#I stole off twitter when Mark went to the hospital
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africanuniverse · 5 years
Psychology, Infant studies which lead from animal studies, Neuroscience, The New Age, New HIstoricism, New Right, New South, New World,  and believe this when I tell you, this is all trying to cover the New Testament; the Book of Revelation. These theories were conducted and brought up in New York City. Each one these will be apart of my next blog, which I will explain to you in detail and create further, deeper knowledge for the curious minds. Read my next article Chopped Peanuts.
Stay connected, but never stay away.
In 1966, A political movement made up of Protestants as opposed to secular humanism and concerned with issues of church, state patriotism, Lassie's Fair, Economics, pornography, and abortion. One word plays the next role in the case,
“Cyberstalking is the use of electronic or online communications technology to stalk, harass or intimidate another person or party. Most frequently it is used in reference to activities on the Internet or via mobile telecommunications networks. Cyberstalking activities may include threats or may just constitute monitoring of another without their knowledge and consent. It may also include defamatory statements or accusations and is frequently a means of a stalker intending to unduly influence, intimidate or control the victim.
Cyberstalking is a criminal offense under various state statutes which can include stalking, slander and harassment laws. Some states have specifically enacted Cyberstalking laws, such as Florida 784.048(d) which defines the term as follows:
“Cyberstalk” means to engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or to cause to be communicated, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at a specific person, causing substantial emotional distress to that person and serving no legitimate purpose.”  reads from the TheLaw.com
This explains my posting about “The Smell Of Vegetables” furthermore describing each scenario exactly as it is. Who knows what triggers this type of behavior, let alone continue this process in a malicious way as if there isn’t an FBI that takes notice, or even catch the suspect. Let's try social media for example. This is one of the many outlets a cyber bully can “control” their victim by intimidation and feeling satisfied by it.
How does the cyberbully feel about taunting another person?
Maybe I should ask about the victim per se. I doubt that anyone behind the screen has some form of inspiring or motivational message to give to the person who is being insulted, even watched. Quite creepy to everyone else except for the cyber bully. With Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube to name a few, the whole world is under attack with social media schemes and perpetrators who are on every page, reading every message, and even “Catfishing” one another. 
( Appearing as someone else online instead of oneself ) 
Let's just call them “Chopped Peanuts” (Cyberbully; CP). Have you ever thought to yourself, 
Am I being tracked or monitored by an unknown source? What if you are? 
Then come into a realization that you are unsure how to go about it in your busy everyday life.
Did you know: At least half a million young men in Japan have isolated themselves from the public eye? They are known as HIKIKOMORI.
In this case, chopped peanuts could be just like them. Online from dawn to dusk, eat, sleep, and believe it or not monitor their victims. The addiction can be excruciating for them but has evolved into this hobby they have made themselves accustomed to.
Why bother?
It depends on the person obviously. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been recorded, monitored, screenshotted, photographed, and even virtually abused. Mind reading technology, government top secret files through extraterrestrial activities, and flying drones all play a role in these targeted individuals. From audio, lasers, computer teleprompters, and even hidden video cameras located in the sockets of your home walls are being tracked by innocent people every second. Microchips and placed in cooked meals, nurses with significant others that they trust can easily place another hospital patient up for an implant procedure without physical surgery. Video games and then passed through databases for the control set up, to be loaded through a virtual computer and paused for a persons dream sequence. One this person is asleep for over 15 minute wait time, the virtual monitoring visuals begin and that's when the victim is not to awake unless physically or unless the chopped peanuts have disconnected from the device. When the disconnection is done the victim wakes sometimes not remembering what the dream was about. Virtual audio is connected to ear play, unseen but heard naturally at the lowest slightly louder than your thoughts.
How does this work?
Close your eyes and think about two words as loud as your mind can get without your voice interrupting. When you do this you imagine your own voice mimicking yourself. Now imagine you didn't think about anything at all. Then out of the blue, harassing words, bad languages, seducing gestures, judgemental comments about someone right before you give them a compliment ect. This doesn't stop here, unfortunately. The way cybersecurity is set up here as of 2019, there is also a way for the chopped peanuts to view the exact location your pupils do, maybe your peripheral vision as well. ( Though is probably the blurry part of the lens ).
What the hell, are you serious?
Yes, phishing and defamation are real.
Ever wonder when in a classroom preparing for a test, and when your done borrowing paper and a pencil from your neighbor right beside you everyone has faced to the front and not the side? The teacher will not allow this to happen. 
“Sit up straight students, eyes to the front, NO CHEATING!”
I can remember that like the back of my hands. When taking a test, Billy looks over at Venessa who’s marking all of her answers very swiftly. Without her approval or recognition, Billy peaks at 3 of her answers and jot the same exact thing she has on her test. Five minutes later he then peaks over again while the teachers back is turned, jots down 5 more answers that is written exactly like Venessa’s. When Venessa is done she raises her hand and the teacher collects the paper for a grade. Next thing you know Billy is done right after her. There were only 10 questions so they might look familiar. The teacher pauses on Billy’s test, and then backtracks to Vanessa’. She questions both of them calling them to the front. 
Vanessa paper was a graded A+ but why was Billy’s paper just the same? 
The teacher marks both of their papers as a failing grade since she doesn’t know who to believe cheated on who’s test. Vanessa never spoke to Billy again and moved her normal seat at the very front of the classroom so that she didn't see him at all. Also, Vanessa would have made the Valedictorian award which is (an academic title of success used in the United States, Canada, Central America, Singapore, and the Philippines for the student who delivers the closing or farewell statement at a graduation ceremony. The chosen valedictorian is often the student with the highest ranking among their graduating class.) at the end of the school year but Billy's eyes were the one thing that caused her to fall in second after a girl she used to be best friends with. She had to force a smile on stage which she didn’t feel in her heart. Deep down she knew that she should have been the one holding the golden trophy, not the silver one. She then went home and cried all day and night, not only that, but she became racist to the race Billy was that next morning and never looked at that same race the same ever again. Which rendered her from the job at the Board of Education, simply because the manager was the same race as Billy. So she ends up working as a home school teacher, denying job postings that were available to her that was the same race as Billy, and only teaching the race that she was.
Her best friend called her a month later to see how she was holding up, she even teased her about being in second place on top of the apology she had told her about breaking their friendship off. Vanessa laughed but deep down her cut was deeper because one F dropped her A+ to a C for the finals. She and her best friend became close again, but every time Vanessa hung out with her best friend who’d got first place, she always stole every piece of gold jewelry she had in a room or had worn in the car. Not knowing that her best friend was healing herself from the wounds of not fulfilling her dream to work at the board let alone talk to boys again and to think it was only from winning first place. All because of Billy, the chopped peanut. Drained her from her positive possibilities because he wanted to be a secret spy that day without any knowledge of hers to begin with. Her life was taking back what was not hers. Billy was a drug addict on the streets, the same corner every Sunday.
The new church in the town where Vanessa best friend always goes. She invited her to join her ministries. Vanessa spotted a familiar face, it was BIlly. She ends up turning back around from the memory of him and how he caused her life to be in shambles. On unexpected wrongdoing came into the light and path of a woman whose mind was in the books. Billy stopped her and told her to join him, and how he wanted to make up for the things he did. She felt a weak spot somewhere in herself. She joined his conversation full of apologies. Unfiirtuanlyey this was all she needed to heal half of her wounds, especially from the person who caused it, which made her feel even better. They end up dating and shortly she ended up on the block just to stay close to her best friend who couldn't contact her phone because of the bill. She couldn't convince her bestfrined to stop hanging with Billy, because he was apart of her life now. Billy and Vanessa’s new spot was on the corner doing volunteer work for the church to have food. And then it was back to the drugs. A wasted mind and a beautiful heart to be swallowed on the corners of a drug addicts territory.
Whether its spying, bashing verbally, fighting physically, never get an abortion with your dreams in life.
Never have a pornographic mindset to get the things you desire
A policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering can be a strategy everyone should take.
More like a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies, detractors or even chopped peanuts.
This is the New Right movement. It's happening today.
“Read my next article Cinnamon Chakras”
“Don’t cause the next world leader to become bitter, He might have a sour taste to destroy it.”
Milz L Mayhorn Tumblr: AfricanUniverse
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