#I tag my own oc as comfort? yes mf
poolcore · 1 year
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lethalleopard · 2 months
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🐆🎩 18+ Rob Lucci of One Piece, as told by Mami
🐆🎩 Tracks the tag, lethalleopard
🐆🎩 Crossover friendly, multi ship friendly, OC friendly
🐆🎩 Semi-selective, fluctuating activity
🐆🎩 Dragon Ball multimuse over @kicharges
🐆🎩 Cell RP page over @theultimateandroid
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WIP: I am currently still reading through One Piece and may have to do so again in order to refresh my memory on the events/current events within the One Piece universe. Please bear with me if my characterization appears off, I always make sure to try my best with Lucci.
DNI with my page if you’re the following people: dancingdingohub (and associated blogs), darkhxntrxss, or whiskeysmulti. I will not be elaborating into why, but just know that I have my reasons. Still, I won’t overlook that although we may have had our differences in the past, they’re still good people at heart. PLEASE DO NOT HARASS THESE INDIVIDUALS! 
1. I prefer to write with people around my own age group (24) because I can explore a vast amount of different genres and topics that I wouldn’t feel comfortable exploring with a minor. I’d also appreciate it if minors in general did not interact with my posts or threads, in which case, I will utilize the block function.
2. If you haven’t gotten back to me on a thread within a year or more, I will be dropping said thread. I don’t particularly enjoy being held in suspense and I’m usually a very patient person, so please let me know whether or not you’re still interested in continuing our thread. I don’t usually drop threads but when I do, I will let you know beforehand. This should also apply for you as well, communication is key here.
3. Length reply matters somewhat to me, and I only say that because I will not interact with you if I’ve poured my heart into a multi paragraph thread and all you give in return is a one liner or a reply that consists of only a few sentences. I tend to get lost in the story and character so I also apologize if my reply length is daunting at times. It kills my mood to write if I feel as though my partner isn’t returning as much excitement into a thread as I am.
4. Lucci is head canoned as pansexual and single. I am willing to experiment with ships but I will not venture into minor x adult territory and I don’t take any of it as a “silly hahaha joke.” Pedophilia and grooming is unfortunately a real and very rampant thing in todays society and I will curb stomp anyone who proships. Yes, I am singling you mf’s out specifically.
5. Lucci is a villain. Take this rule into consideration that this is a warning to the people who like to baby-girlify vile, unredeemable villains: that isn’t happening here. When I write a villain, I write that bitch like the evil, shit-stain they are, and I will not be pulling my punches unless it comes to actually killing or inflicting mortal wounds upon your muse. Otherwise than that, the shit they say is a reflection of who they are. A bastard.
6. “Writing 🍇 content helps me cope with my own SA.” Nuh-Uh. Just straight up block me because rest assured I wouldn’t miss you if you did. Being a victim of assault myself, doesn’t mean I wanna fetishize what happened to me or relive it through writing. I get that everyone copes differently, but that cannot be healthy and it’s just morally unacceptable. That said, 🍇 fetishizers, DN fucking I.
7. Also don’t interact with my page in general if you like writing incest, are a pro shipper, are a nazi apologist/skinhead, racist, homophobe/transphobe, or fetishize IRL criminals. I don’t have time for you sickos and trust me, you’re the kind of people I’d avoid tf out of in real life. If I see any of that shit on your page, no matter how close we are, I’m straight up blocking you.
8. Smut content or anything that is potentially viewed as triggering will be respectfully placed under a “read more” line. This is done out of respect for my audience and for the people I write with. However, whether you choose to do so on your page is entirely up to you. 
9. I have a zero tolerance for passive aggressive bullshit, I say this because it’s ended a few friendships before. If you have something you want to say to me, just say it out right and I’ll get the message. I’m not here to put up with anyone’s pretentious behavior and I mean it when I say, I will block you if you’ve been giving me nothing but icky vibes
10. Never talk politics on my page with me please, I don’t need a TW for any of your political banter if you choose to partake in said subject matter, but I won’t talk in depth about politics ooc or ic. That isn’t to say that I’m not aware of what’s happening around the world, but I would prefer not to get into a heated discussion due to our potentially conflicting outlooks. Again, just here to write.
11. Anon hate will be deleted~!
12. Due to certain past experiences with over bearing muns and overall stress, I have become semi-selective with OC’s. I understand that it’s not fair to group everyone under the same umbrella, and I apologize if you feel targeted, that is not what I intended. I merely mean to express my caution when it comes to OC’s, as I have had them pushed in my face, been excessively messaged (10+ messages as soon as I arrive online) It can becomes too much all at once. All I ask in return is for you to be courteous and to not overwhelm me.
13. Should’ve said this earlier, but please don’t god mod/power play? If you want to write any of my characters making a minor or major decision/movement, then just ask me and I’ll see whether or not I approve. However, just going ahead and making the choice for yourself isn’t considered good RP etiquette.
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Okay so. Tags! Finally a fucking system!
I know I know I'm so organized.
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General tags:
#my art - general art tag
#cruci shitpost - general shitpost tag
#invader zim - the only fandom I draw art for rn. Because. Possession idk¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#invader zim oc, #invader zim au, #irken oc - speaks for itself
#zadr, #tagr - yes, this blog has those. Sometimes it also has other ships. Yes, you can leave if you don't like them
Aaaand other more detailed stuff under the cut ":)
AU tags:
#beta rp iz - a tag for an rp me and @0mochi0 have about Zim leaving the Earth one day and Dib setting out to look for that idiot with his clone which he made so that he'd help him find the original. There are also a lot of ocs, mine and 0mochi0's. The tag contains art regarding the rp and sometimes just information on what the fuck is happening. Or both. 0mochi0 also makes art of the rp, you should check her out! She's even making a comic about it and it looks great!
#zombie rp my beloved - a tag for another rp I have with 0mochi0, but this one is paused for now. It's about Dib accidentally killing Zim and then reviving him but being really fucked up about it. As always, this tag contains art and information, and 0mochi0 has some amazing art on the rp too :3
#sick zim au - the name speaks for itself, just another variation of the sick zim au featuring a disabled human Zim and the Tallests as his absolutely useless awful step-parents. This one is a collab with @laazytoaster. He has some great art on it too btw! :33
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#mothtis dib - a kind of mothman Dib au but Dib became a weird but cute and fluffy mix between a giant moth and a mantis. Zim is confused.
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OC tags:
Or tags that contain info and art of my lovely little children that this whole post is made for because as it turned out I am an incredibly petty mf
Beta rp iz:
Ominous guy. Makes irkens go insane. He's just a little too silly :3
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Mister racism. Funds anti-irken stuff even though he's an irken himself. Traumatized. In for a redemption arc
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One of the irkens Nova drove insane. Escaped due to a glitch. Has a hurt/comfort lesbian arc. A dog character :3
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Just a little guy! A result of an unsuccessful transported batch of incubation capsules, the only one that survived. Was raised by an old tree-lizard on the planet Dirt. 100 years old, but he's a little kid so. Keep that in mind. Actually really important for the plot!
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The old tree lizard. A chill guy, the only one left from his species that were destroyed by the Empire. Has a soft spot for stray irkens. Just a really kind and compassionate person, sometimes too kind for his own good.
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The guy that was supposed to transport the batch Tin was in. His ship was attacked by the Resisty and he had to crash-land on Dirt. He's in a very bad state, so he hangs out with Tin and Radi :3
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Wow there's something WRONG with this vortian!!! She's a scientist (of course she is) and she doesn't really take part in the main lore for now but I love her very much. She's trying to find a cure for her disease (the tree thing)
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That's all for now but I will probably update this bitch if I remember something/make something new. Jeez this wasn't that hard why was I putting it off
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sanguineascent-blog · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO!   answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.  repost, don’t reblog.
Currently none of my ships with Darius so far are official. They’re all in the “in-development” stage. But my main verse ship is set to be with an OC who is a Lieutenant in the Noxian army, Iris Ortega / @allegiantfervor. She’s basically the quintessential “Model Noxian Soldier” that exemplifies everything Darius values in someone.
I really don’t have any boundaries, though I can’t say I like to do dark stuff on tumblr because people don’t like to see that. And I don’t refer to particularly dark stuff as “shipping” but more of a character development thing, which is better to be mentioned or referenced, not really written out.
Honestly, age gap depends on the age, and it gets tricky with Darius. Being 43, most other League muses are in their 20s, so there’s not much there that isn’t seen as “creepy” since he’s old enough to be a lot of ya’lls dad. 
10 years when you’re in your 20s is a big deal usually, but 10 years when you’re in your 30s/40s/50s becomes less of a gap as the years go on. For Darius, he doesn’t particularly care how old someone is, there are much more important factors in his book. However, he does acknowledge his own age and how that may effect others. So really, if the age gap is within 10 years, he’s comfortable with it. If it extends outside that, he won’t really make a move unless the other person does first and the age difference doesn’t seem to take effect. But he does have a limit. He’s not about to date a 25 year old. 
EXTREMELY. I have had far too many people try to push ships on me and make things uncomfortable, or say “yes I’m interested in shipping with your muse!” and then when we start interactions I realize my portrayal isn’t compatible with theirs. This is particularly true with Darius because he is such a serious character with a lot of responsibilities and hesitations when it comes to a love life, so shipping with him, while possible is not easy. I’ve been here a year and still don’t have anything actually active yet, just pending. 
I’ll tag anything PG-13, and I’ll read-more anything R rated.
None officially, but aside from Iris, I have also developed plots that lead to ships with Katarina / @caedispia and, for the Woad AU, Ashe / @frostcalled. 
This is a trick question for me: Yes and No. See final question for details.
Not often. I like it kind of as a side-dish, not the main course. So I like it here and there and in appropriate situations, but not as a focus.
I’m ship apathetic until one is actually developed, then I’m like “this is cool, I like it. yay!” I used to get pretty deep into ships, but not so much anymore.
Technically yes.
Uh………blarg….Uhm…. lemme think (aside from the ones for Darius and like, skin AUs) Xayah/Rakan, Miss Fortune/Rafen, Pantheon/Diana, Morgana/Diana, Draven/Draven, and…there’s other ships I’m totally cool with, I just don’t have any personal attachment to them at this time (Zed/Akali, Zed/Syndra, Diana/Syndra, Ekko/Ezreal, etc)
For Darius: Darius/Draven, Darius/Garen, Darius/Quinn, Darius/Lux, Darius/Vlad....To be honest most of the world, particularly ANY Demacians. Aside from Darius: Leona/Diana is a long-time NOTP that didn’t start as a NOTP until the community drove me to it. Other than that, anything with Incest (Garen/Lux, Kayle/Morgana, etc.) Pedophilia (Annie/Anyone, etc.), and a Majority of Rival ships (MF/Gangplank, Ashe/Sejuani, etc)
Technically, you should definitely ask rather than just try to force something or assume, but honestly, I hate when people ask to ship with me. I don’t like that being a focus or end-goal. I’m here for story and character building. If we’re threading or plotting and not focusing on shipping, and we discover the characters have chemistry and find scenarios that support a ship, I’m okay with that, but that’s more of a mutual “hey maybe we should talk about possibly shipping?” and not a “Hey, do you wanna ship?” Honestly, that question is really off-putting to me. It just feels baseless and focuses too heavily on romancing rather than other aspects of a characters relationship. Now you can ask me about BROTPing anyday.
Tagged by: Technically ME
Tagging: @ladybuvelle, @allegiantfervor, @theblogofdraven
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