#I shall never recover from dousy brainrot btw
cosmicqvake · 8 months
Okay, I’ll forever find it hilarious how in a literal life or death situation, where they’re actively running out of loops before they, y’know, PERISH AND DIE, Daisy sees Sousa and goes, “I can take a loop” just to use said loop to do nothing but spend time talking to him.
Like ma’am?? You technically can’t “take a loop”?? Time is running out?? But go off ig.
Or when they run out of time in one of the other loops and before it ends, Coulson goes: “okay, next time, same thing, but faster!!”
And then on the IMMEDIATE next loop, Daisy takes a solid minute or two of that precious time just to kiss Sousa, instead of rushing off like she technically should’ve been doing the second she woke up. Because, y’know, they could literally all die at any minute. I get it though, I really do get it. Girl’s got priorities and I respect that, wholeheartedly. I mean, she obviously didn’t wanna go out without kissing him at least ONCE.
And the best part is, if Coulson found out about either scenario, I doubt he’d even blame her. He’d get it. He’s literally a Sousa fan. He’d 100% understand- and maybe even be a little bit proud, if anything (even if he happened to mask it with mock-disappointment).
In conclusion, I just love them (and that entire episode wbk) so much lmfao.
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