#I saw that Mice liked the post too so I'm assuming it's alright for me to draw hers as well (?)
esteebarnes94 · 7 months
Darby Fanart
Darby is a character from a joint story by @majormeilani (who owns this character) and their sister micechicken (who I won't tag as not to bother her). Anyways, I'll admit when I was on my old account I did come across their story Sunshine and thought it was really cool, so when I made this account I decided to practice my digital drawing skills on Darby!
Goes without saying, but no reposting, editing, claiming (the art, I mean, obviously the OC isn't mine), tracing, or using for any program, NFT, or AI.
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Anyways yeah Darby is super cool I like her.
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