#I read something about Bdubs watching gridoc on the discord
melon-wing · 5 years
Hello Neighbour! (Grian x Doc)
Grian’s boat fell from the rocket and he landed in the water of the ocean with a splash and a tiny, totally manly shriek. He looked around at the empty landscape. Ocean and Islands undisturbed of buildings. He had made it. Season 7! This was going to be amazing. He had never jumped worlds with the other’s and he was so excited to start again. But before he headed out to find his own place, there was something he needed to do first. He got out his communicator, which had thankfully survived the world jump and typed in his message.
Grian > Just landed safely. You already there? Got any coordinates?
It took no more than a minute before his communicator beeped, the numbers he needed flashing up on screen. He started rowing, eyes on his own coordinates. He really missed his Elytra. He could have been there in a few minutes, but it took him ages. He was about to consider taking a break, when he saw what he was looking for in the distance.
It was totally surreal seeing his mansion in the distance… Well to be precise two halves of his wooden mansion. He wasn’t sure how they had managed to make it jump worlds with them, but he sure as hell wouldn’t question it too much or he would be bored to death with technical lectures he’d never understand.
Grian slowed down and stepped ashore, walking up the hill until he stood in front of the houses. It didn’t even take a second for him to figure out which of those sides belonged to Doc. The neatly trimmed grass in contrast to the wild growth said everything.
“Doc?”, he called, stepping into the house… half of the house. It was really weird how there was no wall on one side, but whatever. He hadn’t seen Bdubs anywhere on the other side of the property. He walked to the other room and smiled softly. Doc was lying on a couch, eyes closed and breathing deeply. On his stomach was a small kitten, fast asleep as well.
Grian stepped forward quietly, just looking at Doc’s peaceful face. He looked so good like this. He didn’t want to wake him up, but he knew Doc would be pissed if he didn’t. He had expected him after all and most likely hadn’t meant to fall asleep.
Grian smiled a little, bending over Doc’s sleeping form, careful not to disturb the kitten and pressed his lips softly onto Doc’s.
He felt the other stirring under him, eyes blinking a few times, before he looked at him. A hand rose up and buried itself in Grian’s hair to pull him closer. Doc’s lips parted slightly and Grian took the opportunity to deepen the kiss.
This… This was perfect and he could have stayed like this forever if it hadn’t been for another sound, disturbing them.
“Awwww… Isn’t that the cutest thing to look at. Didn’t know you guys were that intimate.”
Blood rushed to Grian’s face and he jumped back from the couch, hearing an annoyed groan from Doc himself, who looked as disappointed as Grian felt, that their make-out session was cut short
“Bdubs?!” Grian looked at their fellow Hermit, who was sitting atop the fence, munching on some carrots and grinning at them.
“Man, I was just starting to enjoy the show. It’s kinda amazing to see that the old man has feelings, who would have guessed.”
Doc grumbled and stood up, glaring at Bdubs as if he was wishing a thunderstorm upon his new neighbour.
“You!”, he hissed, voice low and threatening. “Be glad, that I haven’t gotten a trident yet or you would have a new set of holes in your body right about now.”
Bdubs just laughed in amusement and jumped down the fence onto Doc’s side of the property.
“We are friends Doc, you wouldn’t hurt me, would you?”, Bdubs just replied unimpressed, walking up to them and looking past Doc at Grian. “And such a pretty, little thing you’ve caught yourself. We spend so little time together last season, Grian… my Bro. Had I known Doc was interested in you, I would have gone after our fearless Dragon leader earlier, just to annoy him a little.”
Grian blushed, too shocked at the forward attitude to formulate any answer. He didn’t have to reply any ways. A split second later Bdubs had Doc’s sword pointed at his chin. He looked at it in mild surprise, but then grinned again, looking at them curiously. “So tell me. When did you guys get so… close. Was it after Grian started a war against you… or after you stole his time machine? Oooor was it after he decided to kill you, so that his friend could win Demise… Honestly you two were fighting the whole season… Unless this is your thing. Violent hate-fu…”
“BDUBS!”, Grian cried out, finally stepping forward. “It’s not like this.” He cast a pointed look at Doc, who sighed in annoyance and put his sword away again. “Yeah, Yeah. No threats of violence over stupid stuff”, Doc grumbled, but still kept glaring at Bdubs.
“So~o care to explain?”
Doc just showed Bdubs his middle finger and turned away, walking back to his half of the house. “Just ignore him, Gri.”
“Gri? Oh how cute. You have pet names for each other? I want to know everything!”
“We have been dating since after the Area 77 chaos”, Grian began and heard a frustrated groan from Doc somewhere behind him. Well, how else was he supposed to get rid of Bdubs then telling him what he wanted to know? “And Demise was… Well we had agreed beforehand, that we wouldn’t hold back. And I had a deal with Iskall, so there you got it. We don’t hate each other. Any more questions?”
Grian instantly regretted the words that had just left his mouth. Bdubs eyes started to grow wide and sparkle in excitement.
He heard Doc from inside murmur a quiet “Oh shit… He has done it.”
“Oh! I love a good love story. You need to tell me everything! Who confessed first? How did you confess? Does Doc always call you Gri? What do you call him? Is Doc ever not grumpy with you? Aren’t you getting on Doc’s nerve with your cheerfulness? Why does no one on the server know? How does it feel to kiss a creeper? Isn’t his metal arm getting annoying when you cuddle? Isn’t it scary to have sex with a creeper? What if he explodes in a not so nice way? And who of you fearless leaders is the one leading in bed?” Grian blushed even harder than before at the intimate nature of some of the questions. Bdubs only winked at him before adding one more question to his long list. “Are you up for a threesome?”
There was an enraged roar from the house as Doc flung himself at Bdubs throwing them both into the damp grass.
Grian sighed in mild annoyance. Until Doc decided to get a wall added to his house this was going to be an awful neighbourhood. Next season… Next season he would make sure they both build far away from all of the other Hermits to have peace and quiet.
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