#I originally didn't math it or look up birth dates and stuff but I had a rough idea of everything when this AU formed
jaedreaminn · 3 years
At War or In Love?
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Word Count: 2.5k
Pairings: Haechan x Reader.
Theme: fluff, crack, hurt, comfort, angst, enemies to lovers, collegeau.
Characters: Donghyuck, Jeno, Mark, Taeyong, Ten, Renjun, Jaemin, Jisung «mentioned» Chenle.
Words Count: 2.5k
Donghyuck knew he was a cheerful boy. His cheerfulness was given to him by his mother who he lived with for the first five years of his life. He couldn't remember her face but he did remember her smile and bubbly attitude and it stuck with him even after he was seperated from her to live with the Lee's. To live with his father.
He's always been social and good with people so he couldn't understand why Mrs.Lee hated him so much. Nor could he understand why his brothers who he was so excited to meet never spoke to him, so he had simply assumed that talking inside the Lee house was forbidden. He barely remembers his early childhood, just glimpses of memories passed through his head. Memories like Mrs.Lee's glares and awful words, memories of yelling and crying but he wasn't sure where the crying was coming from, memories of being stuck with an awful Maths teacher who really didn't like him.
But those were just distant memories because the memories that stuck with him were sitting at the dinner table and eating with his brother's, his elder brothers taking care of him and pampering him, Marks red face when he would annoy the boy who no matter how mad he was would never push Donghyuck away.
He remembers growing up protected by Taeyong, Ten, Mark and Jeno from his awful step mother. She was the only person Donghyuck ever despised, he remembers how she was drunk and angry one day and she grabbed him by his arm and yelled at him, told him he wasn't supposed to exist, wasn't supposed to be loved. But she was also told him something that broke his eight year old self, she told him his birth mother had died.
He remembers crying into Tens arms bitterly and all of his brothers joining him, huddling together on Tens small bed to console him. That night when he had fallen asleep in his brothers arms he dreamt of his mother, his mother who smiled at him and told him he was loved and that he was ment to love and to always be happy and cheerful. And so he believed her.
He lived his life quite happily, shielded from his parents by his brothers, which he would grow up to appreciate.
He was cheerful and friendly and loving and got along with everyone. So he couldn't for the life of him understand why you made his blood boil so much.
"Y/n you're messing it up!" He yelled, frustrated but you only ignored him poking you tongue out from the side of your mouth as you concentrated on lining the border of your assignment with decorative tape.
"Do you think we're still in kindergarten?" He mocked you and without wavering your attention from the task at hand you spoke, "If we were in kindergarten I would be at peace and you wouldn't be here." And that angered him even more.
"Why did you follow me to uni" he grumbled under his breath sitting down next to you.
"Please you followed me here" you scoffed, handing over the assignment to him.
"Why did you even waste time decorating the first page of the script. It doesn't make sense and doesn't even add to our marks"
"One. It makes our script original-" "but isn't the story in it origna-" "TWO. It looks cute" you said with a grin plastered on your face and he looked at you and wondered how anyone could be so irritability adorable.
"Well if you're only going to stare at me weirdly I'm leaving" and you were gone before he even got a chance to say anything. Haechan sighed, looking at the cutely decorated cover page to the script the two of you worked on together. You really were stupid.
Before he knew it he found himself at lunch seated in between Mark and Renjun.
"Ugh I swear if this one doesn't turn our right I'm quitting" Renjun grumbled to no one in particular as he continued to work on his art assignment. Haechan sighed feeding the busy boy a sandwich and Mark rolled his eyes.
"What are you losers upto" Jeno asked, approaching the table with Jisung trailing behind him.
"I'm still in shock you're studying music and dance" Mark said taking a bite of his food.
"He says that everytime" Jisung rolled his eyes as he sat down.
"At the pace at which Jeno was going at I'm pretty sure Mark expected him to get into crime" A voice spoke and all the boys looked up to be greeted by a smiling Jaemin.
"Aren't you supposed to be on my side?" Jeno asked Jaemin with a pout and the other just laughed handing him a bottle of water.
"Please I love Mark more" the grinning boy said and Jeno being his dramatic self visibly deflated.
"Calm down there casanova Marks already got someone" Renjun said, eyes still on his painting.
"Where's Chenle?" Haechan then asked. "He's still stuck in the practice room, said his partner is being annoying" Jisung answered after he realised no one else was going to.
"Pft I know a thing or to about annoying partners" Haechan scoffed and everyone at the table sighed.
"Here we go again" Jisung said rolling his eyes and digging into his food.
"Oh please Haechan this happens everytime it's either y/n this or y/n that. You're obsessed" Renjun said banging his paint brush onto the table.
"What! That's not true" Haechan started to get defensive.
"Please the amount of tension between the two of you is crazy! Like just date already" Jeno laughed and now Donghyuck was very embarrassed.
"You're single ass should date first you've still not dated anyone after-" Donghyuck stopped himself immediately realising the words coming out of his mouth.
"That's my fault isn't it" Mark frowned.
"No!" Jeno said and then glared in Donghyucks direction, "No. I gave you my blessings it's okay I had to get over our relationship and I'm so happy for the two of you right now" Jeno said quickly and Mark frowned.
"But what if you had a chance.."
"Mark Lee you foolish fool if Jeno said he had no problem and literally encouraged you to date his ex then don't question it. Plus he's giving his all to music right now" Jaemin said patting Marks back.
"Hate to say this but Jaemins right, like Jeno could have easily killed you in his sleep of he had a prblem with you, we live in the same house remember?" Haechan added grinning and everyone faceplamed.
"Anyway moving on I've got a buisness class right now I'm going to run" Jaemin said getting up and leaving and Renjun jumped up cheering.
"Geez I didn't know you hate Jaemin hyung" Jisung the ever sassy said and Renjun looked at him confused before realisation dawned on him "Ahhh no I'm done with my drawing and I need to run too" Renjun said eyes widening as he noticed the time, grabbing his stuff and running off. They watched with a laugh how Renjun who was usually calm and graceful tripped as he ran out.
"Wait when did Jisung even leave?" Mark asked pointing to the empty seat. "Ungreatful brat" was muttered by Jeno.
"Are you guys secretly hanging out with y/n and lermimg disappearing trick from them?" Haechan asked and Mark and Jeno just gave him a look. "what?"
"Y/n again? I'm telling you you're obsessed" Jeno chuckled and Haechan chocked on his spit as he quickly got up and hurried away from his brothers teasing.
He was on his way to his locker when he spotted you laughing rather fakely to something a very attractive boy was saying. You laugh was a pitch higher than normal and Haechan almost snorted loudly. Almost. And you were most definitely flirting with that guy.
He approached you with a smile from behind, tapping your back and watching with utmost pleasure when you frowned.
"Is that a new laugh y/n weren't you snorting like a pig just today morning" he asked with a cheeky grin and you frowned.
"Shut up and leave" you said throught gritted teeth trying your best to keep calm.
"Oh c'mon I was just kidding" Haechan smiled and was about to wrap his arms around your shoulder when the boy you were talking to stopped him. He glared at the hand stopping his.
"I don't know who you are but you're making y/n uncomfortable so you got to leave" the boy said pushing Haechans hand away and grabbing onto your hand and pulling you away from Haechan.
Haechan stood there shocked at the boys actions for a second before snapping and pulling you back with so much force you fell onto his chest.
He glared daggers at the boy, his eyes threatening him. "Y/n and I have known eachother all I lives and now we've got a project to work on so don't suddenly interfere in the life of someone you know nothing about." Haechan said coldly, venom hidden behind each word of his and he dragged you away.
He was fuming, not realising where he was going until he was at the garden with you.
"Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" He scoffed but you didn't say anything head hung low. He immediately took notice of that.
"Y/n what's wrong?" He asked worried and thats when you looked up at him, eyes tired. "This has to stop" you pleaded and he didn't understand what you were saying.
"You did this back in school too. You were awful to me and hated me but the moment I was with someone other than you you'd make a big deal out of it and end up fighting with that person" you said said, voice breaking and tears glistening your eyes. Haechan was about to defend himself when you spoke again. "I'm so tired of whatever crap you're pulling Haechan, you were always sending me mixed signals in school and I let you take me for a ride but not again. I liked you but hated you. You made me angry but so happy. You pushed me away only to pull me back and I'm sick of it" the tears now made their way down you face as you cried and Haechan stood there feeling so guilty for making you cry.
"Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.."
"Of course you didn't mean to" a dry laugh escaped your lips, "but tell me, did you ever like me? Was this just entertainment for you? For when you were bored?" You asked with spite.
And suddenly everytime someone hinted at his weird obsession with you came back to him, "Look I don't hate you... Atleast I think I don't. Not that much I-" You scoffed cutting him off.
"It's either you like me or you don't stop playing with my heart this isn't funny" you said rather calmly but the anger visible in your eyes.
"I don't know...I don't think so" he could hear your heart break and somehow he felt like maybe, he was wrong.
"Then leave please leave" you said agressively wiping away the fresh tears falling down your face. He tried to comfort you but you raised you hand stopping him.
He sighed in defeat and began to walk away, head hung low. He felt bad for making you cry and wanted to see you smile. Just then the thought of you crying in that pretty boys arms crossed his mind and he felt and awful feelin at the pit of his stomach. Jealousy. He was jealous, he wanted to make you happy and he wanted to hold you as you cried, he didn't want you to look at other people lovingly, and he hated the thought of you kissing someone else so he immediately turned to you and grabbing you by your shoulders.
"Look y/n I want to believe I hate you but at the same time I hate when it's not me that makes you happy because I love making you smile, I love making you laugh, I love annoying you." He said eyes serious as you blankly stared at him.
"All I know is whatever is going on in my head, you're at the center of it and you're the only one that can help me figure out what my fixation with you is."
"That's stupid." you mumbled, looking away from his intense gaze and he smiled.
"Nothing's stupid in love and war y/n and right now I don't know if I'm at war with you" he paused and you looked up at him and he smiled at you fondly, "or in love with you."
You looked at him awe struck and he couldn't help but chuckle at how cute you looked, with eyes still shining from all the tears and your face flushed.
"Will you help me figure which one it is?" He asked, his tone hopeful and you thought for a while and nodded as he grinned happily. And you smiled.
"This might just be my own downfall" you started with a frown and then a very small smile made its way to your face, "But atleast then I'll know more than I know now."
"This is stupid he's in love with you" Jeno said with a frown and Haechan pouted as he watched you laugh.
"Ah y/n run away while you can, our hyucks really stupid to even think he hates you" Mark added and if you weren't holding his hand right now Haechan would have punched his brother.
"Oh so this is the infamous y/n" Ten said walking into the room with a smirk on his face and Haechan silently cried inside.
"We really need to leave" he said but you were at your antics again and said "no we don't we have plenty of time don't we" he swears he hates you but at the same time it was impossible to hate you when you smiled at him like that.
"Ohhh is this y/n Donhyuck?" Came his eldest brothers voice and this time Haechan did cry.
"Oh c'mon don't pretend to cry you love me"Taeyong said patting his back and you chuckled.
"No I love Mark" Haechan said glaring at the eldest who only chuckled, "What's with everyone's fixation on Mark?" Jeno asked and Ten rolled his eyes "You just don't see how adorable our Markie is because your Taeyongs pet"
"Hyuck this is your fault the name stuck!" Mark growled and you stood there watching the brothers argue with eachother, amused at their antics.
"Ahh this is what you'll be getting into if you associate with this family" A voice said behind you and you turned around to meet the person who was your senior in high school and the one that stole Tens heart.
"Wouldn't I be lucky if that was the case?" You asked but another voice spoke "Try being stuck babysitting five grown men" you turned to see the person you recognised as Marks partner.
"I will hit you!" Haechan yelled charging at Mark who had run behind Ten who was yelling at Taeyong for help who who was being held down by a sulky Jeno.
You shared a look with the two people beside you as the three of you broke out in laughter.
Lee brother's- A mini series
Previous Part: Lee Ten
Next part: Series Finale
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fatethearcher · 7 years
KnnWxPersona Timeline
Okay so in P5 there’s an Easter Egg for a news report where it is mentioned that Rise’s idol career skyrockets when she turns 20 because sex appeal… but it also doesn’t mention how long ago she turned 20 so I’m just gonna assume that she just turned 20 a few months before (actually 1 month because it’s broadcasted on 7/1 lol) … putting P5 at least 4 years after P4— where she was 15/16 years old depending on when in the year you are. (Her birthday is June 1, 1995 also for reference)
Ann is 16 during P5 according to the wiki, and is a Scorpio— meaning she probably just turned 17 during October/November of P5 since she’s a 2nd year (no idea why the wiki doesn’t mention it tho?) and if we’re going by the idea that Rise is 20 in P5 then that puts Ann’s birthday in Oct/Nov of 1998 or so.
(If we put P5’s year as the Japanese release it bumps up Rise to 21 and Ann was born in 1999 instead– doesn’t make too much of a difference but I started this math thinking 20 so I’m gonna stick to it lol)
Alright so with that in mind we have a 3 year age difference between Rise and Ann— sounds pretty accurate considering Kimi no na Wa having the exact same age difference for Taki and Mitsuha…
So if Rise turns 16 in P4, then that puts the year at 2011 for Persona 4…. not really accurate to when the game came out but alright…
With Ann’s birth year at 1998, she would be 13 in P4— aka in middle school (which I guessed in my previous posts so that’s a good validation for me lol)
That means that Rise and Ann are 4 years apart in time while swapping (which lines up with what I thought in previous posts as well— sweet validation through math >:3)
So basically what we have for the timelines is:
2011- P4 2015A- P5 w/ no Rise 2015B- P5 w/ Rise alive
Or if you’re more into the “release date” theory (which doesn’t even line up with P4 anyways so why would it for P5 also? :p) then it’s 2016A/B.
Then we have the future of 2015B where Ann and Rise meet again. This one I was thinking of either being Ann’s 3rd year in high school or first year out of high school because I like torture but Kimi no na Wa was a special brand of torture having Mitsuha wait 8 years for Taki… Rise is already at the 4 year point by P5– that’s long enough I think lol.
So this the timeline/years for this AU:
2011- P4 (Rise:15/16 Ann:12/13) 2015A- No Rise (Ann:16/17) 2015B- Rise lives (Rise:19/20, Ann:16/17) 2016/2017- They meet again (Rise:21/22/23 Ann: 18/19/20)
With 2015A Ann and 2011 Rise obviously doing the swapping
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