#I ship Yasuba when it comes to music man
navybluetears · 7 years
Yasuba’s “Desire” on SCP 9 years ago
Love this song so much :) one of those songs I listen to on regular basis
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navybluetears · 7 years
I want a Yasuba unit song
I’ve been listening to “Desire” a lot the last few days. It’s still Eito’s best unit song to me, very emotional, the tension is amazing. Eito really don’t have any other song that gives off such vibes.
Yasuba should make a song together again. I’ll also be perfectly happy if they make a FULL COVER of B’z Konya tsuki no mieru, you guys don’t know how much I loved that short version they did on The Music day a while back. Like they were both so cool I can’t
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