#I rarely have a problem with the suggestion that an explanation of BTS is possible
If you feel like discussing it I would love to hear your thoughts on an idea I’ve seen a LOT - that if louis and harry are still a couple, Harry’s connections should result in some benefit or clout for louis to help him get away from Syco etc. Irving Azoff is super powerful, therefore he should be able to help louis too, is the general idea. To me it’s complicated because louis is and was already a separate commodity from harry with a PR plan etc. from the start of 1D (1)
So there are distinct restrictions/contracts that were long underway before the Azoffs came into the picture, a lot of which already involved keeping him publicly separated from harry. That being said, I get it. If your partner has all this clout, it stands to reason they would want to help you in any way possible. It’s what I would do for my partner. It’s a different situation - because fame, money, contracts, closets, and a million other reasons, but I still get why people feel that way (2)
I have seen the argument, and part of the problem for me is that fandom discussions of these issues are based on a lot of assumptions about what’s going on behind the scenes and what people want that we just don’t have evidence for and can’t know.
For me, this ask is an example of that as it situates the difficulties Louis is facing in terms or restrictions and contracts.  I don’t think we can rule that out, but there are really big questions when you start talking about contracts, because the issue immediately becomes - why is Louis alone in facing those difficulties?  And in the face of those questions it’s very easy to create answers that link Harry’s success and Louis’ current situation in some way.  But I think that that whole line of thinking is based on assumptions that we don’t know to be true.  
And to illustrate this point, I want to talk about different ways of looking at three different things - the first is Louis’ career, the second is Azoff’s power and the third is relationships and careers more broadly.  
First, I’ve said it before, but I think fandom ignores the extent to which events that have happened since the end of 2015 have affected Louis’ career. We have every reason to believe that at the beginning of 2016, Louis had a plan. He never got to execute that plan.  Then, when he could start thinking about what next, he’d already lost a year.  I think there’s every sign that the strategy in 2017 was to try and get material out of soon as possible.  That might have worked, but Louis and his labels do not seem to have been on the same page about the sort of music he would make.  I think the combination of time pressure and conflict over sound exacerbated each other.
I want to be absolutely clear, no other member of 1D would be where they were in their careers if they’d had the experiences that Louis had had in 2016.  (Except maybe Liam, but I think Louis would probably have been where Liam is if he hadn’t had conflict with the label about what sort of music he wanted to make). 
I don’t think you need to assume that there’s nasty contractual obligations, or that Louis being sabotaged to explain what’s been happening with his solo career.  I don’t rule those things out - the music business is terrible and sucks and there may be a whole lot of additional things going on.  But it seems very strange to me to sure that things like contracts and sabotage must be coming into play, when we can see that 
Second, Irving Azoff is a powerful man - but powerful men in the music industry have specific relationships and positions that bring them powers - they don’t have super powers that can be used in any situation.  I’m by no means an expert in this, but Azoff is a powerful manager and is involved in some sort of high stakes venue war that I haven’t been follow in detail.  That doesn’t mean that Azoff has the power to get Epic to spend money they don’t have on Louis’ American promo (to pick an example of something that I think might have been something that Louis might want, but might not have got). Power in the music industry isn’t a wand.
And I think this is an example where one set of assumptions follows another set of assumptions.  If you think that the issues Louis faces are primarily  linked to 1D’s contracts, then I can see how it seems like a zero sum game must have been played and that Louis lost out.  But even if there are contractual obligations that are part of Louis’ difficulties, then it’s entirely possible that Azoff is advising him (I’m completely neutral on whether he is or whether it’s a good idea).  Power struggles in the music industry aren’t  won straight away, and waiting can be part of the negotiations (I understand this is part of what 30 Seconds to Mars went through - but I won’t investigate them anymore because I hate Jared Leto). 
Third, the experience of people I know has been that career success is not necessarily transferable within a relationship to any great degree. People who I know with careers in the same industry support each other in a personal sense, but whether they can do more than that very much depends on their industry and position.  You say that you think that it’s a different situation from ordinary people, but actually I think in general what people with power think about you is central to your career - and that’s not something you can just share with your partner.  In general, I find it useful to think how people I know have navigated situations of power - and it helps me seperate what might be going on for H&L and the fantasies I have for them (and knowing a very powerful person in an industry can be very useful, but it has never solved the career problems of anyone I know).
You demonstrate how many assumptions there are in this fandom when you say that Louis’ goal is getting away from Syco, and we don’t know that.  Anyone who is offering an explanation of what is going on for Louis (including me) is making a lot of assumptions.  There’s nothing wrong with discussing that, but the problem comes when you start deducing things based on unproven assumptions.  The idea that H&L must have broken up, because if they were Azoff would be helping Louis on Azoff’s behalf, and therefore Louis’ career would look different, is one that is built on many assumptions without evidence.  In this fandom, there’s an assumption to make a lot of assumptions and then to act like your explanation is the only possible explanation and everyone else has to be wrong. 
What I would advocate for, more than anything else in this fandom, is holding onto the idea that many things are possible.  We don’t know most behind the scenes stuff, we don’t what members of 1D want and 2016 showed that really big life changing things can be kept from us.  Whenever anyone argues: ‘Don’t you think this must be what happened?’ My answer is no - I can always tell a story that gives an alternate explanation - ad we’ve no way of knowing what’s true. There’s so much we don’t know and therefore there are multiple possibilities.
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Hi, what do you think about makoto and haru's friendship? A lot of people ship them but I can't see them as more than just best friends tbh and I don't think haru likes him that way, maybe makoto has feelings for him but even that I'm not sure, what do you think? also am I the only one that finds a little weird the fact that makoto is always helping haru get out of the water? I mean I understand when he's in a pool but when he is bathing in his own house isn't that a bit inappropriate? lol
Hi:) I’ve never seen them as more than friends, I can explain why. It’s not because I’m blinded by my ship or something. The thing is when I got into Free! I’ve been already far too into eastern world, I started digging facts about their real culture after the first animes I’ve watched, then it was facts from friends who moved to/lived in Japan, I was already into BTS by then and started digging into korean culture, too. My point is for most people things like sharing each other boxers, cuddling each other in bed, having tickle fights and having almost no boundaries lead to thoughts “they’re gay” which is basically the main problem for most of k-pop fans who really seem to be tired of this. Not to mention crossdressing and using make-up for a guy.
Why I’m mentioning it is because I can’t see Haru and Makoto doing anything that can be seen as them being more than friends even if I’m watching it from the western point of view where basically just holding hands for 1 minute is gay for some people.
Like most scenes ppl try to shove at me here like:
-  “I love swimming with Haru-chan” in Starting Days where he says “skides/suki desu” which is used in japanese basically everywhere including talking about liking food, that way I should say Haru/Nagisa is canon since Nagisa said “Aishiteru, Haru-chan” after swimming with him which is kinda a big deal since they basically don’t use this phrase now, only for a rare special occasions.
- episode 2x06 when he says “I guess I was jealous of Rin”, I genuinely think it was mostly part of the personal what to do with my life crisis they had in s2, because seriously those kind of changes are freaking hard and seeing a person who already knows what he wants from life and another one who doesn’t but have all the great possibilities is really tough, plus I think everybody already kinda knew seeing rinharu race that they have a great future together. Moving on from your basically family all alone while somebody have mutual goals is pretty sad.
- one rinharu fan said about my gay things/bro things gifset that you can compare Haru’s reaction to Makoto leaving to Tokyo to Rin leaving to Australia in TYM and that would be other way around. Haru being upset and angry wasn’t about Makoto leaving per se, it was about people around him moving on without him while he’s stuck. That’s why after the trip to Astralia he was perfectly fine, while comparing it to Starting Days when Rin left and he was a messy fucking mess. While in TYM he was already sure about his future and sharing it with Rin, so why compare those I don’t know.
That being said… if somebody have a straight explanation for Haru’s behaviour when Rin is around I’m open to suggestions really. Why Haru shares bed normally with everybody but getting like this about sharing it with Rin? Why he doesn’t react to others being close to him, but when it’s Rin he gets like this? You know the first thing that comes up on google when you search for “being afraid to call him”? An article “How to text or call your crush without being scared”. 
I mean I don’t do anything here, I don’t even need to exagerade when it comes to these two. I have lots of gay ships as you see, so I’m well aware which of them are just me reaching out or dreaming and which are not.
As for the bathtub scene I’m kinda so used to it already, it’s their thing and it didn’t strike me as super weird or anything maybe because if you won’t get Haru out of here, he will stay there forever LOL In some american movie it would be weird I agree, but not here? But once again I’ve watched how bts live together, nothing surprises me anymore lol
Another point: I live in extremely homophobic country. I recommended Free! to a slice of life fan guy, my sister’s coworker who wanted to talk to smb about anime. I got him in with a picture of Gou. He said he doesn’t mind gay people but he can’t watch anything about them (so basically ugh yeah you know this type). He texted me after episode 4 saying he’s dropping it because of the fence scene. That being said bathtub didn’t bother him either, but Rinharu is noticed by everybody. So they’re being gay in a worldwide sense you know.
P.S. What bothered me in Makoto/Haru relationships is Makoto not being his own person, which also concerned Nao in Starting Days and Rin when he said “I was worried you’d only worry about Haru and not focus on figuring it out for yourself”. He was basically Haru’s doormat for most of the time. That’s not my thing really. That’s why I’m happy that they moved on from this and he’s doing fine now.
I’m more of a I’m my own person, but you became a part of my dream kind of girl. I find it really romantic.
I also don’t like the idea of anybody on Free! being unrequitedly in love so it’s not for me either (tho I can see where this is soming from!). I’m into unrequited requited love also known as misunderstandings AU also known as season 1 of Free!
Not to mention that Makoto, Sousuke and Nagisa are the biggest wingmen for my ship, I mean they’re basically me watching Rinharu:
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But as I always say, that’s just my opinion, I don’t judge anybody and I totally get why people can see things differently. To each their own cup of tea.
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