#I think I had another thought as well of Geras having a docile Catastrophic Quaken or a Hot Burple
Thinking about that one HTTYD AU.... For MK1 ... by @m4nt1dr4x Thinking... Thinking sm rn... ... Thinking of Sub-Zero with a Snow Wraith, although it's impossible to train and achieve its cooperation, much less loyalty. What would stop Bi-Han from pushing past the expectation of the impossible to achieve what he wants? A powerful creature who works well in the environment of Arctika and is equally aggressive as the Lin Kuei Grandmaster can be. ... Thinking of Scorpion with a Singetail, considering that to ride/train one they usually have dragon-proof metal bridles that have chains, and you'll never guess who's good at using chains (along with the fact that Singetails are capable of defending themselves even when outnumbered)
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.... Thinking of Raiden with a Skrill, although a complete contrast in personality. They both hold the capacity to exhibit extreme damage when their rage or aggression if left uncontrolled or unresolved, at least Raiden's godly counterpart did. I'd like to think of the Skrill as Raiden attempting to be good at "controlling" his anger. Plus, to tame a skrill, would require earning its trust through being willing to sacrifice yourself for its life, which I think Raiden is completely willing to do honestly. ... Thinking of Mileena with a Changewing--- why? Because I keep thinking back to the theory where it mentioned Mileena and Tanya sneaking out one night and having a dragon that can perfectly camouflage itself, is a perfect creature to help you sneak out to hang with your girlfriend. ... Thinking of Kitana with a Hobblegrunt. I don't know if I have a specific or deeper reasoning other than the fact that I think the creature would pair well with Kitana's fans and they just look nice together. ... Thinking of Shang-Tsung with a Dramillion, Death-Gripper, or even a Snaptrapper. Considering that Snaptrappers lure their prey in with an intoxicatingly sweet smell, which matches his manipulative tendency to speak with honeyed and enticing words that make you want to agree with everything he says. Dramillions work as well since they can copy other dragons' breaths, which pairs with his ability to change into other characters and use their abilities as well. As for the Death-Gripper, I think I chose that one mainly because I think Shang Tsung would've shared similar paths with Grimmel in utilizing their own venom to control them. ... And thinking about Ermac having an Armorwing dragon that died around the same time he did, only to come back as a Boneknapper which might be representative of his own revival. (I also am a firm believer that Armorwings are somehow the same as Boneknappers)
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