#I see people going into random endogenic blogs and telling them they're crazy and I can only think about this
Hey, anti-endos, please don't call endogenics "crazy". Or anything of the sort.
I'm traumagenic / have DID, so my experience isn't the same, but I started noticing my DID symptoms as a teenager. They scared me and, when I built up the courage to be honest to my caretaker about what was happening to me, she told me that I was crazy and that I shouldn't say anything. That people would think I was insane if I ever spoke up about it.
So I didn't. For years. I suffered and wondered why everyone else was doing so well in life when I could barely do anything properly. I wondered why all of my therapies were failing to work and everything still felt like shit. It took so long to finally break out and realize that my DID symptoms weren't me going insane and something to hide from my doctors, it was fucking DID.
By telling endogenics that they're crazy, that they should just stop existing, you're telling them to hide how they feel so they can be "normal". It doesn't matter if you think they're faking; if they ARE faking, you should be supporting them in getting better and stopping, not yelling at them like that. And I don't think any of them are faking their experiences. They're sharing how they feel and what's going on in their lives, and you are telling them to hide it. You are telling them to suffer wondering why they can't be "normal".
If you actually cared about how people felt, you wouldn't tell endogenics that their existence is fake or that they're crazy.
You can decide not to believe in them, I don't get to police your beliefs or force you to read medical sources on endogenic plurality, but you still need to have some respect.
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