#I think I just like it when lil ragtag groups collide lol
fluffle-writes · 4 months
My brain keeps coming up with crossovers like Lilia with food combos
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ahgastae · 6 years
Snow Mercy
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Jeongin x Reader
Word Count - 1.5k
Quick A/N: this turned out a lil different than the prompt lol
“I was just sitting on a park bench and you threw a snowball at my back. I think I might know you from school, but either way it. is. on.”
The sparkling white snow covers almost every available surface, truly transforming the local park into the winter wonderland the youth of my town has come to know and love. Normally, I wouldn’t find myself out in the chilly, winter air with them. Being cold just isn’t my thing. I’d much rather be curled up at home, buried under my blankets, and with a warm snack to enjoy.
Today, though, something draws me through the gates of the ever so popular park. I don’t know if it’s the way the sun glistens across the frost kissed ground, or the shouts of joy from my fellow classmates playing in the snow. Whatever it is, it manages to get me into the park, and brushing off a cold park bench so I can have a seat.
For a while, I just sit there, watching the snowflakes slowly drift towards the ground, and giggling at how I can see the puffs of breath leaving my mouth. This isn’t so bad, at all. I might even go as far to say this is peaceful, even. Maybe I’m wrong in the way I’ve been going about this whole ‘winter’ thing...
“Heads up!”
I gasp loudly when something cold and wet collides with my shoulder. It immediately starts seeping through my jacket, sending an uncomfortable shiver up my spine. I shoot up from the bench, scrambling to stop the spread of the chill when I realize what it is.
Someone just threw a snowball at me.
Temporarily forgetting the snow on my shoulder, I whip around to face my assailant. Nine boys stand on the frozen grass behind the bench, each sharing varying degrees of shock and amusement. My eyes scan over them all, stopping on the one who seems to be the youngest of the bunch, along with the most concerned.
“You!” I point my finger at him, and he jumps, nervously glancing at his friends. “Did you throw that?”
He nods shakily, and the boy closest to him says something I can’t hear. The guilty boy nods again, jogging towards me through the snow. As he gets closer, I realize he isn’t some random teenage delinquent. It’s Yang Jeongin, a boy I’ve seen plenty of times around school. He doesn’t know me, but the braces decorating his smile make him easily recognizable.
“S-sorry about that,” Jeongin stutters, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t mean for that to hit you.”
“Well, I hope not,” I mutter, still grumpy due to my soggy jacket. “What are you guys doing anyway?”
“Oh!” Jeongin’s eyes light up as he looks over his shoulder at his friends. “We’re having a snowball fight!” He laughs when one of them takes a hit in the face, turning back to me. “You know, you can join in, if you want. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.”
His offer throws me for a loop. On one hand, it sounds pretty tempting, and I don’t mean that just because Jeongin’s fox-like smile makes my stomach feel like it’s in knots. His friends genuinely look like they’re having fun tossing snowballs at each other’s head, laughing even when they’re the ones to get hit. On the other hand, though, snow means cold, and I already feel chilled to the bone with the one snowball I took to the shoulder. I can still feel some of it running down my back. 
But Jeongin’s standing in front of me with that cute smile on his face and hopeful look in his eyes, and I can’t find it in me to say no. He cheers when I hesitantly nod, grabbing my hand, and tugging me out into the field with the rest of his friends.
“Civilian on the battlefield! Hold your fire!” A boy with dark gray hair, who I assume is the leader of this ragtag group, shouts, and they all immediately stop throwing. Jeongin stops us in the middle of the ‘battefield’, his friends moving in to circle around us. “Jeongin,” The same boy from before asks, “who’s this?”
“Besides the girl he pelted?” A black haired boy snickers, shutting up when the blond next to him elbows his stomach.
“This is Y/N!” Jeongin smiles, quickly introducing me to the rest of his friends. He rounds them off so fast that I only catch a few of their names, such as the leader’s, Chan, and the blond, Jisung. “Hyung, she’s going to play on our team!”
“Okay,” Chan nods, sending me a polite smile. “We could always use more help to even the odds.”
“Even with the extra player, you still don’t stand a chance of beating us!”
“Oh, yeah?! We’ll see about that!”
The group disperses, and Jeongin drags me off in the same direction Chan and two other dark haired boys go, his hand still tightly gripping mine. Something about that interaction irks me, and I don’t realize what until the ‘battle’ has already resumed and snowballs fly above and past my head.
I never told Jeongin my name.
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It doesn’t take long for my ‘team’ to figure out I have no idea what I’m doing. I stand helpless in the snow, ducking in fear whenever it looks like someone is aiming to throw something even remotely in my direction. In my panic, I haven’t been able to make a single snowball, much less actually hit the other team. An enemy snowball whizzes past my ear, and I scream, falling into a panicked crouch.
“Jeongin!” Someone yells. “Get her out of there!”
I don’t hear Jeongin reply, but the crunch of snow behind me says someone is running towards me.
“Y/N!” I glance over my shoulder, meeting eyes with the boy with braces. He offers his hand to me, and I don’t hesitate to take it when another snowball crashes into the ground near us. ‘Let’s go!” Jeongin pulls me up to my feet, leading me towards the cover of the trees on the edge of the field. The strange feeling from before returns, and I tug him to a stop in the snow. “Y/N, what are you-”
“Jeongin, how do you know my name?”
His mouth open and closes, but can’t form an answer, “Y/N, can we talk about this later?” He tries to grab my hand again. I shake my head, and step away from him. “We need to go!”
“No!” I protest, forgetting we’re in the middle of a giant snow war. “Not until you answer me!”
Jeongin’s face falls into an angry pout, and I have to remind myself of the situation at hand, “We go to school together!” He shouts over the battle cries of his friends. “Why is it so weird that I know your name?”
“Because I never told you it!”
“Well, I never told you mine!”
We both fall silent, our huffs of breath coming out in small white clouds. In the back of my head, I get that I essentially freaked out over nothing. It’s perfectly reasonable for Jeongin to have heard my name from school, just like I did his. However, my fingers still fidget with restless energy at my sides, and I do the first thing that comes to mind to relieve it. Jeongin’s eyes follow me as I crouch down, collecting a small bit of snow, and packing it into a ball. I guess he thinks I’m finally going to join in the fight, but he’s in for quite the surprise.
Because when I stand up, I launch that snowball right at his stupid, adorable face.
The snow smacks against Jeongin’s face with a small poof, and the entire field suddenly goes quiet. Jeongin stays deathly still as the snow slowly slides off his face, eyes staring at me blankly.
“Did she just...?”
“Wait ‘til she finds out you threw that snowball on purpose, Jeonginnie!” The black haired boy from earlier cackles when Jeongin’s eyes widen in panic. Jeongin glances between me and his friend, visibly flinching when he spots the glare on my face.
“Yang Jeongin, what does he mean by that?”
“I, uh...” Jeongin gulps, scratching the back of his neck. He averts his gaze, and my heart skips a beat when I realize his cheeks are not red due to the chill in the air. It’s with great difficulty that he forces himself to meet my eyes, and my own face burns under his nervous gaze. “Y/N, I-I, um...”
“Oh, for gods sake...”
“HE LIKES YOU.” All eight of his friends shout at once, startling not only us, but just about everyone else in the park. Jeongin’s face practically glows, especially against the stark white of the snow around us.
I clear my throat, trying to ignore the eight pairs of eyes on us, “Jeongin? Is t-that true?”
“Maybe...?” Jeongin jumps when another, smaller snowball bounces his chest. He looks up at me in bewilderment, and I flash him a playful smile, already preparing my next shot.
“That one was on purpose, too.”
“I thought they were on the same team?”
“Ah, let ‘em go, Hyunjin. There is ‘snow’ mercy in love and war.”
“....There’s no penalty for friendly fire, right?”
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