fallout-4-react · 3 years
Companions react to a really nice sweet Sole going ballistic on Kellogg when they confront him.
Hello! Thank you for the ask I hope this is alright! (I didn't include X6 because he already knows about Father and everything, if that upsets you please message me!)
"In a hundred years, when I finally die, I only hope I go to Hell so I can kill you all over again, you piece of shit." (I love this line so much).
Cait: Finally! She had a real problem with Sole's sweet nature sometimes, seeing it as weakness and niavity after what she's been through. She never admitted that it was such a smack to the face when she realized it wasn't an act, that Sole wasn't pretending to get something out of her. To see Sole that angry hurt a little bit, but boy was it about time Sole stood up for themself!
Curie: Genuinely surprised. Not scared per say, just really didn't expect such a sweet person to go ballistic like that. Curie still has trouble identifying her own emotions sometimes, she can't imagine the well of them in Sole right now. She wants to help but doesn't know how other than to offer support, emotionally and fighting-wise. Curie has done enough research to show that anger can often come from depression, and she will comfort Sole after the fight is over.
Danse: Doesn't know what to feel. Sole was a fine soldier; always compassionate and kind. To see them with such rage completely threw him for a loop. Part of him thought to score Sole, you couldn't let your emotions get the better of you. He'd seen fine soldiers die because of that. But... Sole deserved this didn't they? To just get all their anger out. Especially on this Kellogg man, who worked with the Intitute. Maybe he'd let Sole get all their emotions out this time. He was there to watch their back after all.
Deacon: Honestly? Kind of wants to just sit back and watch the fireworks. He has some stake in this with the Railroad constantly having to avoid Kellogg, but Sole has even more stake with what happened in that Vault. He would of course fight off the other synths, but seeing Sole run after and absolutely obliterate Kellogg is so satisfying... for everyone involved. He told Dez that they should have Sole with them and not against them! Bragging rights!
Hancock: He always knew Sole had it in them! He called them Sunshine for a reason, but whenever the business with Kellogg was mentioned Sole just got this look in their eyes. Hancock knew going with Sole, he would see another side of them. A part of him was scared. Sole was such a breath of fresh air in this cruel world that he didn't want them to change, yet he figured they deserved any revenge they saw fit. He'd even let them borrow his knife if they wanted to get up close and personal.
MacCready: Hates to admit it, but with the way he was raised Sole's sweet nature was often seen as a weakness to him. He really had a bad feeling about how this whole things with Kellogg was going to go down, but he knew enough about Sole to know that if he were in this situation then Sole would help him, so he went. And holy crap is he glad he did! Watching Sole beat the absolute shit (he didn't say it out loud it doesn't count) out of Kellogg was amazing! It sounded like the pile of garbage had it coming. He took out the other synths and had his gun trained on Kellogg, just in case, but he gave Sole some room to take their much deserved anger out on the jerk.
Nick: Very hard for him to see. Not because he thinks Sole would ever turn into a bad person, but because it just proves how much has been taken from this kind and fair individual. He'd seen the way Sole had helped people across the entire Commonwealth, the land that had taken so much from them. Nick watched someone who had everything taken away from them put more effort than anyone to give back. And now they faced the man who took a good chunk of that away from Sole. Nick would be damned if Sole felt like they were going through this alone.
Piper: Oh Blue... Seeing her sweet Blue this way was a real punch in the gut. Sole, who was so good with Nat and who helped others so much; to see them so enraged broke her heart. It only made more bitterness rise in her chest for the Institute who had taken so much from someone who only gave in return. She would enjoy watching Blue do what they needed to do for peace, and she would help Blue with their mission or die trying.
Preston: Damn... Sole was amazing, stopping everything to help those who they didn't even know. They were so sweet and kind and to see them go so ballistic was... interesting to be sure. As far as Preston was concerned, Sole deserved this after all they had done. Preston would help them get any solace, especially after all they had done for the Commonwealth. He would have their back just as they always had his. And after, no matter what happened, they could go back to Sanctuary and Preston could brag about how badass Sole was. Preston enjoyed these positive thoughts as Sole beat the ever loving shit out of Kellogg.
Strong: Yes! Strong smash! Sole is the epitome of human kindness, and although Strong respects her helping her fellow man, there hasn't been enough smashing. Strong will take this opportunity for all it's worth.
Dogmeat: He can hear the anger in Sole's tone, and if his hackles weren't raised before they sure are now. Sole is so sweet and gives them the best life possible, so to hear them so angry only makes him more ready to fight by their side.
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fallout-4-react · 3 years
Hello everyone! As I said on my New Vegas blog things were pretty crazy the last few months so apologies for opening this blog then leaving.
So much has happened I feel like the universe is telling me to not do these posts...
Fuck the universe! First react on this blog coming very soon.
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fallout-4-react · 3 years
Hello!!!! Nice too see a new blog pop up!!!!
Hello! Thank you happy to be here! As I said on my other blog I kinda forgot college finals were a thing so I will start posting soon! After a few all nighters I'll be done with this semester :)
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fallout-4-react · 3 years
Hi all! Welcome to Fallout 4 Reacts. Below are the rules for requests.
Interested in Fallout Reacts? I have a New Vegas React blog as well!
~ Requests are Open ~
Please check here to make sure requests are open before requesting!
Request Rules:
- No romance and no smut. I will take many requests, but any request with romantic undertones will be kept mainly platonic
- Fallout 4 only. If you want to see New Vegas reactions I impore you to go to my other blog mentioned above :) I don't know the companions accuretly from other games. Not well enough I could do them justice anyway.
- Any request sent with closed requests will be ignored until requests open back up again.
- Please specify if you want only a specific companion, or a companion other than the permanent ones, including from the DLCs. :)
- My writing style is more hurt/comfort. If you want really angst, hurt/no comfort, or something else, please specify <3
Thank you, I hope you enjoy!
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