#I stopped in the Fortress of Meropide because I kept getting lost
shamera · 10 months
okay, FINE, I will catch up on the Fontaine Archon Quest in Genshin.
(so there are, like, a dozen gmvs for Genshin to the song Gods and they are all FIRE??? Literally the perfect song for the game.)
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strawberrym1ko · 1 month
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ᯓ★ CHARACTERS: wriothesley
ㅤᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 SYNOPOSIS ― You are a criminal that has escaped many prisons, fortress of Meropide being one of your favourites to escape. ㅤᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 B.C ― Author being a simp for wriothesley. This wriothesley playlist inspiring me. His voice-lines. Enemies to lovers because M H M. FReader. Pryo reader because opposites hehehe. Reader got confused on fighting scenes and lost motivation-
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THE FORTRESS of Meropide is known to be one of the best prisons out there. Top guards with unstoppable resources and security, as well as a warden who kept close eye on both staff and prisoners.
It was a prison not a lot of prisoners can escape from. They can try all they like, but none came close to escaping the fortress. The furthest they got was the top floor, the hallway that lead people to the receptionist. But none got further than that.
You, however, got to the receptionist desk. Two walls of fires on either side of you, stopping the guards from entering and tackling you down. It was a long one. If you were any other old geezer from this wreck, you be hunched over in attempt to catch your breath. But you were young and a runaway that was on eye nations watch-list. Running wasn't new to you.
You shook the guard you had seduced jacket off your shoulders, allowing it to drop on the floor. Guards were too easy to manipulate in your opinion. Show them the right attitude with the right features and you got yourself a guard wrapped around your fingers. Making escaping so much easier too.
"Doll, when will he be here?" You turned back to the receptionist, who wasn't reacting the way you thought she would. She's oddly calm and still for someone who's being sandwiched between two walls that can give her six degree burns.
"Any. . .second. . .now" That hint of fear lingered in her tone. It didn't bring you joy presa. But, the following results would.
"[Name], games over" That sweet, sweet voice came from the left wall. You were quick to drop your hand, the wall dropping with it. Behind the wall was the man himself. The duke of the fortress and the man you had been hunting down for months now.
For reasons.
"Wrio~" You called out to him teasingly. You had waited for this. People always believed your goals were odd, whatever it may be. To you, they were achievements. One of them was to defeat the Duke of Meropide. Supposedly a man who would turn a blind eye when it came to prisoner torture. But to be fair, these locked down here weren't innocent at all. They were the scum of the word. People no one would miss. Not even their own loved ones.
The man was bare-armed. No gauntlet on him. He was being fair. "You're causing me a lot of paper work" He stepped closer.
"What can I say?" Arms opened, a knowing smirk gracing your lips. "I would do background checks on your guards~"
"You know that I do"
It is true. A place like this wouldn't risk hiring people that had any criminal backgrounds. They had to be clean of every charge that could exist in order to work here. That's why the dream of working here left the room years ago.
"Come on big guy" You raised your arm out, pulling back to fingers to indicate you were ready to fight.
"I don't hit women"
"Not fair! You have to play equal! Or I'm not playing!"
Sighing heavily, the male gave in and launched you. You were ready though, one leg behind. Before he got close, you dashed forward, turning to the left ever so slightly, just enough to skip past time. A single touch of your finger burning a feather on that pretty coat of his. He was quick to put it out though.
"What happened to playing fair?" Wriothesley asked.
You shrugged. "I was cursed. Not my fault"
Visions. Typically seen as a blessing from the Archons that moulded the world they lived on. However, for you. It was a curse. Your skin burning up, everyday. Those that touched you could either get first degree burns or third degree burns. You were gloves so you could handled things. You didn't ask for it, but here you were. A walking curse.
Wriothesley didn't waste another second. He launched at you once again, this time getting a good grip on your shoulder, twisting your arm around to force you to spin around to lessen the pain.
You, however, wouldn't admit defeat so quickly. Twirling under your arm, you managed to turn to Wriothesley with a comfort pain tolerance in your arm. You were quick to act. Leg high in the air, almost kicking him in the side but he was quick as well. His hand coming up to stop the force, believing it was your next attack, but it was just apart of it.
Just as quick, you switched to the your other leg. Your foot made contact with his jaw, sending him backwards in more shock than pain. He was stronger than you, yes your blows would cause pain but his shock overpowered that feeling. The Duke let your arm go as he tumbled back, hand under his jaw. Tiny specks of blood dropping onto his fingers.
"Well played" A compliment from the man himself. A swarm of butterflies erupted in your stomach. You felt giggly from that.
A psycho. You truly were one.
"You flatter me your grace~" A hand raised to your side, your escape route now in front of you and free. "Until we meet again~ Mon Amour~" Flash of light, you raised a new flame wall and made a beeline for the exist.
Escaping, for the fifth time.
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