#I only have super vague memories of what infero said
sigery · 9 months
How would chaos as the big dad man handle vortex’s need to apply icepacks? The little guy definitely needs them from how inflamed the areas where the rods were shoved through is. But he much like lord night hates the feeling of ice and will protest greatly
He must do his icepacks or no pouch time. Applying the ice packs means pouch snuggles as well as a treat. If he promises not to move them off of himself, he can do his icepacks during pouch time.
Vortex might hate the feeling of ice, but it is good for him and will help minimize further inflammation and hopefully reduce any pain from it.
If it really really really bothers him, with his permission of course, Pride can temporarily turn off the sensors there for ice time. This is only with explicit permission from Vortex and the sensors will only be off during ice time.
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