#I rarely see vampires and elves online anymore... They seemed so common in the early 2000s...
solradguy · 1 year
Term explanations below the poll.
Alterhuman = General blanket term for non-human (usually) identities such as otherkin, therians, vampires, elves, etc. Simple introduction to alterhuman identities: PDF on Orion Scribner's site link.
DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) = A disorder in which someone experiences multiple distinct personalities, some of which may be mythological, fictional, or otherwise non-human. Wikipedia page link.
I made a poll like this a few days ago out of curiosity and limited it to only a day and to feeling the sensation to just after waking up but got a lot of replies after it ended from people talking about their experiences. So, here's a longer poll that's a little broader. Sorry if your identity doesn't fall under either alterhumanity or DID; Tumblr polls only allow so many characters...
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