#I still can't help but see Stretch bein' an Ass
leewritestoomuch · 3 months
I've been so obsessed with Rock Lee for the last few months after getting into Naruto and I'm so glad someone's taking requests for my favourite ninja! If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to see you write Rock Lee helping reader stretch before a work out but since reader isn't really flexible or is just not all that active, they make a lot of, ahem, suggestive noises while stretching. Love your work, can't wait to see more!!
Rock Lee Helping Reader Stretch
Warnings: Suggestive, borderline NSFW. It’s implied.
Basically: You make noises while stretching that Rock Lee’s horny brain can’t ignore.
Recently, your joints and muscles have been killing you. Maybe your half ass stretching routine wasn’t doing the trick, you figured. Even though you knew change had to happen, you just didn’t know how to stretch your muscles out properly for the extensive training you do with Lee.
Usually he shows up earlier than you, so you don’t see him stretching, but you know he’s keen on making sure he stretches properly so he’s probably stretching for a while beforehand. So you decide to show up 40 minutes before you usually would, seeing him just now setting up to stretch and warmup.
He’d clearly been out jogging prior to this. And in your mind, you know he’s done a runners stretch so isn’t that enough? Why does he need to stretch again? (Him and Gai would both scream at you for this way of thinking)
“Hi Lee.” You greet him with a small smile, already exhausted from the training you haven’t even started just by looking at his energetic, muscular self. Somewhere in your mind, you’ve managed to convince yourself that you’re winded from the walk to the training grounds, and that Lee is not the reason your breath catches in your throat.
You’ve seen him like this for so long, I mean, you’re on the same team as him now. The only 4 person squad, 5 if you count Gai sensei. You’re so close to all of them, and that’s been normal. Perfectly normal. But recently, your eyes linger on Lee just a little too long.
“Oh hey y/n! I didn’t see you there!” He smiles, the white of his teeth flashing at you in the sun line. Sometimes you wonder how he’s so positive, but then again, you don’t mind it so much anymore. He literally glows though, you swear on it.
“Can I ask you a favor?” You ask, suddenly a little nervous. Your palms are sweating. You try to ignore that.
“Of course! What is it that you want to ask?” He asks, enthusiastically. His smile is almost infectious.
“My joints and muscles ‘n shit are killing me. Can you help me stretch? I don’t know what I’m doing wrong…” You move your neck like you’re trying to get out a knot or something.
Lee agrees, and decides to start simple. He has you put your arms behind your back, your hands joined together, and tells you to stretch them back as far as you can. Then do the same with the front.
After that, he has you do a similar thing with your hands joined over your head before moving down to the ground to stretch out your upper body best. Then your shoulders, elbows, and neck all separately. Then he has you get on the ground to stretch out your back.
And maybe he didn’t think too much about the position, but have you stretch your back up and lower yourself down also meant your ass was up in the air as you arched your back. You realize how embarassing the position is, and what you don’t notice is the way his cheeks flush and he pries his eyes away from your body.
“U-uh great! Let’s do legs!” He says rather quickly, helping you to get into as low of a splits position that you can, before having you lean forward. To get the best stretch, he pushes down on your body a tiny bit. And before you can stop yourself, you let out a moan.
His hands still against your back, and your eyes go wide as you freeze too. Soon you feel him move away, telling you to switch sides. And he repeats the same thing on this side. Much to your disdain, an even louder moan accidentally slips from your mouth. Curse yourself for not being able to be quiet at a time like this.
When you finally sit back up, he’s staring at you. You can’t help but gulp down any salvia you had in your mouth. Then you notice the way his hands are covering the front of his pants. When he notices where your eyes shifted, his blush intensifies and he starts stammering.
“I-I am so sorry! I didn’t mean— you were just—“ you cut his rambling off with a kiss, crawling over closer to him. You situate yourself on his lap, his hands darting out for your hips. The kiss doesn’t break until you’re both desperate for more air than you can get with your mouths connected. Before your mutual panting even halts, he smashes his lips back onto your desperately. And at this point, he’s boldly getting handsy.
You can feel the desperation and lust through his finger tips and they find their way around your body. Any curve, dip, anything, he feels for it. And soon he’s laying back on the grass, panting as a string of saliva connects the both of you even as you part.
The look in his eyes told you that what was about to happen at these training grounds should not happen at the training grounds. Your eyes told him you didn’t care the least about that, however.
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
The angst wheel has spared us today.. Daily Hobie HC! Get on your gear peoples we're going zombie apocalypse mode >:) I feel like Hobie's 'role' is pretty adaptable in the zombie apocalypse. If you're more of a fighter, he'll scavenge. If you're more of a scavenger, he'll fight. Hobie's definitely crafty with weapons too, for both defense and offense. No doubt he's definitely saved your ass more than both of you guys can count (and vice versa) He's even made some firm earmuffs for the two of you, since guns are definitely needed to defend both of you guys in a zombie apocalypse. Even when you guys aren't scavenging for materials or on patrol, both of you spend some quality time with each other with a few playfights, where Hobie usually ends it by (unfairly) throwing you over his shoulder with a smug smirk, marching around the place as you laugh and try squirm out of his grip. He'll put you down on the bed and simply just lay on your chest as you lightheartedly groan and roll your eyes, knowing his lips are stretched out in the biggest, most shit-eating grin. Hobie will dramatically announce that you've 'died, bein' eaten by the zombies outside', before burying his face into the crook of your neck and blowing raspberries against your skin, always successfully making you (try to) pry him off with a loud laugh. And even while the world tears itself apart outside, you both are in the bunker, cuddling up to each other under the warmth of a blanket, one earbud in your ear, and the other one in his, simply listening to music together. Tied by the chord, and arms wrapped around one another. In any situation or dimension, Hobie's your other half. Your love. Your partner in general and in crime. Especially if he still has his spidey powers. Imagine him swinging the both of you up to an abandoned building, overlooking a zombie horde below. The apartment building would have good loot, but in order to take the contents, the zombies must be terminated. A sufficient plan is never far from Hobie's mind, especially in situations like these. He'll go for the outside mob, while you'll terminate the inside of the building. Before both of you part ways to execute the plan, he presses his lips to yours lovingly. After all, you never know which kiss with your lover would be your last. Returning in one piece after a successful hunt is the best feeling of relief felt in the zombie apocalypse. After you both get rid of your gears and weapons, it's immediately collapsing into each other for cuddles, forever grateful that you get to see each other live another day. What if the bunker is actually Hobie's boathouse What if someone got bit... angst >:) -🐦‍⬛
Whew! No angst today 😄
DAILY HOBIE HC!! (Zombie apocalypse au edition!)
Oh yeah he's def an all around guy, like you're injured? And you've got a bad leg? He's got you, hell he'll carry you if he has too. Hungry, but can't fish for shit? Babes, watch him become an expert fisherman just for u
He would so excel at fighting too! Imagine him teaching you how to fight and defend yourself from both zombies and humans (which may or may not always end up with cuddles right after. He says it's to help with your aching muscles and you highly doubt that. But who are you to refuse a cuddle?)
A zombie apocalypse while Hobie has his spidey powers? Your chances of survival has increased dramatically
He would so pretend to bite you while play fighting!!! He'd be like "'m sorry, love, but we have to cut it off" after he has 'bitten' your neck 😂😂😂
The houseboat being their safehouse is genius!! Zombies can't float or swim so that's perf!
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maiuoart · 5 years
I’m curious now. What’s your version of the Underfell, Underswap and Horrortale bros like personality wise? What’s their soul traits? If you don’t mind me asking that is.
Okay, alright, lets do this. I had everything down for this before, but stupid me made a large mistake. ANYWAYS! Feel free to ask any any of them, though I won’t be too prone to really think about them much? Cause, my heart belongs to the Swapfells; But I still wouldn’t mind doing things like this for the other guys!!! ♥
Ask any and all questions you’d like of anything; Thank you for it!!
I’m going to give you how I see them after coming up to the surface~
UF!Sans/Red; Unlike others in the fandom, I can see Red as one of those types of guys who’s really chill and relaxed… 
Cept, y’know; He has no patiences. At all? He’s our hot-headed, ill tempered, little flirt of a gremlin who enjoys to play around with words and sayings. He has no filter, and is a huge sailor mouth! He’s a prickly little smart ass, but he’d more than likely flirt or try to gross someone out who doesn’t vibe right with him… Cause, y’know; 
“Whats life is ya gotta fight 24/7? it’s funnier t’gross the fucks out than gettin’ their juice on ya from punchin’ too hard, them damn jelly-bags.”
But, he still has a tsundere side to him that not a lot of people know… Because of his habits of irritability and jumping the gun, he may jump to accusations and if proven wrong or said the wrong things, well… He’ll try and make up for it. Without ruining too much of his pride, but he’ll still do something nice behind their backs. Or, awkwardly try to outright show he doesn’t want to lose them somehow or whatever. Y’know, he doesn’t fuckin’ care either way, but it’s hard to find some good pals, alright? ...Stop looking at him like that, y’fuck.
What I really like with this Red? He is the king of word plays. Constantly getting hit and degraded from his brother to stop being so vulgar lead him to become a huge flirt ‘Under The Table’, meaning he can say anything to make your mind sink right into the gutter, but if called out on it, he will play the innocent card and will point out that his wording is innocent; You’re just the fuck with a perverted mind. 
And he revels in that. Red had gotten to call his brother out on it more than once, and even though Edge KNOWS THAT’S NOT WHAT HE MEANT, he began to ignore it after some time.
It still irritated him, but Edge can’t do a damn thing about it… And it’s actually quite hilarious to him secretly to watch others have reactions to his brothers horrible humor.
All in all, Red is a Deviant, Devious, Perverted, Hot-headed, Careless, Prideful, but very-... Loving. Protective... Okay, so he might have a few nice soft and good bones in his body; But not like he’ll outright say it! Get off his spine, dammit!
...Red’s a mother fucking cat that loves attention but will attack you if you outwardly point it out. Don’t point it out and you won’t get bit.
Red’s Soul Trait is; Rage.     It can be mistaken for Determination; But the difference between the two side by side is that a Rage Trait is a lot brighter in hue than a DT.
UF!Papyrus/Edge; Our Egoistic, Narcissistic, Loud, Angry beanpole… But, there is something I have found quite enjoyable in my version than others in the fandom.
Much like in the fandom; He is still that boisterous asshole… However, he has a more different approach when going into an area unknown or an unknown being comes into his area. He is observant, quiet, and will take in a situation in front of him; If one is going on.
Once he is done observing, he will snap at everything he deems need be. Either to help or hinder a situation… But if there is none? Well, call him the Drama maker; Cause there should be. He’s prone to try and test people around him; See how his words can affect them, if he can push any buttons, and pretty much see how tough the ones around him are. He likes to test people’s patiences, after all.
But he does know how far to go before it gets too heated, stopping and bringing up other points in a situation or saying something about himself to get the person’s mind off his ‘Almost’ mistake; Which, it always seems to ease a situation down, allowing them to have some type of word before ‘He gets mad and walks off’. 
Edge, honestly; Doesn’t care what anyone thinks or says about himself. He knows that they have seen only his worst, and the fact it’s a front and a fake personality really makes him prideful of how easy he can hide his true self more. Being in the Guard, one had to train themselves to be something completely different, after all. 
You can say… Edge has a switched personality; His true one?Some days, not even He knows what it really is anymore… 
‘Fake it til you Make it’ was seriously made to be true to him, and at some points, Edge doesn’t remember what is real or not for his feelings. Red will occasionally see his true personality come back… His caring side, his side that’s actually much more relaxed. But with his Soul trait, it’s rare to see anymore. But deep down, Edge knows; He just wants the best for others... Likes to help, even if it’s not wanted from him!
....And maybe stir the pot up to keep things lively.
When it comes right down to it, Edge is; Observant as all hell, Dramatic, Egoistic, Speaks his mind, Teasing, Can be Rude, Low-key Caring... Actually, he’s more of a Romantic than his brother... And he’s actually super sweet when you get passed his sour exterior... Did I mention this boy is great to have to talk about troubles with? High-key LOVES to talk trash about any problems... And he’s protective as all hell. 
Is that friend who is; “WHO MADE YOU CRY? I WILL BEAT THEM UP.”
...I think I’m falling for this PapaBear. That's exactly what I’m thinking his true personality is. 
Edges Soul Trait is; Wrath.   This color is much deeper and more blood related, clear that between a DT Soul and his, it is easy to tell by how much darker his Soul is. Crimson, honestly.
US!Sans/Blue; Still the hyperactive, loveable, adorable Magnificent Blue! Never a dull moment with him, his energy doesn’t allow it!
Though he is mistaken for a child almost all the time due to his bright and more than positive outlook on life, similar and if not a mirrored version of UT!Papyrus, he makes due with it! Energetic, eccentric, and good for his works due to his mature side shines brightly; He still can’t help but be very put off when someone says he’s ‘too young to date’. 
He won’t lie when he gives his best motivational talks that make people’s eyes boggle and question his age, however. It always makes him laugh, either good heartedly or questionably is unknown.
Blue uses this to his advantage though, ironically. Might be considered more of a creep thing and that is; Using his childlike personality to be able to get close to someone for a bit. Meaning; Gets really friendly. Will hold their hands innocently, ask to sit in their laps, and cling to the person he likes like glue.
….Did I mention he has a bit of a possessive personality? Cause, he does.
What’s really funny? Is people will automatically think he’s innocent. I’m going down the sin train with this boy; He is a SIN-nimon. Though he barely has any experience in the bedroom, maybe once or twice with a one nighter, which he will not talk about, for reasons… It’s more of the fact that he had to learn things and is more prone to wanting to do everything he does with such a talent, it’ll leave them breathless. He loves to try new things, after all! ;) Unless reasons.
He’s amazingly smart and will be able to tell if someone is using him or taking him for granted. Though, he will allow it to pass for a while, believing that they just don’t know better or believing they’ll change given time! 
However, his patiences is run thin when even his Brother tries to keep him sheltered. He’s not blind to things like that, he sees it. He gets angry with it. Some fights will even come from it given the subject or mood both brothers are in; But still, it doesn’t change his brothers views at all. And that-.. Can kind of ruin his mood for a good while.
Above all, this dude is just purely; Considerate, Caring, Observant, Hyperactive, Goofy, Manipulative, Possessive, and might be a bit pervy when behind closed doors.
Blues Soul Trait Is; Patiences!   Like his Cyan color, he is amazingly patient with a LOT of things… Being so positive does have it’s downside though, and that tends to make his eccentric side shine a bit more…
US!Papyrus/Stretch; Hnnng, this is a hard one because all I’ve ever seen of this boy is how ultra overprotective and how much of an asshole he can be??? Like, I just. I really can’t for him? But i’m going to try.
Much like UT!Sans, he is very laid back and relaxed. He has a good bit of paranoia, some obsessive behavior, and minor possessive traits he shares with his little brother; But, he plays it all off with a chill atmosphere. 
He’s more prone to picking someone's brain apart and putting it back together to know exactly what's up and going; Sometimes it’ll even come off as rude, but nothing too hostile. 
He enjoys to prank the every loving fuck out of everyone and anyone; That's his form of puns. Jokes and japes are his favorite. I do know he enjoys to gross people out or even disturb them a little bit with gross pranks.
...Honestly, that is all I really have for this fellow. Really; I just want to call him an ass. ndskjgh If I can come up with something different, I will come back and redo this; But for now-... I just can’t get over my high horse in saying he’s an absolute fucker...
Stretch’s Soul Trait is; Justice with Bravery!   It’s a mixture between the two, both fighting for the main trait. It’s why his color is a Honey glow!
Please, someone tell me where these names come from; I’m not lazy or anything, but I read so many fanfics now that I can’t recall who came up with what names anymore; But I absolutely adored these more than Axe and Crooks; Which are more of names I can see as insults? So, I can see the other AU’s calling them that... But what they prefer to be called? Mars and Jupiter FTW! 
HT!Sans/Mars; He’s actually a very relaxed version of his old self. He can’t get too startled or else he may go into a panic. Due to his head injury, his reaction time is slowed down. It hurts when he thinks too hard, so he’s more just allowing everything to flow past him.
Forget and Forgive is what he goes by anymore. Somedays, that saying is hard; Only when the memories begin to turn and rupture in his mind like crashing waves does he feel the need to try and get himself to cook or work on easy projects to help ease distract himself. 
He’s forgetful, so Mars has to constantly write himself notes when he can; In his phone, on stickynotes, random pieces of paper, hell; He even carries a small notepad just in case something happens. His brother has the better memory, so he’ll ask Jupiter to recall something for him- Sometimes it’s repeated to the point Jupiter will gently remind his brother that; “Yes, You Have Told Me Already, Don’t Worry So Much! I Got Your Back, Brother!”
He’s quiet, spacey, but still holds his smarts to an extent. His mental ability is a bit staggered; But he doesn’t get violent or hostile unless its triggered by something... That something is if he holds wet meat that gives for too long, or the heavy scent of copper roams in the room for more than desired. 
He might have a bit of animalistic instincts piled into him due to what he ate back to survive... But it’s not like he had a choice, or the others. He knows that all he needs is Food; To get food, to gain food, for him and his brother. To take care of his kin when he has his episodes; All he can think about is Food, Food, Food.
So, what Mars’ personality holds?; Easy-going, Chill, Relaxed, Skittish; Please don’t startle the poor dude, Empathetic, Closed off.
Mars’ Soul Trait Color Is; Dulled Integrity.   Due to all the stress his universe gave him, he is dulled and almost void from have losing his Hope. Feelings of betrayal has seeped into his Soul, causing his once brilliant Soul to dim to a sick and pale blue.
HT!Papyrus/Jupiter; He is still his Glorious old self; But yet with an aura of both Maturity and Self awareness, he has turned into his shell quite a bit, much like his brother. He hates scaring others, and just wishes to enjoy his new life! But how can he do that when-... No, he will enjoy his new life!
Jupiter, the ever once Social butterfly, now is more closed off from others. He will still actively begin to open up faster than his brother if someone shows they don’t fear him; But he will remain distant if someone so much as stares at him wrong or hears that someone dislikes him just because of his looks or he’s intimidating. 
Yes, he has had dental work done on his crooked teeth. And yes, that had helped him gain more of his confidence back. However, he can’t help but always flinch at loud noises as they grate his hearing, squint even with his glasses to try and get his magic to focus in his sockets, and even to the point that he’s more prone to-... Walk, maybe too quietly for a lot of people to notice.
It’s not his fault his magic makes his bones lighter to stealth around... It was a need and a must back in the Underground, after all!
With his need to keep his mind distracted and preoccupied, he stays away from his signature dish unless absolutely need be. The smell can send his Soul flaring-... With the need to continue to cook and the absolute need to make it perfected. Most times if he cooks his Spaghetti, he has to hurry up and cook something completely new, just so it mixes with the scent and doesn’t send him spiralling to cook everything in the house for a huge feast.
His personality consist of; OCD, Quiet, Perceptive, Considerate, Easily Joyful, Excitable, Can become controlling; For good reasons though!
Jupiters Soul Trait Is; Dulled Bravery.   Much like his own brother, betrayal has dimmed his once glorious Soul... It’s no longer the vibrant Orange it once was; But that was alright! Because now, he neither fears nor wants to stand up to most things. Unless pushed, he will stay where he is; Content in the space. 
It’s safe. All safe. Just stay put and it’s all safe. Safe, Safe, Safe.
Thanks for asking, Darlin’! Some of these might change in the future, because I never gave any of them a real chance to shine in my mind; But I feel like I’m on the right track! ♥ 
If memory serves right, the Horrortale brothers are heavily reference from Lulu-Writes; Bones, Picked Clean. But I might be wrong!! So let me know if I am!
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newsies-geek · 4 years
Newsies in Quarantine (Javid): Part 2
Idea from @dragonsrrad
I couldn’t decide if I wanted to make this a 5k one off but I guess we’re marking it a short story now.
Jack felt like his heart was going to give out the moment that he gave Davey the paint brush. While he cared for his friend immensely, he also tenderly cared for the piece of art that had taken him three hours thus far. At the very least, he could paint over Davey's art if need be...but would that hurt the other's feelings? What about his own feelings?
He wanted Davey to feel better is what Jack was feeling. He knew how easily the boy tended to stress over things, and painting was an outlet for him, so why wouldn't it work for Davey? Nothing was more relaxing than-
"Darn it!" Davey swore as his elbow knocked over a red paint can, sending paint flooding onto the floor.
Jack panicked and pushed the canvas so it slid away from the both of them- and the paint that was currently poking into the ground.
"I'm sorry, Jack, let me help clean it-" Davey sighed as he got to his feet to look for cleaning supplies.
"Hey, don't worry about it- the painting his safe and- oh-" Jack winced slightly before letting out a quiet snicker.
"What? What happened?" Davey looked at the other with concern and confusion.
"You've got a bit of-" Jack chuckled as he pointed to a large red smear on Davey's left pant leg.
"Oh no-" Davey looked horrified down at his leg, "M-My dad is going to kill me- these are- these are good pants-"
"Why'd your wear them to sell papes then?" Jack cocked an eyebrow.
"I wore them to the show, Jack." Davey shot a quick glare.
Jack lifted his hands up in defense before paying closer attention to Davey's outfit. The boy was indeed dressed up. He had been wearing caramel-colored pants and a white dress-shirt.
"Well, you can't paint without the chance of spilling some-" Jack chuckled softly as he grabbed his bandana from off his shoulder and headed over to Davey, bending down. He paused as he clutched his bandana, looking up at a bewildered Dave, "Do you mind if I..?" Jack lifted the bandana and shook it slightly.
"Uh- go for it?" The curly haired boy responded hesitantly.
Jack reached forward and began tentiviely wiping away the paint smeared on the side of the other's leg, making Davey sway away, "Hold still-"
"I'm trying, you're just- strong-" Davey muttered out.
Jack felt his face get hot at the words but quickly shook it off, "There's just a little more and-"
"The beds are ready, Dave-!" Race burst in before pausing in bewilderment at the scene of Jack bent in front of Davey, a hand on his thigh.
The blonde blinked a few times, "Oh-"
"This isn't what it-" Davey took a few steps back from Jack, making the other stand up quickly and nod his head, "Good to know, Race." He glared at the blonde as if to threaten him with his eyes.
"Oh I'm so telling the guys about this." Race grinned.
"Why you-" Jack began forward before he was stopped as Davey grabbed his collar, "We're stuck together for two weeks don't start a fight on the first day."
Jack grunted, and if it had been anyone except Davey, he'd have listened- but given the circumstances, he hesitated.
"Well, I have to say, we wasn't aware yous was here, Jack." Race crossed his arms over his chest.
"I was back here paintin'! What? Was nobody lookin' for me?" Jack scoffed.
"Looks likes Davey was." Race winked with a grin as he leaned against the door.
Jack opened his mouth to object before realizing that Race was right, Davey had come looking for him- right? On purpose?
"I just wanted to make sure he was here." Davey defended.
On purpose. This made Jack smile slightly.
"Great, well, me, Les, and Spot-"
"Wait, what's Spot Conlon doing here?" Jack scoffed, sitting up completely and standing beside Davey with crossed arms and confusion.
"He's was my date to the show." Race grinned proudly, but this didn't hide the blush that was evident on his face, "H-He just doesn't really know it-"
"You're fucking Spot-"
"Jack." Davey warned verbally.
"Well, hope yous don't mind hard floors then, Jack." Race began to exit before Jack stalked forward.
"Meanin'?" The dirty blonde cocked and eyebrow at the lengthy teen before him.
"We's only got enough beds for me, Spot, Les, Davey- well, basically, everyone except you. Yous was hidin' so-"
"I've been in worse." Jack scoffed, "Thanks for carin'."
"No prob, bud." Race winked, "I'll let you two resume now-" He ran just before Jack could try and strangle him as Davey hid his face in his hands.
"He's just being an ass." Jack waved his hand dismissively before handing Davey the bandana, "Here, you can-"
"Thanks." Davey responded dryly and gently took the item, rubbing at the paint with determination, followed by a grimace as it seemed to only be making it worse.
"Well, that's paint for ya', I guess, Dave." Jack chuckled as he got to his feet.
"So it seems." The curly-haired boy sighed shortly before looking at the bandana, red naturally, but now also smeared with brighter red streaks of paint, "Will this wash off?"
Jack looked over at his bandana that Davey held gingerly, as if he might rip it if he so much as clutched it. He shrugged, "Probably?"
"I'll- well, I can get you a new one if this one ends up with paint all over it." Davey offered with a guilty look.
Jack made a small huff of a noise, something between amusement and interest, "It's fine, it's been through worse- sees and the paint matches it...sorta." He gave a small grin.
"I guess." Davey shrugged before looking towards the door that Race had left, "We should probably-"
"Yeah, let's go." Jack cleared his throat, striding over to the stage door and opening it for Davey with a small bow, "M'lady."
Davey snorted and rolled his eyes, ruffling the hair on top of Jack's head as he passed him.
Jack smiled and followed after the other, fixing his hair as he did so.
"And then I told him- I said- I said, you wanna' know why they's call me Spot?" Spot opened his mouth to continue to speak, on his knees surrounded by a circle of boys who watched with interest on the stage, all of them on blocks of foam, sleeping bags, or prop furniture that could he used as beds. The short boy from Brooklyn slid a smirk onto his face when Jack and Davey entered the scene, their faces illuminated from the stage lights present, "Well, if it i'nt Jack Kelly himself! Where'd yous run off to?"
"Oh, ya' know, here and there." Jack shrugged coolly as he approached the circle of boys, sitting on a flat couple yard length of foam.
"Hey! Wes made that one for Dave!" Romeo began to sit up from where he leaned against Spec's legs, their sleeping bags right up next to each other.
"Oh, um- it's fine- Les and I share a bed at home anyway, I can just-" He turned to find Les curled up in what looked to be a dog bed, "Oh, I guess then-"
"I'll move." Jack shrugged, starting to get up.
"No, no, you're fine-" Davey responded a little too quick before clearing his throat as a few of the boys gave him glances. He awkwardly gripped at the cuffs of his shirt, "Well, we're just telling stories anyway, we can share it for now." He moved to sit down beside Jack, both of them just barely fitting on the width of the foam.
Race glared for a moment at Jack's intrusion on his excellent work at putting all the beds together, before giving a small, approving nod and looking back at Spot with a lazy smile, "So, why's they call you Spot?" He mused.
"You know this, Race, you've heard this story." Spot waved his hand dismissively.
"Yeah, but they don't." Race motioned to the group of boys, still listening attentively.
"Oh- oh right-" Spot cleared his throat before continuing, "I told him- cos- cos I got spots 'o dirt all over me and his blood coulda been the next spot!" Spot cheered as the rest of the present newsies hollered in as well.
Davey blinked a few times before leaning over to Jack, "Was that supposed to be climactic?" He whispered.
Jack let out a loud snort of amusement, covering his mouth to hide a laugh.
"What was that, mouth?" Spot bristled as he looked at Davey, who visibly paled and shook his head.
"No, I-"
"So why is you named Dave then, huh?" The short boy balled his fists up, and all eyes were turned on Davey.
"M-Me?" Davey furrowed his brow.
"No, the Dave behind ya." Spot dead-panned.
Davey fought the urge to look behind him and shrugged shortly, "It's not really a big deal."
"Then why is you making fun of mine bein' a deal or not?" Spot snarled, shifting from where he sat.
"I wasn't, I was just asking-"
"He's named after our Grandpa who worked for the Circus!" Les chirped up excitedly, looking as though he hadn't just been asleep in a dog bed.
Davey's face turned a dark scarlet and his shoulders slumped slightly.
A few snickered began to pop up before Davey felt a hand slap onto his back.
"A fellow hustler, hows I knew that you had it in yer blood, Davey?" Jack gave Davey a knowing grin.
The surrounding boys, all except for Spot, began to murmur in agreement after their leader's words.
"Dave was just askin' me if there was more to the story, Spot, care to share?" Jack smirked.
"W-Well, of course there is! You know- I also got some circus blood in me-" This launched a complete half hour conversation that ended in sleepy faces as the natural light from outside to be dimmed.
Medda arrived once the boys had seemingly quieted down, "Lights out, darlings!” She clapped her hands gently to the boys, who grumbled in slight protest, but knew better than to argue with someone who was being generous enough to give them essentials. She left shortly after to take care of the lights as the newsboys shifted into their respective beds.
Jack got up and stretched his arms before looking around the stage and opting to where a fallen wings curtain was, clumping together the velvety fabric before seeming satisfied and easing himself onto it.
Davey opened his mouth to say something, perhaps offer that Jack could, at the very least, bring his make-shift bed over, but the lights were killed a moment before he could, leaving Davey to only imagine the other boy’s silhouette in the darkness of the theatre.
Part 1: https://pawsu-productions.tumblr.com/post/615195930647511040/newsies-in-quarantine-javid-part-1
Part 3: https://pawsu-productions.tumblr.com/post/615366273383219200/newsies-in-quarantine-javid-part-3
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