#For now!
booasaur · 9 months
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Special Ops: Lioness - First and last kisses
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eversweetflowerpot · 6 months
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inaugural titty post or w/e
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winepresswrath · 1 year
I will laugh so hard if it turns out that John is making a sincere effort at being a decent parent and it's such an awful outcome for Gideon that I feel like it's plausible. He's giving off such man who thinks of himself as a good guy confronted with oops baby vibes.
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izzysillyhandsy · 8 months
As of today, I firmly believe the S2 flag depicts Stede and Izzy as mermen, their hands spelling out the name "Ed".
(thanks to @wavesonhighwater and their post)
I am aware that it's also possible it's supposed to be Stede and Blackbeard, with Ed in the middle, which would be really poetic and symbolic as well.
(Maybe it can even be both?)
But, for the purpose of this post it's Stede and Izzy. And I have a very crazy theory which I think would nevertheless really, really make sense and work in the context of the show.
As we all know, at the end of S1, the Revenge got a new flag, symbolizing Kraken-era Blackbeard stabbing his heart and renouncing all softer emotions.
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What if, at the end of S2, the Revenge will also get a new flag, but this time symbolizing almost the opposite - friendship (for each other) and love (their shared love for Ed).
As you can see, Stede has taken over Ed's spear (symbol of piracy) and Izzy, instead of stabbing it, is holding his heart (or wearing it on his sleeve).
May I present to you the new two co-captains of the Revenge: Stede Bonnet and Izzy Hands.
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But what about Ed? And Ed/Stede?
I think this is only a temporary situation.
Ed needs some time alone to figure out who he is, what he wants and how to become a person he himself and Stede can live with.
I can see Stede (supported by Izzy) letting Ed go be a fisherman on his own for a while to give him space.
And Stede finally gets to be the Gentleman Pirate. He's killed Ned Low, he's beaten the British Navy (hopefully) and, most importantly, he has the pirate OG Izzy Hands by his side for street cred.
Let's let Stede get it out of his system! He's not ready to settle down in some village, his adventures have just started!
For Izzy this is also perfect - he's been warming to Stede and his unique personality anyway, and here's finally a captain who actually listens to his suggestions!
Also, Izzy and Stede are (and always have been) brutally honest to each other and we can see how important this is - miscommunication being at the heart of the disaster that is Ed/Izzy and the constant up-and-down of Ed/Stede.
Look at this and tell me they wouldn't be brilliant as co-captains:
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It would also perfectly tie in with the Ep1 reversal (Stede's dream) - instead of killing Izzy to get together with Ed, Stede actually teams up with Izzy to give Ed the space he needs.
With the promise to come back (and that's what S3 is for).
(Also obviously: HERE'S HOW STEDDYHANDS - )
EDIT: Because I'm unable to stop writing about this, here's more.
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fahye · 4 months
crying screaming on the floor I’m not done yet but oh my god apu is everything I want 😭
I am fully confident that by now you have picked yourself up off the ground & recovered, but thank you! meeting expectations for readers who'd stuck with me through the first two books was my MAIN GOAL.
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vivisols · 6 months
Sooooo... this new fic -tell me something about it (so much or so less you want to share) ;P
EHEHE GLADLY IM SO GLAD YA ASKED!!!! you dont understand how excited i am to talk about it lmao :DDDDDD
so my newest fic is.... a post apocalypse mer au!
ehehe!!! :3c i mentioned it in some of the author notes of claw at the stars and im soooo excited to actually finish chapter 1 of it!!! its only like. 30% done so far bc im playing video games non-stop on my writing break but im chugging along xD
the basic summary is that after a meteor strikes the earth (again), humanity has had to rapidly evolve to survive the harsh conditions of rising sea levels and much harsher temperatures. (id elaborate more on some science and biology stuff ive been brainstorming too but that's SPOILERS </3) more under the cut!
long story short, theres evolved people and creatures evolved from people on land and merfolk evolved from people in the sea! plus theres new languages thanks to evolving and changing vocal chords! (reallyyyy i just wanna get wacky with humanoid designs xD can you tell i like doing that yet???)
as for the fic, here's a quick summary of the very basic plot :3
a few decades after this meteor hits, the daycare attendant wakes up from an emergency shutdown in the ruins of the pizzaplex. with no telling of how many years its been, they have to pick up the pieces of where they left off and navigate this new world. with the help of y/n (dats YOU!!!), a mer who ended up on land, they slowly get their bearings and try to settle in to their new life, scrounging for parts to repair themselves in the overgrown remains of cities.
y/n has never even thought about going on land, but of course, the one time they do they have to drag around a robot that doesn't even understand what they're saying. sun and moon, meanwhile, latch onto you like a lost puppy as they try their best to learn the new language and figure out what you keep signaling to them.
(why were you on land? can't say! since, well, it would be spoilers...)
theres gonna be tons and tons of fluff and mystery and adventure and romance and LOREEEEE! all the tropes im obsessed with! and of course vanessa is here too because i love herrrr :3
anyways, i cant share toooo much besides the basic summary since i love being vague and mysterious hehehe but! im nearly done with the first chapter :3 it will likely be out sometime in january, IF not january 1st! im super motivated :3c
as a reward for listening to my way too long ramble, have this super quick concept sketch i did the other day!
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again, really just a quick sketch but! you can kinda see what im going for maybe?? XD
i hope this was sufficient for now! feel free to ask for more if ya want! i LOVE talking about my ideas ;D
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tophthedaydreamer · 3 months
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pull off your skin...
images for a scrapped (?) analog horror-style mini video exploring an AU where mickey is an animatronic inhabiting disneyland's toontown alongside his friends as new technological meet-and-greet characters.
only problem is, mickey doesn't know he's a robot living in a theme park. def would have truman show vibes, as mickey slowly comes to realize his true nature. i'm not too sure where the plot would go from there, i've been toying with the idea of an oswald "personality" living in mickey's brain (giving him lore dumps that poor mick really doesn't want to hear rip), mickey trying to get his friends to understand what's going on, as well as mickey being abducted buzzy-style by an urban explorer.
idk! i just wanted to get my thoughts out there, rather than fussing about it being "just right", yknow? anywayz, sorry about the wall of text :'D.
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completeoveranalysis · 8 months
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OOPS it looks like something bad immediately happened!
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nokingsonlyfooles · 4 months
How D'ya Like THEM Apples?
So, trying the decriminalized mushrooms in tiny doses for the ADHD (because, in my particular situation, going to a doctor for this might be hazardous to my health in general). The first time I took them before bed, with chocolate, and that upset my stomach a little so I decided to take them with breakfast like they suggested in the instructions (not really a breakfast person). Not an improvement, they upset my stomach more and made me anxious all day yesterday. Can't know if I'm getting used to them or I need to figure out the best way to take them.
Still slightly anxious today, but able to roll with it.
So, here's the deal. A while back, the spouse and I discussed what the prompt "imagine an apple" gets you, in your brain. He can imagine an apple at will. I found out, I can't. I need context. What's it for? Do you want my culture's Platonic ideal of "apple" or are you going to the store and you need to know what's a good one to buy? Do I need to get taste and texture involved here or is it more like set dressing? With some context, I can kinda get you an apple, but it's indistinct.
And I thought, "Ahaaa! That's that 'imagination deficit' they want to see to diagnose the autism. That's what that is! I can't cough up unlimited specific apples without specific contexts for each one, and even then it's not so good!"
But, after that first microdose, while heading off to sleep, I thought to myself, to pass the time, "Hey, wonder if I can imagine an apple any better?" And, uh, I COULD? Unlimited specific apples, no context. I mentioned that to the spouse, and he said, "Can you still do it now?" And, yes. Yes I can. +/-36 hours away from the second tiny dose of mushroom, and I can give you unlimited specific apples, if you need me to imagine that for some reason.
And... It kinda feels nonsensical that I couldn't do that before? Yeah, apples. There's lots. Just pick one. But I know I couldn't. Not even for the sake of a person who would be satisfied with any imaginary apple. Like, I could imagine the shittiest apple and that would be fine, it would be a judgment free zone! But I remember I couldn't do it. I needed a better prompt.
That thing with the apples is not something I've heard about for ADHD, but I did just barely get an internet diagnosis on that (thanks, @kithpendragon), and I only ordered the stuff because my THC vendor has it. I need the THC to keep from waking up from the edge of sleep with a gasp and heart palpitations, fearing to be harmed. If you spend $200 and stock up, they send you more THC as a surprise! That's a good deal! I like not having panic attacks! For months at a time! I'm not liking the stomach ache and anxiety from the mushrooms, but this thing with the apples makes me feel functional and cool. I don't wanna lose that!
I'm kinda concerned I'm gonna end up doing a real Flowers for Algernon here if I can't tolerate the mushrooms, or they go illegal again because politics. Like, I'm not sure how well the brain differences will play with my creativity and productivity. I need to draw things and go shopping and make dinner, ya know? Lots of different stuff. I seem to be able to do laundry and write a long-ass Tumblr post, but I need long-term data on that. In any case, five days a week is the maximum recommended dose and I gotta take breaks or I'll build up a tolerance.
I may end up looking forward to my meds like that one Tumblrite in my feed the other day, even if they make my stomach hurt! Or I may end up trading one kind of imagination for another and going back and forth indefinitely. I'd prefer the former, but I gotta wait and see.😅
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taintedcigs · 5 months
try and tell me this isn’t eddie and steve. i dare you.
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simmonsized · 11 months
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finally!!! finally caught up with my temperature blanket!!
it is now up to date (as of 7/12) :) yay!
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annom-alley · 2 months
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atasteofpeach · 2 years
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Crawling out of my skin🖤
More here
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smallblip · 1 year
you don’t know how lucky you are 
levihan/eruri  | rated M- there’s some sexy bits, not too explicit
This is a snippet, full version on ao3!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46119346
It’s just a dream. Levi knows this because there should be more blood. A slash across the chest- across the neck- there should be more blood. They’re crumpled like paper dolls- there should be more blood. And yet he can’t take his eyes off their bodies.
It’s just a dream.
There’s just not enough blood.
But Levi awakes with a gasp and a scream that catches in his lungs. He’s drenched in sweat and his heart is about to jump out his mouth. He gets to his feet, unsteady steps evident from the creak of wood underneath, gasping for air still.
He lights a candle.
He pushes past Hanji’s door, and when she isn’t there, unsteady footsteps carry him to Erwin’s room. The emptiness is stark.
He’s sick to his stomach, and his breathing betrays him. Terror crawls across his skin and settles behind his eyes. He needs to see them. He stops outside Erwin’s office, where candlelight streams through the cracks of the door. Junior officers are taught to knock. To always knock. But Levi throws the door open, because a second more and he could die.
He sees Erwin- posture relaxed like he had just been enjoying a good laugh, he quirks a brow curiously at Levi. Then a small curve of his lips. You’re here! He seems to say, you’re here. Then he sees Hanji- her hair down to her shoulders, wet from the shower, her expression of surprise, of worry, settling into a comforting smile. He knows this smile. In the best of his dreams he sees this smile. She will always be brilliant, Hanji Zoë. His Hanji.
And finally, the storm abets.
Levi takes a deep breath, and it calms the ocean in his lungs. The air is good here.
Yes, Levi?
It’s Erwin, a glimmer in his eyes like he knows why Levi is here. Like he can sniff out his vulnerability from a mile away. He’s always been good at seeing humanness for what it is, not so good at being- yet his gaze is soft and kind, and Levi wants him to live forever.
He replies. And he turns to leave. They’re okay. They’re okay. He’s just here for his heart. But his steps are stalled when he hears her voice.
Won’t you stay, Levi?
Always, always, always. He makes his way to them. He’s here now. Shrouded in warmth, between the sun and the earth, waiting to be reborn, waiting for two halves of his heart to amalgamate with two wholes.
Levi is here. Like a pea floating atop a broth so rich he could die. The luckiest boy on earth.
He’s here, he’s here, he’s here.
And heaven is all around.
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lehazard · 4 days
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A little wishlist, because i've been needing to compile one and more will be added in time!
getting to explore the more moral grey area's of dionte's character. be it through actions or connections. he's jaded, seen to many well moraled choices end in tragedy. and if there is answers and resolve in the less than desired solution--- he will/has taken that low road. even if that affects how other people see him.
the idea of some old footage from dionte's first real encounter with infected and umbrella being uncovered back at the French-German border. who doesn't love a little reliving the trauma trope? watching all the odds that were pinned against him and the team he lost from a different point of view.
any reason to get this man infected at least once. it comes with being a resi character, like a right of passage.
post divorce/overworked dionte attempting to set foot in the dating pool. could be intentional, unintentional. could lead to just a decent friendship, which is something he needs. more friends.
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just finished episodes 3 and 4 like five minutes ago so here are my thoughts right after (will probably make a new post once I've rewatched the episode to properly grasp what happened):
1. omg the tension is still sooo intense I can't
2. I would've been so thrown off if I was jihyun because why do you kiss me and then stop talking to me for the rest of the trip?? so props to him for handling it somewhat well, I really liked that jihyun's curiosity for jaewon clearly won and he approached him again instead of staying distant
3. but then again, I'm still a little confused on how they "got back together" because jaewon went from acting like they never talked before to come on, let's have a date at han river like?? what happened in between? that seemed like a really weird cut to me idk
4. staying with jihyun tho, my lovely little jihyun I love him, he's so adorable.. I love the scene when he comes into work and it literally almost looks like he's floating through the bar while mopping and smiling like an absolute fool
5. I really liked that we got a little more insight into jaewon's therapy sessions because it made things that were just assumptions before clearer to the viewer
6. Taehyung?? bro, do you not realize that your "BEST FRIEND" clearly has no interest in getting back with his ex?? he was so annoying in the first two episodes already I really hope at some point jaewon is gonna snap because damn, does he really not get it??
7. Eunji? man, I'm kinda sad Eunji is made into the jealous, mean ex-girlfriend.. maybe she's getting a redemption arc later on but right now her behavior is just not it.. hated how she was behaving in the bar, basically treating jihyun like shit I was really glad the bar owner (I love her, she's great <3) said something
8. Aeri tho, I was a little confused by her behavior at first because she was really pushy (?) but I liked that she ended up clearing things up and making sure that jihyun knew she just wants to be his friend
9. the scene in the library where jihyun was showing jaewon his drawing was sooo cute I gotta admit it must've looked weird from eunji's perspective because why is the guy that just told her to work separately now smiling like an idiot? and them enjoying their ramen at the han river? very wholesome, I have to say tho when jaewon sent jihyun to get coffee I thought he would ditch him for a second because he seemed a little off but he stayed so we're all good
10. jaewon being a little hot and cold with jihyun throughout the episodes irritated me a little at first but it made sense if we think about what he said to his therapist and it also further confirmed that most of his relationships are probably on surface level and not even his "closest friends" actually know him.. so jaewon backing off from jihyun every once in a while was probably just him being scared of letting him come too close (I think?? god, sometimes I think whatever I'm saying here goes right in the opposite direction of what's actually happening but oh well, isn't this what theories are there for?)
(idk but jaewon seems like the type of person that's like "I only hurt the people close to me, so I keep everyone at a distance") -> this really makes me curious about jaewon's and eunji's relationship and how that went because he said they dated for two years
11. I also think both of them are at a point where they know there's mutual interest between them and that they're probably gonna be more than friends considering they were about to kiss again before joon pyo came to the rooftop (I mean can we talk about jaewon's cute little smile right at the end of the episode?? the man is whipped)
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