#I remember the fact Isami was good with other things was said somewhere
tailsisfluffy · 3 years
Takumi: You excel at so many other things, Isami. Some that I can’t even dream of getting a hold of. Why do you beat yourself up so much over not cooking as well as me?
Isami: Because I like having fun with you, and cooking seems like the only activity you truly have fun with. If I can’t keep up with you, you will not want to cook or have fun with me anymore.
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fierce-little-miana · 4 years
Here is my first entry for the @saitofest​ 2020 following the prompt Fond Memories  |  The Best of the Best, beta-read by the lovely and frighteningly fast and efficient @fleeting-blossom-of-the-dawn​ (thank you so much). Thank you to @impracticaldemon​ for organizing and @queengurako​ for helping with the information.
This is a onceagainbutwithfeeling fic about Saito arrival at the Shinsengumi. Technically this is canon compliant and historically ‘informed’ (just like your favorite period dramas are). Enjoy!
(and if I made a mistake in the way people addressed each other just know that I am sorry, I did my best)
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Edo was not as loud as Saito remembered it. The city was as heavy as the summer heat, but it was more bearable than it had been two years ago, like a wound which had closed. People’s accent wasn’t singing to his hear but it wasn’t accusing him either. He found himself capable of walking as he had done in Kyoto, one step after another toward a goal. Yet, he still caught himself stopping for a few seconds, looking for something familiar. Nothing came, even the cicadas chirping sounded foreign.
“And this our main courtyard,” Inoue said pointing to a square in front of them. “Kondo-san likes to organize contests here.”
Saito nodded to his guide who was smiling at him. The moment lasted a bit longer than it was comfortable and he saw the man’s muscles around his mouth twitch, the smile never disappearing. Had he expected another answer? Before Saito could even try adding something to show proper respect to Inoue the man declared with some affability.
“Well I guess you would rather want to meet everyone Saito-kun? Follow-me.”
This time the man turned away without waiting for an answer. Saito went after him in silence letting his eyes take the courtyard in a bit more. It was very neat. He had heard conflicting things about the Shieikan dojo, not all of them good, but everyone agreed on the fact that it brought together unusual men. He was glad discipline wasn’t disregarded nevertheless.
“You studied with Yoshida-san in Kyoto, right?”
Saito’s attention snapped back to Inoue. Tentatively he answered:
“You didn’t want to continue there?”
He felt no ill intention behind the question, just honest curiosity.
“I was unable to attain the Menkyo Kaiden,” he answered while putting his right hand on the hilt of the sword he carried on the same side.
It was Inoue’s turn to answer with only a nod. He did so after a short instant of consideration. Then he kept leading him within the compound. Saito wondered what it must feel like, to welcome in one’s school someone who had failed somewhere else. Surely no-one wanted a student like that. Still as long as the man was ready to guide, he was willing to follow.  
Saito could now hear voices. Two more turns on the engawa and they arrived in front of a room whose shoji were wide open to try to create some sort of draught to fight the summer heat.
There was a dozen of men in the room, training with vigor. Two of them were directing the session.  The first instructor was the largest and the loudest of the two. He wore a green bandana and was correcting a group of three men at the same time. Saito was first taken aback by his conduct, but he quickly realized that the advice he was giving was clear and appropriate. The trainees looked attentive and eager to satisfy his demands. His stance was quite good too. If his apparent physical strength was matched by enough kenjutsu talent he could be a dangerous opponent.
But it was the second instructor that drew his attention. He didn’t look much older than Saito but clearly he was the one who most set the trainees on edge. He walked through the room, apparently relaxed, but his pass had something feline about it. Something that didn’t bode well for anyone crossing him. And indeed, when a trainee started to get distracted and sloppy the man would stop in front of him and fix him up until he was somehow capable of correcting his form. This was not an efficient teaching technique by any means, but Saito had to recognize that the instructor was razor sharp in noticing mistakes and lack of discipline. His green eyes seemed acute to his surroundings. Unsurprisingly they had fixed upon Saito when he appeared in full view of the room.
He wasn’t completely hostile but not far off and didn’t even bother to hide it. Still Saito did not budge. There was something about this man that gave him the urge to face him.
“Hey Gen-san, who is the visitor?” a red-haired man sitting at Saito and Inoue’s right asked.
“This is Saito-kun,” the man kindly answered. “He has expressed interest in our dojo.”
“Hajimemashite Saito-san. I am Harada Sanosuke and this is Todo Heisuke.” he said while pointing to his neighbor.
“Hajimemashite!” the latter exclaimed.
Saito slightly bowed to both of them while answering in the same manner. He felt a certain curiosity coming from both men but none as potent as the one of the green-eyed instructor.
“Sano-kun are Toshi or Isami around?” Inoue asked.
“No, they are out on business and Sannan-san is with them. Considering the hour I doubt they will be back before tomorrow, probably enjoying the pleasure of a night out.” Harada added with a grin.
Inoue sighed before turning toward Saito.
“I am sorry Saito-kun, I thought you could meet and discuss with them today. Would you mind coming back tomorrow?”
“I don’t mind Inoue-san,” Saito turned toward Harada and Todo. “It was nice meeting you two.”
“Same,” the red-haired warrior simply answered.
His guide started to walk back toward the entrance and Saito followed. As long as he was in view of the training room he could feel the green eyes of the instructor on him, unyielding.
*  *  *
“What was that about this afternoon?” Shinpachi asked while entering to join them for dinner.
This made Souji focus. Finally, a conversation that might be more interesting than Heisuke complaining about his seasoning. The Shieikan dojo did receive unannounced visitors from time to time but they were rarely coming with good intentions. Having an unknown left-handed warrior walking in the compound was probably bad news for Kondo. What was Gen thinking showing him around?
“No idea,” Sanosuke answered while moving to the right to leave some room for Shinpachi to seat. “I wanted to ask Gen-san but he apparently left to run some errands just after escorting our ‘guest’ out. He hasn’t come back, so I guess he joined Kondo-san and the others.”
“Come on! You talked to them, you know at least more than Souji and I do.”
Sanosuke’s eyes went to Souji who nodded his support to Shinpachi. The more they knew the better. If people thought they could just scout Kondo’s dojo before making trouble they were gravely mistaken. Sanosuke sighed:
“He wasn’t much of a talker, we introduced each other that’s all.”
“That’s an understatement,” Heisuke intervened. “The guy was gloomy!”
“You might want to take a page from his book. I doubt he was much older than you and yet he had so much more gravity,” Sanosuke added with a smile.
They were getting distracted. Who cared about the gravity of the man? It was just another way to add to his humorless demeanor. Souji couldn’t care less about that.
“And was our dark and not-so-tall stranger’s name?” he asked while putting his chopstick down.
Souji snorted. So, mister mysterious was indeed surrounded by secrecy. Did he think anonymity would protect him from retribution? That was an issue though. It would be complicated getting info on him with just his name.
“That’s extremely convenient,” he finally commented.
“Is it?” Heisuke asked. “How many left-handed Saito could be running around Edo?”
“Are you serious? Do you realize how many people have this name? I know at least three left-handed Saito. One of them is working in tea shop. She is taller than you shrimp.”
Heisuke tried to send his elbow into Sanosuke’s side for that. The red-haired man only had to move a little to dodge it. They kept fighting even as Shinpachi said under his breath:
“That’s odd.”
Souji’s attention was entirely on him now. Shinpachi looked absorbed in his thoughts. While noisy the man had a head for politics that sometimes lead him into long and apparently captivating conversations with Kondo. Souji never took part in them but he stayed around. Currently Shinpachi had the same look on his face that when I was about to make some decisive point. Unfortunately for Souji he was staring to get pulled into Heisuke and Sanosuke’s oral jab.
“Keep talking Shinpachi-san.”
His three companions went silent. Their eyes were on him. They were uneasy. People, expect Kondo, sometimes looked at him like that. Sometimes he knew why sometimes he didn’t. His voice tone was probably off. In any case that served him well.
“It is nothing Souji, don’t worry.”
Ah, Shinpachi was already recovering from whatever he had felt. Usual. Souji had to act quickly because if Shinpachi decided to ignore him no matter what he would then do, even more deliberate things, it would just slip on the man. But before he could add anything it was Sanosuke who surprisingly came to his help:
“Just tell him. He has the look on his face that says that he won’t leave us alone until he knows whatever he thinks you are hiding. He is going to be an ass all evening.”
Well he didn’t exactly like the formulation, and he had to fight back the urge of retorting something - he didn’t know what but something - but it worked.
“It is just that it reminded me of something. One or two years ago two idiot kids ended up dueling each other. One of them was a Hatamoto’s son and the other one the son of a lowly samurai. Surprisingly it was the Hatamoto’s son who was killed. Long story short it was quite a scandal and the lowly samurai son was forced to flee Edo.”
“And?” Souji asked.
“I think the kid was left-handed.”
Souji found nothing to say to that, nor was Shinpachi ready to tell him more. Slowly the evening meal went back to its normal rhythm. While the chatter grew around him, Souji considered what he just learned. It didn’t mean that mystery man was the lowly samurai son of course. It was probably just a coincidence. And even if it wasn’t, having killed someone wouldn’t give his adversary an edge on him.
He forced his hands to open. At some point they had contracted on his hakama. No, whoever this man was, whatever he had done, it wouldn’t change a thing.
*  *  *
Saito came back. This time no-one was there to welcome him. He had hesitated at the gate. Wandering alone, and armed, in a dojo was a bad idea. Especially considering that he didn’t come to make enemies. Still he had been told to return today, so he entered.
He was able to come right to the middle of the Shieikan, where he had witnessed the training session the day before. Today the shoji were closed and it felt as if he had failed something. The cicadas were singing again making the day look like a distorted repeat of his first visit. He didn’t particularly like hot weather, but he usually endured it without a complaint. Right now, it was more suffocating than ever. He would have been lying if he said that at this moment he didn’t consider turning back, yet he called out:
“Pardon me, is anyone in?”
There was a movement on his right. The four men he had noticed in the training room yesterday were standing in the shadow of an engawa. The green eyes were once again fixed on him.
“Who is it?” the instructor asked looking like he had very much been waiting for him. “Did he come to challenge our school?”
Saito was expecting that. There was apparently no-one else around despite Inoue’s word. Probably they had made their decision before he came back and let their best students handle him. He saw no point in correcting their wrong assumption. The man was spoiling for a fight. The three others weren’t as antagonistic, but they didn’t look ready to stop their peer either. Well he was used to that. He could give the man what he was looking for.
Facing his silence, the green-eyed instructor joined him. His mouth was smiling but his eyes weren’t, and his informality had an edge to it.
He went into the training room with him, the three other men following behind. Today the room was mainly closed which gave it a stifling atmosphere. His interlocutor gave him a bokken and they faced each other. The green-eyed man was still smiling when he started speaking again with faked candor in his voice:
“I still haven’t asked for your name yet, haven’t I? I guess I might as well ask while you can still talk.”
“Saito Hajime,” he simply answered unfazed by the bravado of his adversary.
“Saito-kun, ne? I am Okita Souji, nice to meet you.”
His surprise and his politeness were feigned but his confidence wasn’t. Saito assured his grip on the bokken.
“Shinpachi-san, could you act as our referee?” Okita suddenly asked to the other instructor.
“Sure,” he answered with a bit of hesitation.
The man took his place before turning toward Saito, much to his surprise:
“Hey, are going to be okay? Souji’s the star student of our dojo.”
“There is no need for concern,” Saito answered and he took his stand.
Okita’s smile grew wider and he joined Saito. There was a short moment in which their bokken touched and they were only facing each other. Both of them were intensely focused and Saito had no trouble believing what Shinpachi had said.
Saito kept his stance as it was but Okita changed his guard calmly, bringing his bokken behind him. Fine he would engage.
He went toward Okita at full speed aiming for his head. His adversary seemed surprised for a split-second but managed to dodge. Saito carried on with multiple thrusts, nearly landing a blow several times. Still he didn’t manage to actually make a hit. Okita finally warded his attack off and Saito was forced to draw back.
That was unexpected but not as much as the nearly immediate counterattack he barely managed to fend off. He was good. Very good. Saito hadn’t had an adversary like that in ages, forcing him on the defensive. He took a vicious blow on his left side, several inches under the heart. It should have taken his breath away, but he gritted his teeth and put all his weight in a counter blow that allowed him to regain some edge.
The referee had screamed something that Saito barely registered. He had to focus on his adversary, thankfully Okita seemed in the same mindset. They traded several other blows, perfectly countering each other none of them managing to gain the upper hand.
At some point they came to a halt, if one could call it that. Their bokken were pushing against each other and both of them were putting as much of their weight in their confrontation as they could without risking unbalance. Okita was panting as much as him but he still surprisingly managed to speak:
“You are stronger than I expected. No one’s been able to dodge my thrusts before.”
“You are the first person I fail to defeat in my first move.”
Okita smiled more earnestly this time, a bizarrely gratifying sight. Unfortunately for Saito his adversary was considerably taller than him and his superior size ultimately gave him the advantage in their current confrontation. He was once again thrown a few steps backward and they started giving and repelling blows. Someone else was screaming now. Saito didn’t recognize the voice and had no time to try to.
Suddenly Shinpachi and Todo were on Okita. Saito barely managed to take a step back in surprise before Harada caught his right arm. It took an enormous effort from Saito to break his fight like that, but he recognized an immediate request to stop when he saw one. He went still trying to find his breath back. In front of him Okita was struggling against the two men who had more or less physically restrained him. His eyes were still fixed on Saito.
Now that he was a bit more able to take his surroundings in Saito noticed that two men had arrived, one of them looking quite angered by what he saw but it was the other one who spoke:
“You were quite impressive!”
The compliment surprised him. He wasn’t used to this. He took two more breaths in before messily answering with a question:
“I fight using a left-handed stance, does that not bother you?”
His interlocutor seemed surprise, as if he hadn’t even noticed it. It was the other man, the one with the long black hair, who reacted. Somehow his comment seemed to have made him angrier but strangely not at Saito:
“Whether you use a right-handed stance or a left-handed stance, it doesn’t change the fact that you are strong.”
Saito was struck dumb. He had never expected that, maybe a grudging welcome, but certainly not at total acknowledgement. The men were talking in front of him. He had to focus to listen to them.
“He is the boy Gen-san told us about. I wanted to test him, but I think this won’t be necessary, don’t you think Toshi?”
“Indeed, I don’t think it will be necessary Kondo-san,” the man with the long hair answered with a smile on his face.
Kondo-san? So this man was the head of the Shieikan dojo. Saito knew he was supposed to bow to him but somehow he did not manage to. His attention was fixed on the man with the long ponytail.
“So, would you follow us uhm?” Kondo asked.
It took Saito a minute to realize that the man was talking to him. He was supposed to introduce himself. By the time he had actually intellectualized this Okita was answering for him:
“This is Saito Hajime-kun.”
“Would you follow us Hajime-kun? We have things to discuss.”
Kondo and the other man started to lead the way out of the training room. He wanted to follow. He wanted it so bad he might have never wanted something as badly in his entire life. But he couldn’t. Maybe if he started moving again all of this would disappear. He would again be the left-handed warrior no-one wanted to be associated with no matter what.
Someone gave him a friendly slap in the back. He was forced to take a step forward not to fall.
“Welcome Hajime-kun, I am looking forward to sparring with you again,” Okita said with a wicked grin while going after Kondo and the other man.
Everything was still here. The training room, his uneven breathing from the impromptu duel, Harada, Shinpachi and Todo next to him, Okita, Kondo and the black-haired man in front of him. The welcome was new. It was a good change.
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emilyplaysotome · 6 years
Chapter 9 - Mystery Men
Catch up on Chapters 1 - 8 here! (or just Chapter 8) 
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I felt a sense of relief knowing that Meg was not only okay in the otome realm, but that she was still managing to help me in my quest.
I assumed that the king had underestimated her, seeing as how it was obvious that her knowledge of his world was far less than my own. It was because of that fact that she’d been able to do all this investigating under his nose. Furthermore, my misstep in identifying the final sixth man had given him a false sense of security and as a result it was clear that he was no longer feeling as if he needed to watch my every move.
At the time I’d compiled the list of potential suitors, I had written down everyone who had come to mind - even if we hadn’t spent much time together. Based on what was in front of me, Meg had been incredibly productive and she’d circled  three names in red ink - Iori Enjo, Toma Kirya, and Eisuke Ichinomiya.
That last name was one that I hadn’t even written down, but Meg had scribbled it at the bottom and circled it as if she was certain that he should not be over looked. I wished that I could ask her about what it was that I was seeing, but I’d have to figure it out myself. As prickly as all these men were at least I had names to give to Jin, and that in itself was a start.
Having lived an incredibly full day and with an equally full one tomorrow, I dragged myself to bed in my own home for the first time since my breakup. I had hoped that sleep would come quickly but instead I found myself tossing and turning as I considered the fact that perhaps, after all of this, Zyglavis would not be the one for me in the end.
There was something unsettling about that thought in addition to feeling free. I was getting a second chance to figure out who was the best fit for me with the knowledge that all of the otome men I’d met were able to thrive in this world in ways I never could have anticipated the first time around.
With Jin specifically, his age, his smoking habit, and the fact that I was convinced this city would eat him alive had been the bulk of why I walked away from him in the first place. I found myself thinking about our hot springs date and how sad he was when I had revealed back then that I was going back to New York. I remember how he’d declared that he wanted to be considered - that he would not give up easily and that he loved me.
I remembered the way he conducted himself when Zyglavis and Shun had bickered like children in front of Addison & Rhodes. He had been mature and calm - even respectful of his rivals.
At the time I was having trouble seeing anyone other than Zyglavis but now I couldn’t help but think of that moment and if I had picked Jin and if everything had played out the way it did (with my old otome flames dropping into this world unannounced and with no return) if our relationship might have easily persevered during the test that had made relationship with Zyglavis falter.
It didn’t matter that the answer to my question would never come lying in bed, my mind pondered it anyway and I didn’t get to sleep until somewhere around 2 am that night.
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“What the hell is this?!” Hijikata bellowed as I found myself too tired and too sore to complete yet another burpee rep.
“Don’t be sorry - show me you want to do the work. Prove that this isn’t just a one day whim!”
Hijikata clicked his tongue and I laid on the floor of the gym my stomach, taking his “stop” as permission to completely collapse during my burpee mid-motion.
“How late were you up last night? You seem sluggish and you have dark circles under your eyes!”
“2…maybe later…”
I could see the annoyance flicker behind Hijikata’s eyes and he growled, “Why were you up so late when you knew we were working out?”
“I tried to sleep…believe me, I was in bed by 11 but I just couldn’t.”
He let out a sharp exhale and extended his hand, to help me back onto my feet. I took it and was reminded of how his hand felt around mine, if only for a moment. He led me to a small stretching area in the back and instructed me to sit across from him.
“Training is not just about mastering the body, but also the mind. Breathe Naomi. In through the nose, out through the mouth…”
I was surprised that Hijikata had forgiven my failings and instead proceeded to lead me through a guided meditation for 20 minutes. 
To be honest, meditation had always been one of those things I convinced myself was for hippies and yoga fanatics but Hijikata made it feel accessible to me. He made me realize it was a struggle to be present and calm with all that was happening in my life. As I scanned my body, I not only felt the aches and pains from our workout yesterday but the tension in my shoulders from the stress of a missing friend and an uncertain future.
I was also surprised to see Hijikata looking at me almost tenderly when I was finally instructed to open my eyes.
“That’s all for today.”
“You’re tired right? It’d be reckless to push you to do more today. Rest up and I’ll see you Monday at 8 AM.”
“Ok. I’m sorry.”
Hijikata shook his head, “You were tired but still showed up. You did your best. Your homework is to work meditation into your daily life. I need a calm mind in order to transform your body.”
I nodded and walked with Hijikata down one flight of steps past Frank who couldn’t help but butt in, “Leaving so soon?”
“Making an exception for today,” Hijikata said, leaping to my defense.
Frank grinned and in a teasing tone noted, “It’s not like the demon trainer to play favorites. Don’t tell me you’ve already fallen for our lovely client Toshi!”
“Of course not!” he growled, but Frank continued his playful barbs until Hijikata had enough and stormed off. 
There was something about the exchange that had reminded me of Hijikata’s relationship with Isami Kondo back on the Shinsengumi base, and seeing this brotherly, and slightly paternal teasing from Frank caused me to smile despite how bad I was feeling for not being able to finish the workout.
“Frank!” I scolded with a smile, “He’s going to be even meaner to me Monday now just to prove he doesn’t play favorites!”
“I doubt it hon - and I like my clients to smile when they leave even if they can’t keep up with my demon,” he said with a little wink. “Don’t mind Toshi either - he’s extra prickly these days because he’s got a rival.”
“A rival?”
“Yeah, I’m sure you’ll see him around. Guy’s also training for the same lifting competition Toshi’s got in a month. And let me tell you - this dude’s the real deal. Got Toshi sweating it pretty hard these days.”
“Was he here yesterday by any chance?”
“Sure was - why do you ask?”
I had to consider that there was a strong possibility that this rival was the sixth man I’d managed to “meet” but not notice. There was something about a sudden appearance of a challenger that felt very in-line with a predictable otome plot to go unnoticed.
“Do you mind if I ask his name?”
“Taka. He’s a fine dude but him and Toshi are like oil and water. Do yourself a favor and don’t bring him up if you want to stay on Toshi’s good side,” Frank noted with a laugh before saying goodbye to spot another member’s squat.
There was no one on my list of suspects who went by “Taka” yet my gut was telling me that there was no way that this was merely a coincidence. I raced home and opened my Love365 app before going through all the games in order to refresh my memory as to who this mystery “Taka” could be.
There was Takashi from Revance, but it seemed really unlikely that he would have taken up weightlifting to the point that he would be able to compete with Toshi. There was Takao Maruyama from Long Island, but I never ended up investigating there so I crossed him off my list. Hidetaka Sera didn’t go by Taka, but I did remember the way he looked at me when Zyg and I had visited Seishun High School, and figured that while it was unlikely that he was my mystery suitor, I should still keep my eyes peeled for him. 
Finally, I didn’t remember interacting much with Takamune Kitami, the athlete option in My Last First Kiss, but he seemed to make sense as a physical rival to Hijikata and so I scribbled both names on my potential list for Jin Namba before heading to shower and prepare for my date with Hiroshi.
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I’ll admit that I was sore and tired and well aware thanks to Toshi’s comment that all of my fatigue showed on my face.
Unfortunately I didn’t have time for a nap and so the second best option was a makeup tutorial for a fresh, dewey, natural day look that walked me through how to hide my dark, under-eye circles. Between that, the highlighter, and an excessive use at mascara I found myself staring back at a reflection that felt overly made up but appropriate for a second date based on what I’d presented on the first.
Hiroshi and I met at the Shake Shack on the Upper East Side at 86th street, and ordered a fair amount of food before heading over to the park with it. In no way, shape, or form had I “earned” the calories required to adequately enjoy my burger and cheese fries after my pathetic attempt at a workout but I couldn’t possibly be bothered to care.
It was a beautiful day and Hiroshi had been attentive and sweet upon his arrival. He held the Shake Shack door for me and insisted on carrying our food, all the while letting me know in an abashed way that he was sorry he’d been unresponsive over text. Apparently his caseload had taken over most of his time and he wanted to make sure he’d be able to attend our date which meant less texting and more working.
Our conversation flowed naturally as it had on our first date as we walked several blocks to the large east meadow and spread out a blanket. It was such a beautiful day that it felt like everyone in the city had the same idea as us, and though the situation lacked privacy it provided a setting that didn’t feel overly serious or nerve-racking.
Based on what had been said, I was relieved to know that I was still just as close to getting my first kiss out of the six as I’d felt after our first date, and I strategized with how I was going to make Hiroshi feel comfortable and confident enough to make a move.
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As quaint as a daytime park picnic with burgers sounded at the time, I realized that it was possibly the least sexy situation one can be in. Burgers are messy and greasy and it’s virtually impossible to make consuming them sexy despite what Carl Jr.’s wants you to think.
I tried to eat mine as ladylike as I could, but the delicious shack sauce still managed to get all over me. I was glad that Hiroshi was good natured about the whole thing, and even went so far as to note that he liked a woman who could get a bit messy and not make a stink about it.
“Oh, well if you’re looking for a hot mess then look no further!” I joked.
“You are definitely a hot mess.”
“You’re not so bad yourself,” I said, wiping sauce off my face and when I looked over I saw Hiroshi looking at me in the way a man does before he leans in and kisses you. I held his gaze and did my patented seductive smirk, in which I pucker my lips slightly and imply with my eyes I’m really worth following through with.
Hiroshi scooted himself closer to me and I held my breath hopeful that I’d soon be reunited with the real Hiroshi Kirisawa.
But naturally…that would have been too easy.
Instead, a shrill voice interrupted our moment, as a young boy informed his mom that he found a spot for their blanket and trotted over to an empty space of grass a few feet away. Hiroshi and I grinned and averted our eyes with no other choice but to return to our picnic.
“So you’ve been busy, huh?” I asked in an attempt to recover.
“You have no idea. It’s like the city was tryin’ to do everything possible to keep me from ya.”
“I hope that’s not true.”
“Well it can try,” Hiroshi said flashing me a confident smirk, “but it’d never win. Not when I like a girl - when I like a girl, nothin’ can keep me from her.”
“And you like…me?”
I watched as his smirk faded and a panicked expression overtook his features.
“Shit! I was supposed to play it cool,” he said, cheeks reddening. “Damnit.”
“Why play it anything? I like it when you’re you.”
The second I said it, I realized that it sounded like a line despite the fact that I really meant it. Hiroshi had no idea of course, but having him act like this was familiar and when we’d first reunited he’d seemed like another person entirely. Similarly to how it had been with Jin, I was happy to discover that Hiroshi wasn’t so different than the man I’d had that one night stand with back in otome-ville.
Regardless though, there was something about him that was too nice for me.
It was a shame really - every iteration of Hiroshi, even this gruffer New Yorker one was too sweet to be my type. I felt like such an idiot realizing that I preferred the cold and silent type to the kind of man who would treat me like a queen. It made me ashamed to know that I was the kind of woman that caused genuinely nice guys to feel like women prefer jerks…
…and I felt even worse knowing that I had to keep pretending that he had a chance with me in order to get that kiss.
It must have showed on my face because Hiroshi asked, “Naomi - what’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing. Now I feel like the uncool one.”
“Nah, that was really nice,” Hiroshi said, taking my hand in his. “So nice I don’t even care your hands are covered in sauce.”
“Ugh are they really?”
“No - you’re totally perfect, come on…ya know that.”
“Totally perfect.”
It was happening. I got us back to where we needed to be in order for me to have a chance at winning. I felt awful about kissing a man I knew I had no feelings for and who in every iteration was too good for me, but I still let the moment play out.
I leaned in and just as I was about to close my eyes, in the distance I saw a familiar duo and realized that Meg’s suspicions about Eisuke Ichinomiya being in my world had been accurate.
Chapter 10 here!
Posting this early for work reasons but I hope you guys like it.
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Thanks for reading :)
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