#I really fukkin hate that the new post editor makes it impossible to only have single line breaks between lines
winged-mammal · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 12049
Fandom: The Expanse
Rating: T
Relationships: Chrisjen Avasarala/Bobbie Draper
Characters: Chrisjen Avasarala, Bobbie Draper, Arjun
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Missing Scenes, Angst with a happy ending, some supporting Chrisjen/Arjun
Bobbie and Chrisjen go through a lot of shit between the end of the Io Campaign and their reunion on Luna after the Bombardment. So does their relationship. Or: twelve thousand words of an excuse to work the "I love and adore you" scene from the books into show canon.
New fic alert! Yes, this is also set in the same universe as the accidental marriage fic, because that's basically my canon for these two now, whoops. This one fills in the gaps between episode 306 and 510, angst and all.
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