#I remember being SO PISSED at the Diamond/Pearl arc updates because 'HOW DARE YOU NOT HELP THE OTHER DEX HOLDERS FIRST!1!!1!'
silvermoon424 · 7 months
I don't know how many people on here read (or did read) Pokemon Adventures, but do y'all remember the end of the FRLG arc? When Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow are fucking turned into stone and the arc just ends there?
I remember being in the fucking trenches when we were still waiting for a resolution to that. It took a few years I think, and the entire time I was so upset because "When will you help my friends :((((" (I was like 13 at this time lmao)
The payoff in the Emerald arc ends up being worth it but people who didn't have to wait in the trenches to see the Dex Holders survive their predicament don't know the pain the fandom was in lmao. I still vividly remember waiting for Coronis's monthly updates on the Serebii forums (Coronis was the resident manga expert who would update with summaries and pics from the latest chapter releases in Japan).
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