#I rb'd this /four/ years ago
charliethemanticore · 10 months
Hey, I hope this isnt too forward, but I saw you're Australian (hiya!) and rb'd the post about coles and woolworths price gouging. i just wanted you to know, there is something you can do.
the ACTU has commissioned an official inquiry into corporate price gouging, and there's a survey going at the moment allowing australians to share their experiences w/ it. it's being hosted by Australian Unions, and it takes about 5-10 minutes to fill out.
Let your voice be heard. Your contribution matters.
Hey! I don't know when you sent this because I don't check my messages often and Tumblr Mobile doesn't tell me BUT
Thank you so much. This is a really great initiative and I really appreciate you sending it to me. Some griping about money to follow:
The groceries I bought three years ago for $50 now cost me $100. I only get $300 a week so the difference is huge.
If I have any Aussies following me, the link is legit and honestly I'm just so glad that there are people out there fighting this battle that I don't have the energy for because my electricity bill is $600 split between four people which is still more than I can afford. Im just so tired of feeling sick whenever I open a bill (and also centrelink can suck my left nut if they think that $300 a week is adequate support. It's so far below the poverty line it's not even funny)
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splendentgoddess · 3 years
Hello! Can I have 3, 14, and 18 for the fic asks please, my love💓💓💓
Hi @anisaanisa! Thanks for including me in the Ask game! And also thanks to Anon who also asked for #14, so I figured why post the same answer twice?
So silly me didn't automatically realize the Ask thing was only supposed to be about this last year when I RB'd it. If anyone can explain this whole "linear time" thing, so I can figure out what I did only within the last year, please let me know! LOL, I kid. (I do not kid.)
Okay so #3: favorite line/scene I wrote this year
This one's actually easy! Because even though I don't think I've posted anything in a year, I've been working on WIPs like mad, and I very recently I started a witchy WIP that just plopped itself into my brain out of nowhere. It has no title yet, and I've no bloody clue when it'll actually be finished, but the opening scene just tickles me to death and so for right now this is definitely my favorite recently written scene:
Kagome coughed and waved her hand in front of her face as the smoke cleared. Had she done it? Had she really summoned a familiar demon? The binding rosary she’d made had lit up and flown into the smoke, so it had to have worked, right?
But as the smoke continued to clear, a figure standing within the pentagram she’d drawn on her vinyl floor began to take shape, and it was not the figure of a loyal canine demon on all fours. It was the figure of a man. A man with long, gorgeous silver-white hair and...dog ears on his head? His eyes were golden and glanced around the room in shock and confusion before settling on her, the stunned expression on his face and her binding rosary the only things he wore.
“What the fuck?” he questioned loudly, sounding much more surprised than angry. “You actually summoned me?!”
“I...no!” Kagome shrieked. “Yes?” How had this happened?
“Gah!” he cried out then in belated realization. “Why am I naked?!”
“I don’t know!” She really didn’t. “Maybe clothes can’t come through the portal?”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever- Quit staring and get me something to wear!” he demanded.
Kagome ‘eep’ed and turned quickly in her small living room, nearly falling over the cream upholstered couch she’d pulled up against the hallway entrance to make room for the summoning circle. She climbed awkwardly over the old, worn out piece of furniture and dashed down the short hall to her bedroom on the left.
Inuyasha rubbed his right palm down over his face in exasperation at the sight, chuckling a little despite himself. What even was his life?
dun Dun DUN...but nowhere near done.
Moving on! #14: a fic I didn't expect to write
Well I guess we could still count that one, LOL, since I had NOT ever expected I'd start a witch themed AU, and yet here we are. But bending the rules to go beyond just this year, since if we're talking completed and posted fics I'm going to have to, then for a more recent fic I did not expect to write I'm definitely going to have to go with In the Blink of an Eye from just last year. It was supposed to just be a shortie and part of my Splendent Shorties collection, but to say it got away from me would be an understatement. Over 10k words does not a shortie make, LOL. So in that way it was definitely unexpected!
Last but not least (not by a long shot) #18: current number of WIPs
Hold on, let me get an abacus, LOL.
Okay but seriously though, and I'm only counting actual WIPs that have like, legit story text written in them, and not just a keyboard smash of synopses and plot outlines. We're talkin' unfinished stories that are partly written as actual stories... 16. But that number actually doesn't include things that were WIPs like 10-15 years ago and so I know they're so horrible now that I could never just pick up where I left off and even if I salvage the idea itself it basically has to be started over from scratch, LOL.
You do not want to know how many separate "keyboard smash of synopses" files I have.
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nolansnose · 4 years
To my moots: I did A THING. Wrote a lil something. A Nolpat imagine *gasps*
This is unfinished and I will only be updating this everytime Patty gets a point or better yet, score a goal!
Edited and rb'd because this has been updated!
(With added steam 🙈)
Summary: Surprise!
Nolan Patrick x whoever you wanna pair him with in your head
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They hadn't exchanged any kind of communication in three weeks. That kind of radio silence from both their ends wasn't normal. It has been a month since they saw each other last, they were both busy --- she with the endless demands and responsibilities of being the new executive assistant to the director of medical services while Nolan was training in preparation for the incoming season.
It amazes her how they were able to give each other attention in the past year and how they haven't given up on each other. It wasn't easy, it's daunting at times, at least for her.
For someone with such a demanding job and schedule, she truly couldn't figure out how she was able to give time to Nolan.
She didn't understand how someone like her was able to pique his interest or that he continued to give her attention, well, not until these past few weeks. She may be busy but during moments that she wasn't thinking about work, Nolan makes sudden, sometimes unwelcome appearances in her thoughts.
Unwelcome because she shouldn't be thinking about him. They're not... Argh! She sighed and put down the book she's trying so hard to understand in her lap. She's in an old cottage by the beach, alone for this long weekend, her first non work related trip after a long while since being appointed and she's alone. She should be relaxing, resting, eating sumptuous meals and reading this... Shit it was Nolan who gave her this book. Why did she pick this one to bring? She sighed again and tried for the nth time to relax in the couch she was perched on. She put her feet up in the arm rest and reached for the tea in the side table to drink but grimaced as its already cold.
As cold as the weather that wasnt apt for the place she was in. Beaches are made for warm, summery weather, not rain and cold drafts. She looked out the window and shook her head because it was still raining. The rain peltering the roof was loud and... what was that?
She heard something beside the raindrops. Footsteps. Rustling. Knocking? Was someone knocking?
But she wasn't expecting anyone.
Still, she stood up and headed for the kitchen which was near the parking area of the resort she was in. She clutched her chest when she saw another shadow beside the plants outside. Shit! A thief? But this was an exclusive resort!
She grabbed the fruit bowl in the counter and headed for the kitchen door. There was that sound again. Footsteps. And knocking.
She took a deep breath and raised the bowl above her head, ready to whack whoever was on the other side of that door. She unfastened the locks and opened the door.
"Fuck!", the 'intruder' called out and caught the bowl before it made contact with his face.
"Nolan?", she blinked.
The newcomer put down the bowl and raised the hood of his jacket. "Hi,"
"I thought you were a thief!"
Nolan looked at her with amusement. " I knocked but there was no answer."
"When was that? I didn't hear anything."
"Uh, five minutes ago?", he asked as he grabbed a clean towel out of the basket on the washing machine near the door. "May I?"
She exhaled loudly while moving away from the door so Nolan could dry his shoes in the mat and removed his jacket which was also wet.
"What are you doing here?" she asked. How did he even know she was here? Oh. Right. She remembered telling him about this weekend trip the last time they were together.
"I missed you," he said. "You didn't text or call."
"You never did, too," she pointed out.
"Hey, I called," he said with a bit of pain in his voice.
"When did you call?"
"Are you going to let me come in or do I have to defend myself by your kitchen door?"
"What's that for?", she asked having glanced at his backpack.
"Change of clothes. I've been in town for a few days, actually ", he replied honestly.
She gave him another quick look before going back to retrieve the cup of tea in the living room and brought it up in the kitchen to heat in the microwave. She felt his eyes on her while she set the timer.
"Chamomile?", Nolan asked just as he put down his already opened backpack in the kitchen counter and took out a clean pair of socks.
She didn't know whether to be irritated or happy that he remembered her preference. Normally, she'd appreciate it but now she felt cornered. Vulnerable. She came here to unwind, rest and think, -- to escape from all that's troubling her -- that included Nolan.
Yep, trouble. That's Nolan, alright. What else would you call the man who chose to entangle himself with someone like her? Even for a weekend, she wanted a break. She wanted him out of her head, her body and her bed.
"You still haven't answered why you're here," she took the mug out of the oven and set it on the counter. She caught the smirk on his face. "What?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Nolan took a step towards her and tenderly caressed her arm."Didn't you miss me?"
She looked up into his eyes to see a worry there she didn't normally see.
They've talked about their situation a handful of times before, where they're headed eventually. Together they've decided that its better if no one else knew whatever kind of relationship they were to have.
She can't remember exactly how that topic came about, but they wound up in bed together before defined lines were ever set.
This, whatever this was, has gone on for a year, a short time compared to others. She knew she shouldn't keep her hopes or expectations up, but sometimes, she gets tired of her feelings being hurt from a misunderstanding because nothing was solid or made public. Sometimes the feelings were his. Sometimes he acted jealous or frustrated because she behaved in a way that made him question the exclusivity they had agreed on a year ago.
"Not at all?" His low, lazy voice pulled her back from her thoughts.
She shook her head. "No."
He leaned into her some more, their closeness made her feel like she's drowning. "Liar."
Then his mouth met hers and she instinctively opened her mouth to allow his tongue to enter. He tasted sweet and salty like caramel popcorn. He satisfied every urge and each craving.
A whimper escaped her throat and he had her pushed against the counter with one hand in her hair as the other lifted her leg and grabbed her ass. He knew how to completely envelop her into a whirlwind of sex. It started out with a kiss as it always did.
And this kiss grew more fervent and she felt a familiar hardness push against her in just the right place. He made her feel sexy and desirable in a way that she revelled in. His kisses were addictive.
Its hard to reclaim her sanity everytime they ended up like this, like he drained whatever courage she had left. But before she could totally gave in, she held Nolan's arm firmly and pushed him away from her. He moaned a little as a protest but moved away and let her right herself.
The desire for her was evident in his eyes, in his jeans and she tried not to look but his scent, his kiss lingered. She was still dazed and her heart was beating wildly.
"What?" He asked as he touched the edge of his mouth.
"We can't continue this, Nolan", she insisted.
He shook his head. "We're not doing anything we haven't done bef----"
"No", she cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "This as in hiding. We thought it wont get this complicated given our work and who we are, we thought it'd be easy. None of this is easy, Nolan."
"Thank you for saying we, instead of you," he nodded as he answered. "Seriously. We both said this unofficial exclusive thing would be easy and a breeze and I'm glad you didn't pile the blame for your feelings just on me."
She looked at him carefully. Sometimes, his prankness still startled and overwhelmed her. She hoped and tried hard for its effect to not register on her face.
"Whoa," he said with one eyebrow raised when her gaze turned squinty. "Why are you looking at me like I just told you I'm getting married or something?"
"Let's end this, Nolan," she said in a faint voice, then grabbed the mug of tea again.
She felt him observing her eventhough her attention was on the tea she's drinking.
"You already said that four months ago."
"This time I meant it." She said in a voice lacking of conviction.
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