#I swear this is not inspired by Erasure fanfic
damonjuicyscock · 1 year
Playlist-Chapter 4: Woman in Chains (90s Noel Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 90s Noel Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: Domestic violence (yes, Y/N again being beaten up by Kenneth, but it's the end of it I promise. Don't forget the rule, if you suspect anyone or you are being a victim of domestic violence, call the number in your country. This is really important lovies), mild fluff, language, maybe a few spelling mistakes.
Words: 1992 (oh just like the year, I didn't do it on purpose I swear !)
Summary: It's 1992 and you are going to Oasis rehearsals. Kenneth is still your boyfriend and is still a bastard. Soon, something happens, and this will change your way of living.
A/N: Heya, I'm back ! This chapter is still hard to read so hold tight ! But I promise this is the end of the torture. As I said in the warnings, follow the rules concerning domestic violence, I beg you. Helping each other these days is very important. I also wanted to inform you that I now have a job so Instead of saturdays, I will now publish our daily fanfic on sundays ! I'll try my best to start rewriting one-shots again and publishing them on wednesdays like before. Hope you'll like this chapter anyway !
Enjoy !
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“Well I feel Deep in your heart there are wounds time can't heal And I feel Somebody somewhere is trying to breathe Well you know what I mean It's a world gone crazy Keeps woman in chains
It's under my skin but out of my hands I'll tear it apart but I won't understand I will not accept the greatness of man
It's a world gone crazy Keeps a woman in chains Gone crazy, keeps woman in chains
So free her”
March 1992:
I didn’t know how to escape Kenneth. I still didn’t have the courage to leave him.
But I decided to rebel a little bit.
My boss and I got on quite well for him to change my working hours. I started an hour earlier and finished an hour earlier. I didn’t tell Kenneth.
So, on the first day it happened, I went to see Oasis rehearsing. Noel was now their guitarist. He had dreamt so much of being in a band. I was so happy for him, and I was their N°1 fan. Or more like number 2. Mamas always are the first.
With them, I could be myself. Who I really was inside. And I’ve seen such good times and unforgettable ones. Like when Noel wrote Live Forever.
He was strumming his guitar, thoughtful, calm and quiet as he always had been.
Still haven’t found any lyrics? I asked
Hmm? He answered, raising his head
You’ve been playing this melody for years, so I’m surprised you still haven’t found any words to put on this song. I always thought it sounded beautiful.
Yeah, I mean it Noely.
Well thanks! And I started writing some stuff.
Show me.
He handed me a piece of paper, full of erasures made with a pen.
“Maybe I don't really wanna know How your garden grows 'Cause I just wanna fly Lately, did you ever feel the pain In the morning rain As it soaks you to the bone?
Maybe I just wanna fly Wanna live, I don't wanna die Maybe I just wanna breathe Maybe I just don't believe Maybe you're the same as me We see things they'll never see You and I are gonna live forever” Noely, this is brilliant!
Ye mean it?
I always do! You should pursue!
Well I already thought about repeating the verse and changing the second chorus.
And how is it going?
It goes like “maybe I will never be, everything I want to be, this isn’t the time to be sad, it’s mainly time to find out why, you are the same as me, you see things they’ll never see, you and I are gonna live forever”.
Not bad…
But I think there are some lyrics to change here.
I know, I’m not done writing it.
A silence settled in, Noel hummed the melody looking for inspiration.
Teach me how you play it. I never asked but I always wanted to know what it is like to play your guitar.
Yeah sure! Come here.
I approached him and he handed me his guitar.
Careful, ye know this guitar…
Is like your wife, I know.
Noel chuckled.
Okay so put your fingers here. He said, putting his hand on mine to guide them.
Okay, got it.
And now use your other hand and strum.
I did
Ouch it hurts!
This is normal when ye’ve never played guitar before. Your fingers aren’t protected like mine. Go on, strum again.
I did again and the sound rang in the room.
Hey, not bad! he said
Ye’ve always been a quick learner.
Teach me the rest.
He did and soon I was playing the chords like him.
Okay stop torturing your fingers now or ye’re gonna bleed. That’s a good start anyway, one day ye’ll steal my job! He said laughing
I turned my head to face him. Our lips were so close to each other that we almost kissed. And this tension… my heart beating so fast… And his, that I could hear was beating as fast as mine… and his hand on mine, not moving…
I still loved Noel, but did he?
It was intense. It was, until we heard someone enter the room without knocking and had seen us.
Oh Kenny, hey! Noel was teaching me how to play a song on his guitar !
I knew I’d find ye here. Why weren’t ye at yer workplace?
Oh, just finished earlier today!
And why didn’t ye tell me?
I-I just…
Hello Kenneth. Noel said dryly
Y/N, we’re leaving. Now.
Oh I would regret not coming home right after work or not waiting him on spot…
I’m soz Noel… I said, fear on my face
Hey, don’t be. Ye can come here when ye want to!
I left the room and crossed Liam’s path.
Already leaving us? He asked
Yeah, I feel a bit tired.
Y/N. Kenneth said impatiently
Don’t hesitate to come here when ye want. It’s good havin’ ye here.
I hugged him and he saw them. The bruises on my shoulders. But he was high, so he wasn’t sure what he saw was right. Still, I saw it made him upset.
I left without talking and got in the car with Kenneth, not really knowing where it would get me.
When Kenneth and I arrived home, he locked the front door behind him.
I ran in my bedroom, knowing what was waiting for me, but forgot to lock the door.
Kenneth came in, enraged.
Did ye have fun?
Yeah, actually I did. I dared to answer dryly
He came to me and grabbed my hair, forcing me to follow his lead.
Don’t ye dare answering me like this ye fucking whore!
Kenny, you’re hurting me!
Kenneth slapped me, causing me to fall on my knees.
What were ye fucking doing with Noel ? He yelled
I started crying.
A punch in the face.
Don’t ye lie to me ye slut!
I swear!
Then a kick in the guts.
Yer fucking lying!
I was now in a foetal position, hurt and crying, holding my belly. I knew what Noel had felt all these years.
But Kenneth had no mercy. He kept kicking me until I fainted, before locking me in the room.
The beginning of another nightmare had started.
1 month later:
Noel was worried. He didn’t stop calling but I never answered. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I couldn’t.
Since that day when he witnessed the scene with Noel, I was locked in the bedroom, tied to the foot of the bed, with a bottle of water next to me, the shutters closed, and I hadn’t been able to wash for a whole month.
I was allowed one meal a day, no contact with the outside world except when my parents called, calls that always were monitored by Kenneth in case I said something. Every night, I was Kenneth’s punching bag.
He would hit me, punch me, kick me until I passed out. I was so weak that I didn’t fight back, I didn’t have the strength to.
But Noel suspected something, and not only because of Liam’s words. He had told him that he thought he saw bruises on my shoulder but wasn’t sure because he was high. So Noel decided he would come and check by himself.
He knocked at the door but nobody heard, I already passed out and Kenneth was too busy torturing me.
I felt this night was the night. My mind and my body were letting go. I was dying.
Kenneth didn’t even know that he was killing me. I tried to hard to survive but as nobody came to save me, there was no point in surviving anymore.
Noel came in without being invited, and as he was about to ask if anybody was home, he heard Kenneth’s groans.
He followed the noise and he saw me lying on the ground, bleeding, Kenneth kicking me.
He immediately reacted, entering the room and grabbed Kenneth from behind, trying to control him.
I fucking knew it! What d’ye think yer doing ye fucking trashcan?!
Kenneth was trying to fight back but couldn’t, Noel almost strangling him.
She’s mine! mine only! He yelled
Noel let go of him and punched him.
She belongs to no one but herself!
They started fighting while I was slowly dying on the floor. I opened my eyes a second and saw them and let myself go right after.
Kenneth finally collapsed on the floor, fainting.
And Noel understood something when he saw that my clothes were torn. I had been here and a victim of his kicks for a long time.
He kneeled in front of my now lifeless body, and untied me, trying to bring me back to life. I had stopped breathing only a few seconds before.
Noel did CPR and mouth to mouth so I could come back to him.
When he felt I was breathing again, he took my fainted body in his arms and called an ambulance.
I opened my eyes the day after, sore all over, my right wrist in a splint, because being tied up and beaten had caused me to dislocate it, bruises everywhere, a black eye, an IV hydrating and nourishing me, a blood bag giving me back the blood I’d lost, and Noel, his head lying next to my body, holding my hand.
He might have fallen over from exhaustion.
I didn’t even know what happened, how long him and I were there or why.
I understood it when I felt I couldn’t move. It hurt everywhere. My voice was broken, but I tried sto speak. The thing is, only a whisper managed to come out of my mouth.
He didn’t hear me.
I tried to move my hand but couldn’t.
So I was forced to move my body and I cried out in pain.
This time, it woke him up.
Don’t mov, stay calm. He said, panicking
What happened? Why am I here?
It’s okay yer safe now. I think ye know what happened. The doctor said that ye almost died. He had been beating ye for like a whole month. I arrived just in time. Yer body is… pretty damaged but ye will heal. I promise. I’ll take care of ye. I f ye accept it of course. I… I have an apartment here now. Ye won’t have to come back to him Y/N. Ye can live with me. I can promise ye ye’ll be safe with me. Ye know I’ll never raise a hand on ye. Please ye have to trust me. He said, still panicking
Noely, calm down. You know I trust you. You saved me. All I want is to be away from him. And I know you will never raise a hand on me or summat. Plus, I have nowhere to go, I don’t want my parents to see me like this. You… You haven’t told them, right? I whispered
No. I know yer dad would kill him and end in prison if I did. I didn’t kill him Y/N. I could have and I wanted to but… who would have looked after ye ?
Noel looked at me to see if I was serious when saying this and he started laughing while I tried to smile the best I could.
Ye never stop, do ye?
Not while I’m still alive.
Tears threatened to spill from his eyes, and he kissed me on the forehead.
Please then, stay alive.
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hellsbella · 4 years
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@ichirukimonth 2020 - day 8 / east of the sun, west of the moon 
MARKED AU: Soulmates have their mark ‘tattooed’ on their other half
☀一護 ⋆ ☾ルキア
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