#I really wanna analyze sridevi's d9 next
martian-astro · 6 months
Vedic astrology
D9 is so accurate, like I said before, I do paid readings in real life (Tumblr is also real life, but you know what I mean right?) and I was reading this woman's chart and she had a lot placements in her d9 that indicated that her husband would be a huge gossiper and she got married a week ago and today I met her husband and this man knows EVERYTHING about EVERYONE, he's also really sweet, it's so nice to see.
I wanna make Vedic astrology content, but I have noticed that it does not get as much attention as Western and Its kinda sad. if you want to see the level of compatibility between 2 people,then Synastry and composite is the most accurate. but if you wanna know how your spouse is gonna be like then d9 for the win. I had a lot of faith in juno and groom persona charts but....I just don't find it accurate. I'm sorry. I know A LOT of people and it has never managed to correctly predict their spouse's nature or appearance, for 2-3 people it was kind of accurate but I think it's just a coincidence. And I tried using Jupiter persona chart as well, but that too didn't work.
If you are into astrology and want to know more about your future spouse, I would highly recommend you to take a look at your d9. According to ME, it has never been wrong, like not even once.
I was actually just looking at Beyonce's d9 and everything fits like a puzzle. she has venus in 1st, born to be a star, gaining success through marriage, sun in 2nd, getting a lot of money through spouse, mercury in 8th, joint accounts with the spouse, marriage of conveniencence (let's not act like beyonce and jay-z actually love each other), saturn in 10th, VERY VERY AMBITIOUS, Jupiter in 11th, a lot of social influence through marriage....
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