#I should've saved those earlier chakra explanation panels too :
izumaki-naruto · 10 months
chapter 90
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That's a pretty useful description of how chakra works, and not really one I see portrayed? Though tbf that could also just be the series retconning it.
But from Ebisu's explanation it looks like what Sakura's really outstanding at is building chakra (that is, mixing her spiritual and physical energies together in the right amount), since Sasuke and Naruto are inferior to her in that regard. Her chakra control (putting the correct amount of chakra into a jutsu) is perfect too, but so is Sasuke's, so that's not unique. Also, Naruto's issue is putting too little chakra into his jutsus, not too much, and what he has in abundance is stamina, not chakra, so he'd also be freakishly energetic at taijutsu.
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