#I still like it. It is very fun seeing Paco Brenda and Jaime all Kinda Grown Up
oh batman just had to be involved in graduation day. Whatever.
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0hmydekiru · 7 years
Adi and Jaime’s relationship headcanons A-Z
tagging: @melyaliz (Faith and Gigi) @royslittleharper (Maia) @cuddles-for-cassie (Kira) as the first two have done one of these. also tagged them because i used their character at least once. 
also mentions of Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Dick Grayson, Traci 13, The Reyes’, the Kents’, Kara Danvers, Paco and Brenda, Lois Lane, Kori Anders, Tim Drake, Khaji Da, and whoever else i might have missed that is not my character.
also i don’t really know Spanish so any of the Spanish things i looked up online.
Affection – Adi is like an affection leech but hides it behind her reserved front. She is a bit touch starved and she loves holding hands and hugging. More than once her hands will search out places she can feel his pulse because it’s steady in a way that most of her life isn’t so it’s calming. She always finds herself surprised by little things like when Jaime kisses her forehead. Her motto is like ‘the closer the better’.
Jaime likes to be affectionate but he doesn’t really want his friends to see him being too affectionate as they would tease him and he also kind of worries a bit that Khaji Da might do something and cause problems. his favorite part is when Adi reaches out for him, it reassures him more than word do that no matter what is going on that she needs him and doesn’t blame him whether he blames himself or not.
Breakfast – Adi is not a morning person, think Tim level of messed sleeping schedule, but she loves breakfast food. Occasionally if she is still awake and not super tired, she will make Jaime breakfast but never anything too hard as she is still learning how to cook. If cooking fails, she would just go out and buy food from whatever place he likes. For herself she likes cheese a lot but if she is buying then she would get a bunch of taquitos like those freezer ones or Quiktrip ones or maybe a sonic bacon breakfast burrito with cheese.
Jaime making breakfast means Tupperware. He will make stuff for himself before putting the rest away for Adi to eat when she is awake and hungry. Sometimes for like special occasions Jaime will make sure she sleeps at a reasonable time so that they both are awake at the same time and they will make breakfast together with Jaime having to help Adi not make such a mess or too bland food.
Cuddles - The first time, Adi froze like still and stiff as she wasn’t sure what was going on but she relaxed as the warmth was really nice. After, she would become a Cuddle Monster with snuggling closer and everything. Her favorite way to cuddle is to be lying front to front on Jaime’s chest like especially if it lets her listen to his heart.
Jaime likes spooning. He doesn’t care if he is the big or small spoon though Khaji Da talks less when he is the big spoon. He also likes when he can lie between Adi’s legs and rest his head on her stomach. It makes her smile and she has trouble not laughing, there has been more than once when they end up laughing after some banter. It’s probably one of the times they both feel mostly content.
Dates – Adi can be competitive so games like laser tag and paintball are good but mostly she doesn’t care what they do as long as she can be physically close to Jaime. She likes dancing for that reason as well as things where Jaime will ‘teach’ her what to do because it gets him near her. Chicken makes her laugh a lot because it involves swimming, being near Jaime, and trying to beat someone.
Video Games are a big part of dates for Jaime. He likes playing games where he and Adi need to work together to win. Movies are for if they just come back from a mission and one of them are injured. He also likes to train some together because it helps Adi but also the more they work together the more likely they both will be safe. Maybe they can think up some cool attacks and then he can brag to Bart. He does like dinner dates that end with dancing though. He will deny it but even though neither of them can dance the swaying is nice.
Entertainment – Video games, movies, and trying everything Adi hasn’t done that is the normal human experience. Adi has actually tried baby food but didn’t really like any but the ones with apples. Jaime was a bit weirded out but got over it when she dumped one of the jars over Paco’s head after he said something mean. Jaime let her convince him to start trying to learn Portuguese the normal way. Since she learned Spanish from him, she could understand the general meaning of a simple text but beyond that they are still trying and Jaime is only regretting it a little bit.
Family - Adi’s family is Kori and the Kents. She isn’t as close as she wants to Kori and Conner but she does like Kara Danvers, Jonathan “Pa” Kent, and Martha “Ma” Kent. She still is not sure how to feel toward Clark Kent as he wasn’t exactly warm to her either nor is she sure how to feel toward Lois Lane as Reporters make her uncomfortable. She adores Jaime’s family, as long as his mom keeps her doctoring away from her, along with Paco and Brenda.
Jaime has a general understanding of who she is related to but has learned that it’s kinda complicated. Adi becomes more withdrawn if Kori or Conner are mentioned but he has met Ma and Pa as well as Kara. Beyond that, Adi spends more time around his family even if it’s just her sitting in the corner watching them interact. His mom has mentioned that when Adi does that it makes her want to mother her because of the longing looks but beyond that they get along with her. Paco has a bit of a minor grudge on her but Brenda really enjoys hanging out with her.
Gifts – Adi enjoys spoiling Jaime. If she can and she knows there is something he wants then she gets it for him. she just likes that he looks happy but she is most giving with her words once they are together. She constantly tells him how much she loves him and how proud she is of him.
Jaime would probably give food. Adi always gets a big smile when he does. He also noticed that she always gets really happy when either he is teaching her something or they are learning something together. However, Jaime learned that for Adi the words are important. Maybe not as much as physical affection but being told that he is proud of her and how glad he was that she was alive once reduced her to happy tears.
Home – Adi would probably stay with Ma and Pa kent or stay at mount justice. On the off chance she doesn’t, she would probably end up staying with Brenda. Like she would want to stay with Jaime but his mom probably would not be up for that and while Jaime might not like Adi near Brenda’s aunt he can’t really tell her she can’t stay there. I mean she can take care of herself as long as she knows to be careful. Though maybe his mom wouldn’t be against it if she stayed in Milagro’s room but there is a small chance that would actually happen.
Intimacy – Adi and Jaime spend a long time listening to their friends poke fun at the fact that they have not done anything below the belt yet. Mentally Adi knows that it’s something Jaime might want but she didn’t feel ready nor was she sure it is something she was exactly interested in. eventually it happened only because Adi wanted to give Jaime anything he might want. For Adi, it was just something that she knows couples do to show they care though she enjoyed the closeness it brought to their relationship.
After the first time, Adi doesn’t actively seek it out but is willing enough for Jaime. However, The times when Adi instigates things become rather unconventional. Adi likes trying new things but she does have a few that she likes more than others while also having some she only tries once.
Jealousy – Adi finds herself less jealous of peoples advances toward Jaime and more insecure. She isn’t afraid that Jaime will leave her so much as she is afraid that he would be better off if he did. Though Affection wise she might get a little jealous if Jaime is showering someone else with affection and ignoring her.
Jaime can be very jealous but he is good at hiding it. He knows that Adi cares for him and wouldn’t ruin what they have but he doesn’t trust most guys around her because he knows that if they give her Affection that she would be willing to soak it up even if she doesn’t think it means anything.
Kisses – Adi enjoys all the gentle kisses best. Hands, foreheads, cheeks, and lips. She likes the other kinds but they make her a lot more nervous than she likes to be most of the time. She does like how Jaime reacts to the other kisses though especially the gasp he gives when she is the one to start it. She likes that if she kisses down his chest he will quickly pull her into a searing kiss.
Jaime likes those toe curling kisses. He likes the smiles that the gentle kisses cause. He likes the blushes that come from the make outs or the kisses that cause Adi’s eyes to darken. He likes the gasps when he kisses her neck. He loves the breathless kisses when things grew too heated.
Lazy days – Adi constantly floats. If Jaime is going somewhere, she will grab his arm or shirt and let him drag her around. There is a lot of cuddling, Paco and Brenda might be around and there will probably be video games or movies. They either eat food from Jaime’s mom, the Kents, or order out. Adi probably talks Jaime’s ear off or will sing a song she likes/that makes her think of him. Adi reading books aloud to Jaime. He might not really care about the subject, he just likes hearing her voice and the fact that she sounds content when not counting sad or funny parts.
Nicknames – Adi likes calling Jaime: Dearest or Querido(Dear). She likes whenever Jaime calls her something possessive like My Love or My dear because it makes her feel like she has someone.
Jaime likes calling Adi: Hermosa(Beautiful) or Mi Sol (my sun). Jaime likes hearing Adi speak Spanish. He hadn’t known it was something he liked until the first time she called him ‘Mi Amado’. He isn’t sure whether it’s just the Spanish or if it’s because it’s her using it.
Other fun – Adi likes exploring and will drag Jaime off to hike or just look around. Scavenger hunts for Jaime to find things, typically pieces of clothing that she stripped off in each location, where if he finds everything then he gets to choose what they do the rest of the night *wink wink*.
Jaime has accidentally caused a Pillow fight once and he both regrets it and loves it. Jaime likes when Adi Instigates Role Play. He likes the endings while she enjoys seeing how elaborate she can make the plot before he intervenes and ends it.
They Fly-Dance a lot because it is both sentimental and romantic. Catching grapes or popcorn in their mouths that the other threw. Setting up dominos or building things with legos.
Patrols – If they are together, it is focused. Adi feels likes she has to prove herself. She feels like she has to make Kori and Conner like her more by being the best. Jaime is being supportive and tries to help her do her best.
If they are patrolling separately and alone, there is a second channel for communication and they are talking. The type of talking depends on how important the patrol.
However, if they are patrolling with someone else then the second channel is open and they are likely talking about their plans later. Their partners are not amused.
Quarrels-  Mainly misunderstandings. Adi might have said something that reminded Jaime of how much he had wanted to get Khaji Da off of himself. Jaime might have said something about the strain between Kori, Conner, and Adi. If none of these then likely Adi was feeling overwhelmed/stressed or she blew things out of proportion without meaning to. She also might have been feeling overly emotional and if exploded out of her.
Resolution – There is a lot of talking. Jaime and Adi have to actually explain rather than brushing it off as nothing. they might even need outside help. Adi will definitely need counseling. She might need medication if any would work on her.
Schedule – Jaime having school as well as the team missions. Adi eventually going to school after being caught up on what she should know plus the team and missions. Date nights are Tuesdays and Saturdays when there are no missions.
Teasing –mostly little things here or there at first until they have a better understanding about what is a sore point or not. Adi would have a harder time being teased or teasing as she can be a bit sensitive and she wouldn’t know what was too far. Once she felt more confident in their relationship it would get easier because she would see that he wasn’t being mean or trying to upset her. She gets better about it after watching others tease kindly.
Unforgettable moments - Their first Flight-Dance which is when Adi starts thinking she might be in love with Jaime.
When Bart, Gigi, Jaime, and Adi were playing truth or dare and Jaime was dared to kiss Adi. It was her first kiss and helped her solidify that she was in love with him while making him question his feelings.
Jaime confessing his feeling while worrying as he is digging Adi out from under a building that had collapsed on her. When Adi gets uncovered she beams at him and asks if he wants to go to dinner with her.
The time Adi had memorized the song “Mi Sol” and sung it for him, the first being when he found he wasn’t the first blue Beetle, she has sung it for him more than once and he learned to harmonize.
Valentine’s – Jaime had asked around and leaned that Maia could teleport. Jaime wanted to do something special for Adi. He went to Maia and asked if she could distract Adi somewhere away from Texas or Kansas the night before Valentine’s Day before Teleporting her to Ascarate Park in the afternoon on Valentine’s Day. He would owe her but she had agreed.
They weren’t at the point of engagements and marriage yet but he knew he wanted Adi to be the one. Jaime had been planning this for at least a year after Adi had told him wistfully that she wished their families could meet. She had just started getting along with her family better and wanted to share what she loved about his family with the Kents.
Jaime convinced Brenda to fly the Elder Kent’s out to El Paso while asking the other Supers and Kori to fly out. He and his Mother worked the day before to have all the food prepared for a giant picnic. They, the Reyes’ with Paco and Brenda, would be driving the Kents’ to the park and together they would have lunch. The two families would get to know each other if only because they all cared for Adi and Jaime.
Adi had been more than a little annoyed at first. She had wanted to wake by Jaime’s side on the day that she had been told was romantic and for couples. When she arrived at a picnic with both of her families she had been so touched. She had sincerely thanked Maia and wished her a Happy Valentine’s day before tackling Jaime. The Lunch had gone off wonderfully with Adi smiling and with only a minor food fight when Paco had said something to Kira that made Brenda dump a bowl of Gazpacho Andaluz, Salmorejo Cordobes on his head.
Work – Adi works with children at a daycare, specializing in working with the disabled, when not doing missions for the League. She also helps at a teen homeless shelter. Jaime works as a Dentist that is both highly paid as well as offering free dental care for the homeless. He still does work with the League but is called in less often.
X- exes – Adi herself has never dated anyone else. she is still a little worried that Jaime likes Traci 13 better than her but, beyond the minor insecurities,  she likes Traci and would love to be her friend. 
Yearning – After the fly-dance, Adi found it harder to fly especially when around Jaime. Her feelings were too jumbled for her to feel the proper joy of flight. After the kiss, Adi still found it hard to fly because now she was more often than not felt her efforts must be hopeless. She didn’t think Jaime could feel the same toward her and that made her sad.
After the Kiss, Jaime found himself watching Adi more. He felt jealous of the guys that spoke to her because she had started getting quieter around him. Bart, Gigi, and Faith eventually convince Dick to pair the two for the next mission. That mission ends up being the one where Adi is under a collapsed building, Jaime confesses, and Adi asks Jaime out to dinner. Bart, Gigi, and Faith are not sorry in the slightest.
Z – Jaime had to be the big spoon at night. Adi tosses and turns in her sleep if he isn’t. He only finds out later that she almost always tosses and turns except for when she has a nightmare or when she is being held. If Adi stays awake, then she will have Jaime’s head in her lap while she reads or is on the computer.
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