#I pray for a way PC and Robin can safely raise their chilren without Bailey interfering
dollya-robinprotector · 8 months
Dollya! If I'm not mistaken, it's actually possible to get pregnant with Robin, at least with M!Robin because F!Robin will get pregnant but won't be able to give birth to her children :"(. In the pregnant content settings, you have to turn on the "incomplete pregnant content" (if you want it faster the result also increases the chance of getting pregnant to 4) Then have sex with him that 4th time and Puff! Lya is pregnant now.
I confirm that it works because I did it with Kylar. But aside of that Robin will interact with PC child and his interaction with the children is very cute ;w; (It's a shame that those moments are so short but I don't know if he will change if the children are his and not someone else's)
Of course the consequence of having children Bailey would ask you for more money if you don't take care of them. It would be £100 for each child (Also, I don't know if by default the PC has twins with everyone or it was a weird bug with Kylar lol (?)
Anyway, PCs have cute dialogues with their children😭🤧💖🌟💖🌟
Vixxy I knew it. I knew and I once desperate enough to try and consider it. But it's not quite the thing me or my PCs want just yet.
We need our "true" children, whom we can not be mistaken with any other' child. So yeah I'll settle down for continue watting✨🫴✨
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