#I swear Sage’s sass will never ever get old
ascendant-queen · 1 year
Almost cried reading the first page of TFP- after all this time, I still have the opening lines memorized :’)
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Mischief, Meet Your Match - Chapter Fourteen (Loki x Reader)
WARNINGS: Violence, Swearing, Smut, Loki
Being caught in the cross hairs of The God of Mischief would scare a saner person but not you, you enjoy it. There’s just something about Loki that draws you to him, and you couldn’t help it even if you wanted to. Tricking the Trickster is exhilarating but you quickly find yourself becoming attached to him as you’re unwillingly dragged on the adventure of a lifetime.
While The Avengers race to get you out of Loki’s clutches, you find yourself teaming up with him to try and defeat an enemy who threatens everything you hold dear.
When you’re tangled up with the God of Chaos, there’s no way of winning and it’s anyone’s guess which you’ll lose first, your heart or your life?
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Chapter Fourteen -  Outfitted For War
When one woke up with god of mischief hovering over them, a dagger in his hand, the sensible response wasn’t to yawn at him and lazily swipe his hand away.
 “Good morning Kitten.” He purred, teasing the skin under your ear with the tip of the blade.
 “Morning Mischief.” You sighed sleepily.
 There was a tugging motion on your scalp and Loki moved away from you, standing up.
“Did you just cut my hair?” You frowned.
 He held up a lock of your hair between his fingers and you grimaced.
“Why?” You asked in confusion, patting your head.
 Your fingers found a thin braid pleated into your hair, behind your ear and you pulled at it, studying the plait.
 “I’m sorry, is this some kind of Asgardian version of a friendship bracelet? Why have you braided a lock of your hair into mine?” You chuckled.
 “So I do not lose you.” He shrugged, dumping a tray of breakfast foods onto your lap while you sat up.
 You just looked at him until he graced you with a better explanation.
 “It is to ensure that I can locate you, no matter where you might end up. I will not be able to stay by your side on Asylum, this ensures I can find you again.” He elaborated.
 “Fair enough.” You shrugged.
 You were trying to act nonchalant about it but there was something strangely intimate about what he had done, in a primal way and it was making your heart pitter patter in your chest. You toyed with the braid while you picked up the goblet of coffee with the other hand and sipped happily at it.
 “Eat it all, you will need your strength.” He ordered in a tone that brokered no argument.
 You picked up a slice of toasted yellow bread and made a big show out of biting into it which seemed to satisfy him.
 “From what I was able to find out, Glahn-Betn not only still resides on Asylum but the army has grown considerably. We are running short on time to stop him.” He dictated.
 Guess you weren’t even allowed to finish eating before you moved into the pre-mission briefing. At least he had given you breakfast in bed, that was thoughtful.
 “Good thing we’re going now then.” You said once you swallowed a mouthful of fruit.
 “Tell me again what you must do.” He said tightly.
 That was when you realized it. Loki was nervous. Considering he wasn’t the one walking into danger, that meant he was nervous for you. You played along with him, trying to soothe his nerves by being as brisk and serious as you could be.
 “I need to fight for a place within the army and continue to impress them so I move up the ranks and swiftly. I need to be skilled enough to draw attention but not so much that Glahn-Betn will see me as a potential threat. Once I am high enough up in the ranks I start watching his movements and patterns until I find an opportunity to strike. Then I kill him and run as fast as I can.” You summarised.
 “You will need to lie about who you are, do not let them suspect you are from ‘Earth’. Show no signs of weakness or mercy, do not question your orders. Be a good soldier, obedient and loyal.”
 “Be strong but not too strong, be obedient but not mindless, be noticed but blend in. Be a walking contradiction, I’ve got it.” You assured.
 “Most importantly, be careful Kitten.” He reminded you.
 “Stop fretting mother hen. I know what to do, I’m prepared and I know the price if I fail.” You said, finishing off the last bite of food and washing it down with a swig of coffee.
 “Did you say goodbye?” He asked, nodding towards the door.
 “Yeah, you missed a hell of a party.” You sniggered.
 You had told Elder you were departing the next morning and the villagers had all come together to send you off. It had been a night of dancing around the flickering flames of a bonfire, hand in hand with the children you’d come to adore. You’d dutifully kneeled in the dirt and allowed people to say prayers to their gods on your behalf, your heart bursting with fondness and your eyes burning at the thoughtful gesture. You had drank cup after cup of amber liquor, proving to them that you had an inhuman tolerance for alcohol. You had laughed until your chest ached and danced until your head spun.
 At some point during the festivities you had been pulled into the blue grass with Elder, the sage old man clasping his hands with your own and offering you a departing piece of wisdom.
 “I don’t know what it is you are setting off to do but I can tell it weighs heavy on you Sky lady. It is clear you and your husband are warriors of a kind and knowing your heart as I do, I know whatever your cause, it is a righteous one. I wish you luck.”
 “Thank you.” You said softly, squeezing his hands.
 “We will miss you, you fit in well with us in a way few visitors have.” He mused kindly.
 ���Maybe… Maybe I’ll return one day.” You said wistfully, hopefully.
 “You won’t. Your heart does not belong on this small corner of the universe, it belongs elsewhere. But I can see it is torn. You are stuck between who you are, who you want to be and who you think you should be.” He warned you.
 Were you an Avenger or an assassin? A hero or an anti-hero? Or were you something else entirely? Were you Captain America’s daughter or the God of Mischiefs friend and could you find a way to be both?
 “What do I do?” You asked, pleading with him to help you figure it out.
 “There is no easy answer. Perhaps you think I will tell you that you should be true to yourself, but that is such an easy answer and yet the most difficult thing to do. You must live Sky lady, live your life and make your choices as you go. Let love and loyalty guide you and never stay stagnant between two choices.” He advised.
 “I told you to rest.” Loki sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
 “I did. Will you stop fussing and let me go wash up?” You laughed, clambering out of the bed and breezing past him, towards the bathroom.
 “Do not tarry, we leave as soon as you are ready.” He shouted through the door as you kicked it shut.
 You rolled your eyes at him even though he couldn’t see it and pulled doff your tunic, turning the taps on.
 It was sweet in a way you didn’t think he would be sweet. But if even Loki was worried about you, how screwed were you?
 As you bathed you pondered the coming mission and tried to stuff your nerves into a box in your mind, locking them away as best you could.
 You felt like something was missing, like you were forgetting something, but you knew what it was. A patented Captain America pep talk, with added Stark sass peppered throughout. You’d never gone on a mission without one. You’d never ever done this alone.
 It didn’t feel right, not having Bucky hovering over you and checking all your weapons were properly loaded and holstered. You wanted Sam to come and double check you were hydrated and sneak chocolate bars into your pocket. You needed Clint to offer you a fistbump and a wink. You missed Wanda squeezing your hand, seeking assurance and offering it at the same time. You needed Nat to throw extra ammo at you and assess you with a discerning look before she gave a confident nod, telling you that you were ready. You even missed Tony blatantly complimenting how well the suit fit you while he side-eyed a seething Steve.
 You missed your family. You needed them.
 “You’re a grown ass superhero, you don’t need you daddy to come and tell you how to do this.” You hissed angrily, pulling yourself out of the water.
 You dried and dressed as quickly as you could, metaphorically beating your doubts into submission.
 Before you opened the door you took one last deep breath and readied yourself.
 “You can do this.” You vowed to yourself.
“I wish I had my Avengers suit with me. I feel stupid going off the warn in jeans and a t-shirt.” You grumbled as you walked back into the room.
 “I thought you might.” Loki said, tossing something at you.
 It was a long black coat, made of tough but smooth leather. It wasn’t quite Midgardian style, but it wasn’t quite Asgardian either. You looked up at him in surprise and he nodded towards the bed where the rest of the ‘outfit’ was lain out. There were a pair of tight leggings made of a similar material to you Avengers suit, a solid but breathable material, a leather corset with a surprisingly modest and high necklined undershirt and a pair of knee-high leather combat boots.
 You turned around to ask him where he’d gotten this and more importantly, to thank him but he was gone. Probably giving you privacy to change into it, so that’s what you did.
 No offence to Tony and his eye for design, but you felt infinitely more bad-ass and put together in this than in the skin tight combat suit he’d provided. The material of this outfit was tight, but not uncomfortably so and there was a lot of give in it, allowing for ease of movement. There was a holster along your spine that held Mischief securely and you found that it was incredibly easy to reach behind your head and pull it out or slide it back in. Slipping the heavy coat on you found that it didn’t hinder your movements either. You were dressed as a warrior but you didn’t outwardly appear to be so.
 You were outfitted like an assassin.
 You had to hand it to Loki, he’d done good. You might have expected him to dress you in green but he’d opted for all black, except for one very important detail. There was a flap of material over your torso that when peeled back revealed a fabric insignia sewn in. Unless they knew to look for it, nobody would find it. The emblem of Captain America’s Shield contrasted well against the black leather and in the centre, where the star usually resided, was the Avengers A. He’d had the foresight and kindness to make sure you had a symbol of home pressed to your heart. He’d probably had to swallow a lot of pride and distaste to do it as well.
 You strode out of the hut with a newfound confidence, your shoulder thrown back and your head held high. Loki looked up as soon as you walked through the doors and for a moment he froze.
 “How do I look?” You asked, holding your arms out.
 “Like someone to be feared.” He said with weight.
 He stepped forward and pulled open you coat, sliding an array of his own daggers into the attached sheaths.
 “Thank you, for all of it, but especially for this.” You whispered, tapping your chest where the secret insignia was.
 “They would be proud, if they knew the truth about all this. They would be proud of all you have done and all you will yet do.” He said dismissively.
 You hoped he was right.
 “After all, you made an ally of one of their greatest foes. Without bloodshed, without fighting, you have defeated me.” He added with a sassy smirk.
 “Are you defeated, Mischief?”
 “Without a doubt.” He said without hesitation.  
 He gently tugged your coat closed and looked down at you, his face startlingly close to yours while his arm slid around your waist for a heartbeat, you thought he was going to lean in kiss you but your hope was shattered when you saw the Tesseract in his hand and the ground disappeared from beneath your feet as the blinding blue light filled your vision.
 As soon as it cleared you were visually assaulted by a bevy of colours and a sycophancy of loud noises.
 “Ah, my eyes!” You winced, shielding them.
 Loki dragged you somewhere while you held your hand over your eyes and you didn’t dare look until your back met a wall. You opened them to see you were in some kind of small alcove down an alleyway and unable to resist, you peered out onto the street again.
 “What Fresh hell is this?” You asked, scrunching up your nose.
 “This is Asylum.” Loki said stiffly.
 “Then why does it look like… well, the 80’s?” You asked.
 It looked like a Bizzaro version of Earth, all neon signs and fluorescent colours and more diverse than even The Distillers Planet had been in terms of different aliens you could see walking down the street. It looked like what you imagined the inside of Elton John’s brain looked like but with a fuckton more aliens, a murky yellow sky and…
 “Is that building made of bones?”
 It definitely was, and now that you were looking you could see it wasn’t the only one. Apparently Asylum was where the Stone Age hooked up with the 80’s for an acid-fuelled apocalypse party. After the peace and serenity of Clarius, it was a shock to your system.
 Loki tightly grabbed your elbow and tugged you around the corner again.
 “Follow this street until you see the recruitment base, you won’t miss it.” He said, refusing to meet your eyes.
 “Remember what you have to do Kitten. You’ll need to battle another recruit to gain a place in the army, from there you need to impress them enough to work your way up the ranks until you find yourself close to Glahn-Betn. I won’t be able to help you or advise you. You’ll have to use your own judgement.”
 “Fate of the universe depends on me using my brain… We’re all doomed.” You joked.
 “No we aren’t.” He snapped.
 Apparently he wasn’t in a joking mood.
 “I know what to do Mischief. I’ve got this.” You said with as much bravado as you could muster.
 You knew the plan, you knew what was required of you, all that was left was to see if you could pull it off. You took a step backwards, towards the alleyway and lighting fast, he grabbed you, pulling you back into the alcove and his hand closed around your wrist. You wanted to get on with it, to walk into the lions den before your nerve failed you. But in an ironic twist of events, Loki was the one in need of comfort and reassurance.
 “I’ll be alright Mischief. I’ve got this.” You promised, twisting your wrist out of his grasp and sliding your fingertips along his arm softly, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly.
 He exhaled forcefully and nodded stiffly at you.
 “I’ll be close by, as close as I can be without risking running into anyone who may know me but I will be disguised. Do not remove your braid for any reason, promise me.” He demanded.
 “I promise.” You said firmly.
 “If you do… our connection will be lost. I will have no choice but to assume you are dead.” He warned.
 And he’d flee Asylum was what was left unsaid at the end of that sentence.
 You bit your tongue. His eyes were flashing dangerously, almost overflowing with emotion and you knew that he wasn’t refusing because he wouldn’t do it, he was refusing because he didn’t want to entertain the idea of you failing.
 “See you on the other side. When the chaos starts, we meet back here.” You said with a note of finality, stepping away from him.
 Your heart was clenching painfully and the steady, overpowering thrum of your nerves were making you dizzy. A few more steps and you would be separated from him and even if you succeeded in your assassination there was a high chance you weren’t going to survive. This was likely a suicide mission, which meant that unless you were very lucky, this may be the last time you ever saw Loki. He had your goodbye letters for your family but you hadn’t said goodbye to him. You hadn’t said what needed to be said.
 Three words. Just three little words. You could say them and then leave with a clear conscience. You wouldn’t even have to wait around to find out if he would say them back, you didn’t need to take that chance. You could tell him what you so desperately wanted him to know.
 I know you could never love me back, I know that you don’t need the affirmation from a mortal but I love you. I love you so much it’s consuming me.
 “Mischief I…” You began.
 “Don’t.” He interrupted, snapping out the word angrily.
 “You will not say farewell to me Kitten, do not dare. Leave me as if you intend to return to me.” He demanded.
 He lowered his head until his forehead was pressed against yours and let out a shuddering breath.
 “Return to me.” He said, a plead and not a demand this time.
 For the first time you felt something like hope building inside you. His torn apart emotional state was so out of character for him that it was making you wonder, was all this fear and concern really just for a friends safety? Or was it possible he felt something more for you?
 “I will always return to you Mischief. Nothing could keep me away.” You swore.
 His grip on you tightened almost painfully before it gradually loosened and he stepped back. You nodded once, more to yourself than him and made to walk away.
 “Aren’t you forgetting something Kitten?” He asked.
 He looked at you blankly, his expression giving no hint as to what he was alluding to but somehow you just knew what he was asking for and it made you smile.
 Balancing on your tiptoes you reached towards him and the corners of his lips twitched as he leant down for you. At the last second you moved your head and the kiss you’d been about to place on his cheek landed purposefully on the corner of his mouth instead.
 “I’ll see you soon Mischief.” You breathed into his skin.
 You stepped away, walking backwards so you could hold his gaze. His eyes were dark with emotion as he stared after you, slack-jawed at your actions and with one last wave, you left the alleyway, stepping onto the street and you couldn’t see him anymore.
 You exhaled forcefully, your emotions spilling from you in a gust of breath as you turned around and started walking.
 The last time you’d been alone you had still been a regular human, wandering the world without a cause, living town to town. Now you were a superhero, with a family, with so much love in your heart that you could barely contain it. This was your first solo mission, the first time you didn’t have Bucky watching you through the scope of a rifle or Sam flying overhead. You didn’t have Steve stood beside you, shield in hand. You didn’t have Loki or his tricks keeping you safe.
 You were alone again, but this time you were on an Alien planet with the fate of billions resting on your shoulders. But you weren’t alone, not really. You had Loki in the shadows and The Avengers in your heart and unconsciously touching the braid in your hair, you realized you’d never felt stronger.
 You kept your eyes ahead, not wanting to look like an obvious tourist but even still, there was a lot to look at. While shopping wasn’t on the agenda, it was hard to resist peering into the stores you passed. Half of them looked like mystical apothecaries, and you were convinced you’d just walked past a blacksmith’s but there were a lot of strangely modern looking stores as well. You did a double take at what for all intents and purposes could essentially have been a Hot Topic, the alien edition.
There were Taverns and chic bars, a nightclub that you were itching to see the interior of, café’s and restaurants.
 It was a mind-bending blend of several Earth era’s and distinctly alien. When Loki had told you the whole planet was an Asylum like it had been named, you’d expected a neat, clinical, cold, militaristic atmosphere. This was the polar opposite and despite how jarring it was, it was kind of awesome in a Las Vegas way.  
 Not all of it nice. Not all of it was fantastical and wonderful. You steadfastly ignored everyone trying to engage with you but you were fairly certain that you knew exactly what was being offered when a thin, seven foot tall, green humanoid sidled up to you and asked…
 “Need a fix, you look like a being that needs a little fix.? I didn’t take mine, wanna make a deal?”
 You’d sidestepped him and kept walking but it left a chill in your blood. If this was an Asylum, a hospital, then where were the attendants? The Nurses? The Doctors? Who was looking after these people?
 Now that your attention had been drawn to it, you could see it everywhere. These creatures were sick. Blanks stares, nervous ticks, frenzied pacing, wailing and crying, agitated aggression… You could see people exhibiting signs everywhere you looked.  Once again you felt a surge of anger for Glahn-Betn. This planet was supposed to be a refuge for these people, a safe place. He had taken that from them, he had brought chaos to a planet that really couldn’t handle it.
 You quickened your pace. The sooner you got to the recruitment base, the sooner you could get on with your mission and carve that bastards chest open, just to see if he had a heart.
 Like Loki had promised, you couldn’t miss the base. You reached the end of the long street and there was a crossroads. Ahead, more of what lay behind you, to the right, the same. But to the left, down a winding hill, there was a fortress.
 At first glance you thought it was just a black mountain but your eyes adjusted and you could see it was man made, a collection of spires and towers carved from shiny black rock and surrounded by a moat. If this was an Asylum planet, that must be the maximum security ward. Before Glahn-Betn it must have housed the criminally insane and now it housed… the criminally insane. It took nearly twenty minutes to reach it, your heart picking up it’s pace as you drew closer and slipped into the crowds of people heading in the same direction.
 You had just stepped onto the black stone bridge over the moat when the sky rumbled above you and you looked up to see a humungous spacecraft descending towards the fortress.
 “Look, more conquests. Hope we get to fight one of the captives. Doubt they have much fight left in them.” An alien behind you sniggered.
 As the craft slowed down it’s flight and neatly hovered behind the fortress, landing behind it, you tried to decipher what the alien had just said.
 Conquests and captives. Glahn-Betn was waging war and forcing prisoners to fight for him. How many planets had already fallen to this tyrant? Why was nobody doing anything?
 You’d thought this was a madman attempting a sinister plot but it went far deeper than that. This was already full scale intergalactic terrorism. Even if you killed Glahn-Betn and put a stop to his plans, he had already done so much damage that couldn’t be undone. Not for the first time you started to think that you were in way over your head. How could you, one woman, bring down an entire regime?
 Because nobody would expect one woman to be stupid enough to try.
 And this wasn’t your plan, it was Loki’s. Even if you were starting to doubt yourself, you didn’t doubt him. You had the blood of the greatest soldier of all time in your veins. You had been trained by literal gods, infamous assassins and the greatest minds your world had to offer.
 So you squared your shoulders, put on your metaphorical big girl panties and walked through the wide doors into the base.  
 The cavernous hall was bustling with activity. It was teeming with crowds of hopeful recruits, nervous recruits and guards. Ignoring them all you strode purposefully to the far side of the hall, to the lines of recruits being admitted through the doors into the heart of the fortress.
 You chose a longish line so you had time to study the admittance procedure. There were dozens of platforms raised slightly off the ground that were surrounded by a shimmering golden sphere, a force field of sorts. Every platform was manned by two guards apiece and, tall, statuesque, intimidating blue aliens with futuristic monitors in their hands. One by one the recruits stepped onto the platforms and had a short conversation with what you’d guessed were the recruitment officers. The platform you were in line for was manned by a beautiful blue woman with a stiff posture and eye catching black splotches on her skin.
 As you got closer you could hear what she was saying and as you watched carefully, a man who could easily have been human stepped onto the platform.
 “Why do you want to join the Commander of War’s mighty army?” She asked robotically.
 The man looked around desperately, his jaw clenched. The woman leaned forward with a hard gaze, as if she was finally interested.
 “Why do you want to join the Commander of War’s mighty army?” She asked again, harshly.
 “Reconnaissance for the Nova Corps.” He spat out, looking terrified when he realized what he’d said.
 He made a run for it but he didn’t even get one step away before he was shot, his body thumping to the ground. Someone grabbed him by the ankle and dragged him out of the sphere while the woman ignored it, looking at the next recruit in line who stepped into the sphere without care.
 You subtly studied the sphere and put the pieces together in your mind. It was some kind of truth field, it must be. Which meant that nobody could lie when they joined the army, you couldn’t lie.
 You ground your teeth as the line moved forwards, mentally trying to solve this puzzle before you were called into the sphere. All to soon, you were at the front of the line and as a hulking creature was waved to the other side, having passed the recruitment questions, you had no choice but to calmly step onto the platform. The field caused no sensation as you walked through it and if you couldn’t see it, you wouldn’t have known it was there. The woman looked at you with cold disinterest as you stepped up in front of her.
 “Why do you want to join the Commander of War’s mighty army?”
 “I’m here to work my way up the ranks of the army, to prove myself, so I can make my father proud.” You said smoothly.
 “They call me Kit.” You said.
 Well it was true, some people did on occasion call you Kit.
 “What planet are you from?”
 You had just come from there.
 “I’m the result of an experiment.” You said quickly, thinking fast on your feet and stretching the truth as far as you could without breaking it.
 She didn’t blanche, just swiped something on the monitor.
 “Give me your wrist.” She said, holding her hand out impatiently.
 She snapped a black band onto your wrist and after a moment it flickered orange.
 “We do not provide weapons to recruits, if you did not bring your own, tough.”
 “I brought my own.” You assured her.
 “Through the doors, find the corridor that corresponds to your band. If you observe any rituals or pray to any deities or gods then do so now, you’ll be dead by the end of the day.” She said dismissively.
 You’d just stepped outside of the truth field but at her words you stopped and stepped backwards, back into the sphere.
 “No, I won’t.” You said confidently, looking her in the eye.
 You walked away, allowing yourself a quick triumphant grin. You’d done it, you were in. Now the hard part began.  
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A/N - I know the last chapter was a bit of a filler chapter that was there to point the plot in the right direction but I hope this makes up for it and I really hope you enjoy this chapter.
We're in the thick of it now, Kitten's got some trying times ahead of her. Wish her luck! (And wish me good luck in writing it!)
P.S - I think I’ll be stopping the gifs at the beginning of each chapter from here on in and maybe I’ll make a mood-board to use instead. Or maybe I’ll use gifs that relate to the chapter and aren’t always Loki ones. Or maybe just stick with what I’m doing right now. Thoughts??
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