#I realllllly need to start wearing glass
sscoutregimentss · 3 years
i know we as a collective society believe in gamer! eren supremacy. and yes, this is a good take. however, may i introduce to you: normie/fuckboy/jock eren with gamer/nerd gf. thoughts under the cut (safe for work, pg-13, also slight snk spoilers for season 3 and up!)
see, eren isnt necessarily a fuckboy. in fact, hes very loyal! he doesnt really think that way about any girls or guys except you. but hes popular romantically and had a reputation for sleeping around before he met you (not that theres anything wrong with that but ya know word travels fast across campus). plus, cmon the dude is in a frat, super hot and has a tongue piercing. he cant blame anyone for thinking he is a fuckboy bc he exudes the energy.
you are kind of the complete opposite. you dont really enjoy parties and you keep to yourself. you're a total wreck when it comes to flirting and your kinda oblivious to whenever people like you. you dont have many friends and are a bigger fan of 2d people than 3d.
either way eren finds you so so so cute. he first approached you at one of his frat parties. your roommates convinced you to come after she said that someone (read: connie) had a dance dance revolution mat, but you kinda just stuck around in a corner staring at your cup once you lost them. he looks you up and down-- your outfit was pretty cute, a short plaid orange pleated skirt, dress shirt, orange cardigan and black beret laying neatly upon your head. and your face... he couldn't help himself but try to talk to you. you were really anxious because wahhh scary sports guy you dont know but he was kinda instantly comforting? in a way? and he was freaking pretty. he looked like a final fantasy character--long haired characters were your type. the rest was kind of history.
a lot of people are shocked when they find out your dating bc you two are so different (some people are surprise eren “dates” at all) but no one dares question your relationship when they see how much eren dotes on you. he has so many polaroids of you in his wallet-- from the many arcade dates you bring him on where you decimate him at almost every game, you awkwardly posing in the hentai section of bookstores, or just candids of you being intensely focused on a puzzle in a game. whenever you guys go out to eat and somethings wrong with your meal, he'll send it back (in a polite way, of course, but hes still assertive.) or if you buy like a figurine and its misisng something hes marching up to the cashier stand for you. he always has an arm around your waist or is holding is hand in yours. sometimes you just cling onto his arm and rest your head on it (hes comfy!!!!! and you are always tired) your both pretty clingy, but you get kinda awkward when you two are around people you know so he just kinda subtly holds you as to not make a scene. its nice. hes comfy.
youve got dual monitors, a pc you made yourself, rgb keyboard, the whole nine yards. all your consoles are up to date and you keep a handheld system on you at all times. you spend most your weekends watching anime and movies and tv shows and your shelves are piled high with books and comic books. eren literally does not understand any of it. when you told him you built your pc he goes "you made all those microchippy things? youre soooo smart babe". when you talk about some of your weirder or more complicated animes he nods along but honestly he gets so lost ("so like, lemme get this straight, the kids dad's wife ate his mom?" "yeah but like she was turned into a titan so she didn't realllllly know it was the dads wife, but like she literally walks past this titan shifter so i think she knew." "thats crazy.") and he will never understand the point of otome games when hes literally right there. he actually has a really bad habit of getting jealous of characters you have a crush on but you just find it funny. sometimes he gets an ego boost when they look like him because even if they look like him he is actually real so they can suck it.
hes rlly supportive tho. erens a rlly passionate person and he loves you a lot so he pours a lot of passion into what you do. if you are into esports/fps games hes cheers you on all the time and does all the raging for you ("BABE THAT GUY IS STREAM SNIPING! HES STREAM SNIPING YOU HEY ASSHOLE STOP CHEATING OFF MY GIRLFRIEND" "eren he cant stream snipe me because i dont stream" "oh i thought that just meant cheating"/"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER?" "eren its okay i can just report him" "NO NO LET ME AT HIM IF HE WANTS TO CALL YOU A BITCH I CAN CALL HIM MUCH WORSE" "um guys im gonna mute my mic for a second if you need me text chat") if youre into cozy games he likes to watch you play and gives you ideas on where to put things. like in minecraft he makes you put a second bed for him even though he doesnt play and he helps you name all your pets. you get a little less intense with cozy games so you sit on his lap and he lets his hair down puts his head on your shoulder and points at where you should place stuff. he still rages though? this is eren jaeger we are talking about. ("aw, she wont move to my island." "WHAT? who does that little ugly squirrel think she is? you think youre too good for MY y/n's island? i'll shave your unibrow off. then we'll see what island will want you" "leave hazel alone! shes cute!"/"dude that hamster guy with the glasses looks like armin" "graham? what? armin doesnt even wear glasses" "no no look at it more" "oh shit youre right") rpgs/otome games are kinda a wild card with how he acts. if its an otome game and the character looks like him he is more into helping you out because it reaffirms to him that you find him good looking but otherwise he is just sulking and calling them annoying ("princess y/n... i know im just a servant, but i want to be with you forever!" "pft. get a load of this guy. clingy much?" "its romantic! youre jealous.")
one of his favorite things to do with you is cuddle and watch anime. usually he lies his face on your thighs or chest while watching and you play with his hair or he holds you in his chest and you play with one of his hands while the other goes behind his head. he grew up on some of the classics like naruto sailor moon one piece pokemon and dbz but he never got super into it until he started dating you. you put him on to soooo many good shows (cartoons, anime, and live action) hes both a crier and he is a get-angrier(?). he gets mad on characters behalfs and you have to pause the show so he can rant about how annoying someone is or he feels so bad for someone so he has to take a minute because hes tearing up. he likes slice of life anime because the friendships <3 theyre so wholesome and they remind him of him armin and mikasa but he also likes shounen because it is entertaining to watch fights. he gets really into them actually. he also has this really bad habit of whenever there is a character with no parents or a dead mom he goes "oh same" or "welcome to the club buddy" under his breath. when theres a cute couple in an anime you both like guys get matching keychains of them unless one of them dies because he thinks its bad luck. his favorite animes are haikyuu, your lie in april and code geass.
you are equally supportive of erens volleyball career. you know all the rules because sports anime and you actually find yourself really liking it in 3d as well (it is lacking in bromance and screaming but you let it slide). you go to all his games and he always texts you before his practices. has a habit of kissing you before games and one day after he kisses you go "gg ez win" as a JOKE but then they like decimate their long time rival marley university and get into nationals (is that a thing for volleyball idk sports) so hes convinced its because you did your "gamer magic". now every time after getting his good luck kiss he interlocks your pinkies and you go "gg ez win" and he goes “yes.” because to this day he doesnt know what it means (he thinks googling it is like breaking the magic)
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7livky · 5 years
Dionysus - Park Jimin
Chapter 8
2000 Before Christ, Mount Olympus
The wind doesn't dare to shake the undisturbed peace of Olympus. Untouched by rain or snow, cold or wind. Surrounded by the vault of the sky, the white glow of the sunshine spreads over its walls. So high that mortals would never attempt to climb it. Out of human reach, protected by the clouds. A great cloud gate opens to allow the deities to make their way to earth and receive them on their return.
But this is where the Olympian family lives, and just as with mortal families, jealousies and quarrels reign and end cruelly.
The mortal Semele arrives with her dirty clothes torn to shreds on the way up here and her bloody feet after which she throws herself to the ground. Her abdomen hurts as badly as when little monsters would rip open her belly and burn it.
When she puts her hand on her bulging belly, closing her eyes, a tremendous force pierces through her body and makes her resurrect.
A tear runs down her cheek, "And if a single soul dares to take you away from me, your Father will ensure that your name will be preserved to infinity!"
With the strength given by the unborn child, she walks with large steps along the metre-wide columns. The undescribably large gate leaves her standing in its shadow and does not open.
"Ruler of Olympus, Zeus! You wanted me to come here! Now please open the gates to me!" Her screams sound like a low whisper up here. Semele knows she would see her lover now. He wouldn't keep her waiting any longer.
But someone else appears behind the columns. Semele's old fostress Beroe. She runs towards her, putting her arms around her body, "Beroe!"
This older mortal embraces her back and strokes her head. Semele lets her go, entirely happy, but also surprised. "What brings you here?" ,she looks around frightened and breathes heavily. The air is much too thin.
The fostress smiles. "It's a long story, my little one. She sees deep into Semele's brown eyes. "Why are you here?"
She proudly replies, "I'm here to see my beloved."
Beroe grabs her by the arm, but immediately loosens her grip again. "Semele... "What if Zeus... is not Zeus?"
Semele's joy is suddenly extinguished. "Why do you talk like this?" Her curly hair falls on her face when she looks down.
"Don't you understand, Semele? It can all be deception. Is he really who he says he is? Think about it, listen to the old lady" ,she puts her hand on Semele's cheek.
Without any further ado she leaves Semele there alone and sets off on her way back to the human realm. The pregnant Semele sits down on the cold marble floor. Her heart is sown with doubt. She thinks it over for a long time until she makes a decision.
"Zeus! I beg you to show yourself to me!" ,she screams with all her remaining strength.
The floor almost collapses as her path becomes clear. As soon as her left foot enters the place, a prick occurs in her stomach. She hisses and can't walk any further. Two almost invisible people appear in the light in front of her, all she feels are firm grips on her arms and being pulled outside.
"I know you can hear me!" she cries. "I beg of you to show yourself to me in your true form!"
The guardians disappear behind the gate, leaving her alone.
"As a token of love, I am allowed to see in all your glory!"
Zeus can no longer watch his dejected lover begging him. He appears to her with body and soul. Semele finally sees him again after their night together. A well-grown and strong man with full hair and a very well-groomed full beard, with a physical size that far exceeds the normal size of a man. He wears a white tunic that reaches to his knees and brown sandals. He has a very handsome face, radiating trustworthiness and kindness. Grey-blue eyes that look very wise.
„I command you to stand up and end the crying!" The timbre of his voice is incomparable. An echo of his words that reaches even far over the mountains. Semele's trembling never stops, but she stands up. Zeus raises his hand and lets it rest on her belly. The more he smiled, the stronger the sun shines on their bodies.
"Zeus, whose child I carry in my womb.. Doubts and restlessness were sown in my heart, from which only you can free me! Now grant me this wish!"
He looks into her glassy eyes, admires her wonderful face and kisses her forehead. "How dare you doubt my love for you, Semele?"
"Don't you understand, Semele? It can all be deception. Is he really who he says he is? Think about it, listen to the old lady."
She takes a step back. "I need certainty! Show me your true self!"
As much as he tries to talk her out of it, his heart wins against his mind and he decides to grant her her only wish.
Poor Semele who is in love is waiting unsuspectingly on the spot before a violent storm comes up on Mount Olympus.
And this woman was the victim of her love.
Destroyed by Zeus' glory and his flashes, just like any earthly body that comes too close to him and can no longer exist. With another bolt of lightning, Semele sank to the ground.
The foster mother comes out of her hiding place before she transforms back from head to toe. Hera, the sister and wife of Zeus. The jealous and vengeful Hera. A merciless and cruel daughter of the Titans, who in a disguise persuaded Semele and sowed her heart with doubt.
Those who have incurred the wrath and displeasure of the goddess Hera should fear for their lives.
Now, Seoul
Diona's POV
"Diona wake up! You gotta wake up!"
I screamed for my life, clawing at the sheets at my sides. I could barely breathe as my entire body fidgeted. This time I thought it was really happening. Dying.
"Calm down, please calm down!" Jongsuk said, frazzled, putting my pills in my mouth. He was so nervous that all the water was on the bedding and no longer in the glass. I swallowed the tablets with the rest of the liquid and waited a few seconds that felt like hours, but in the end I finally came to I recovered.
Jongsuk's whole forehead was soaking wet when he fell on the carpet. "I", he started, "thought you were going to die here and now", and cried.
I stared at the back of his head while he sobbed like a child. "Jongsuk I'm fine!"
"You little whore!" he screamed, got up before hugging me immediately. "Why did this happen?"
Slightly I shrugged my shoulders when I couldn't breathe again. "Jong-" ,his grip didn't even loosen one percent, -suk, let me go."
I coughed nonstop. "I don't know" I answered then before I looked in the mirror. My hair and face were as wet as my bed, nice.
"Hm," I blinked at him.
"You... don't remember anything, do you?"
My eyes widened. That sounds anything but good. I smacked my my own face. "Did I have my first time with a BTS member I can't even remember?!"
He pressed his fingers into my cheeks. " Ouch!"
"Shut your sweet mouth, okay? I'll never let any of them touch you again" ,he growled.
Touch.. again?
"I meant it as a joke",I jumped out of my bed, "We came in, you and I danced and at some point we were just dead drunk, right? And then you called us a cab and you're gonna pick your car up from there. Like you always do when we go out partying!" ,I nodded decisively.
He pressed his middle finger against my forehead so that I had to lie down. "Ow", I murmured as I rubbed the spot.
"You're way off," he started. "We walked in, started drinking, two overly hot women danced with me while you did the same with JK, Suga and Jimin-"
"What what?"
I grabbed him by the collar.
"Do you know how expensive this fancy shirt was?!" He cut my fingers off.
"I thought I just hallucinated that part!" I screamed. Oh, no, no, no. "Then what?!"
"At some point, I lost track of you because it got fuller and fuller. The two chicks took me to a small room, do you believe me, everything looked like a brothel? The blonde one pushed me onto the bed while the other one sucked my fucking elbow. An elbow fetishist!"
Oh, dear God, please let it rain brains.
"Skip the details, tell me everything from where you found me again."
He gave me an insulted look before continuing. "A few hours later... or minutes? I'm not sure. Anyway, my bladder was about to burst, so I went to find the toilets. After my business, I go out and I hear what? Your loud voice."
Why does this boy always drag stories out like this? Why does he create so much excitement?
"What did I say?!"
"I quote" ,he cleared his throat briefly, " HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT I DREAM OF, YOU FUCKING GHOST!"
"And then I witnessed your fist hitting his beautiful face."
"Huh? Diona?"
"Hello? Are you stuck?"
"What...happened next?" ,I stared at his mouth, which opened again.
"He was talking some bullshit, who knows how drunk he was. He seriously said he was the god of wine and..what was it? Oh yeah, of ecstasy" ,he giggled. "And how you dared to hit him-"
I immediately covered his mouth.
He reached for his bleeding nose.
"Come ooooon, show me who or what you realllllly are." Diona swung back and forth, one eye was already completely closed.
Jimin's chest rose up, smoking with rage. "Isn't the moment you put your hand on my heart proof enough?!" ,he roared like a lion.
Diona's mouth opened to a huge big 'O'. She punched him hard. "YOU KNOW THAT DREAM, TOO?! OH MY GOD!"
He caught her by the shoulders, shaking his head slowly. "Don't do that. Stop asking me to do that. Stop it."
She clung to his neck and tried to pull him down. "Show yourself in your true form or I will kill you."
End of flashback
Show me yourself in your true form?
Where... Where do I know that from?
"Jongsuk you have to leave now. I need to shower and everything. I'll see you at the lecture tomorrow." I pushed him to the door before throwing his leather jacket on him. He insulted me until I couldn't hear him anymore.
I sat down on the floor and brushed my ankles against my temples. I guess I had read that sentence before in my mythology books? Or in the dozens of documentaries?
"Why did this happen?"
Or did I have another nightmare? Maybe that's why I was so scared.
Youtube recommendation: Watch now "Don't leave me - BTS"
I put my phone aside and did what it said. I stared at the seconds that went by as the song started and already at the tenth second my body tightened. I let my head fall back to feel the cold wall. It felt like the song had the power to control my thoughts, digging out my sensory and emotional side in me, even though I didn't need it right now.
Before it comes to an end I wanna know everything
"Don't you understand, Semele? It can all be deception. Is he really who he says he is?"
This woman..
The more time flows, the more it deepens I'm between your past and future right now
"I ask you to show yourself to me in your true form!"
Don't leave me I believe, start running No ending... you're my heartbeat No matter what, rain falls No matter what, darkness erases I'll definitely save you You are not alone
A dream! It was my dream? I remember it all again.
I opened my eyes and filled my glass with water. After I drank it all up, I grabbed my cell phone and entered something.
Death of Semele
I nibbled my nails to ignore my pathological uneasiness.
Zeus appeared to Semele as a mortal, one of his many transformations to win the woman he desired. Hera , the wife of Zeus, was jealous when she learned of the new love of her husband. She too was transformed - and took the form of Semele's old nurse. As the nurse, she sowed the seeds in Semele's heart, namely that Zeus was not Zeus at all. Semele now asked her lover for one single wish, namely to be allowed to see him in all his glory. Zeus, who loved Semele, tried to talk her out of this, but she wanted certainty and was able to ask for it, so that he finally showed himself to her, whereupon she was destroyed by his glory.
Who was Semele?
Semele (greek Σεμέλη) is in Greek mythology the daughter of King Kadmos, founder of Thebes, and the mother of the wine god Dionysus.
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