#I seriously want to strangle Schlatt sometimes like oh my fucking god
You really are the worst person (read: thing) to walk this earth huh?
What makes you think that you of all people are allowed to say that? Against your husband no less?
Alex doesn’t deserve you nor do you deserve Alex. From what I know all he wants is to be treated with respect and kindness which obviously you cannot give him. Not even a minuscule amount? You’re pathetic.
I mean, he cooks for you, he cleans, he even believes that you love him? You made him think he doesn’t deserve respect? What kind of husband are you? Who do you think you are to go around hitting your husband and your son?
Some day Schlatt, you are going to get what you deserve and I hope that when your death comes you have the worst imaginable afterlife. I hope you end up alone because you are not deserving of love.
And for the record- you are in fact racist.
Try to give some sort of respect to your husband you empty low-life.
im just telling the truth.
I do give him respect and kindness when he earns it, which isn't hard to do. :/
well, first, he cooks the same stuff over and over. when he cleans he always forgets shit or throws away something important. Sometimes he doesn't deserve respect. How is he supposed to improve without knowing he did something wrong.
Fuck off.
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