there on that day.
If anything it’s more of a nostalgic holiday for him because of this.
But as I said, he likes the concept of Valentines day. Showering a loved one in presents and love. That sounds pleasant to him. 
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Despite being extremely blunt, his affection would probably be through more actions than words.
Noe is physically affectionate. He wouldn’t mind holding hands, giving random hugs throughout the day, simply standing close to someone he has feelings for. 
He also likes to do small things for them. Getting them food, holding doors open, guiding them carefully through crowds, etc. 
N : -
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
As mentioned above - Noe is very open on his feelings, practically an open book. Because of this, he probably wouldn’t find it too hard to say ‘I love you’ or other terms of affection. The problem lies with the fact that he’s oblivious, and might say the words without completely weighing what they mean to the person he’s saying them to. 
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
Like the concept of Valentines Day, Noe likes the concept of finding a true love. Finding a soulmate, someone to spend the rest of your days with, sounds nice to Noe. He was told by his human grandparents that true love was real, as they had found it in eachother. So he likes to believe that it’s real and he’ll find someone one day. 
He can’t really speak from experience though, he’s never found a romantic love. I honestly think he has a hard time separating platonic and romantic feelings and thus he probably ends up ‘friend-zoning’ most people who are interested in him.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
Not particularly. One could argue Domi was that, but their relationship is a bit more complicated than simply childhood friends or childhood sweethearts. 
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