#I think I may've bit a bit more that I could chew with the second wip but i wanna finish it so hopefully i can finish it 😭
kiribread Β· 1 year
Some WIP Sneak Peaks! πŸ’ƒ
I feel like I haven't been posting enough drawing stuff or anything in general so y'all get some WIPs! I also want to force myself to finish them by putting the pressure on ig?
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rhersimp Β· 7 months
TW: Animal illness and potential death
I think my cat Hemingway may die today.
Two weeks ago the vet found a lump on his side, and while we were hopeful at first that it may've just been a cyst, he's since gotten a lot worse. He's been deteriorating really quickly, not eating a lot and losing weight even though we've given him anti-nausea medication frequently. Last night we think he might've had a seizure because his walking became very staggered and wobbly out of seemingly nowhere.
I'm hoping against all odds that there is someway to help him, that today won't be my last day with him, but I'm not at all sure that that'll happen.
Even his purring is extremely weak and it hurts so bad to know that he's suffering.
My family and I have had him ever since he was a little kitten. I was only 8 or 9 when we adopted him. He's always been the most comforting, understanding, gentle guy with us. Once, when I was upset as a small child, he tried to comfort me by giving me one of his little beat up toys, but when that didn't work he bit me just to see if that would work. He loved cuddling with my mom all the time and he'd sleep right on top of her head at night.
When he was younger he used to be exactly like a dog and play fetch and we'd have to keep the toilet seat down for similar dog like reasons. He was always incredibly smart. I remember once we were watching something on TV together that had kittens in it and we were watching it on one of those older sets and he climbed up onto the cabinet and went around the back of it to try and find the other cats.
He got along with all the other cats we had really well, although occasionally he could be caught being a little bit of a bully to our second oldest cat Bella. He pretty much raised our youngest cat Twain as his own little baby, letting him jump on his back all the time when he was a little kitten and sleeping and cuddling with him. The two of them always got into play fights with one another too when they tried grooming each other and it was stupidly cute.
In his older years he really liked sitting on the front porch of our house in the Summer. We never let him go further than that for a multitude of reasons, but he didn't usually care. He liked the sun and the flowers and chewing on sticks that he found. He liked sitting on our laps while we watched the sun go down.
He had the cutest, whiny meow whenever he wanted more food or attention.
I really really really really do not want this to be the day he dies, but I also don't want him to suffer if he's in pain.
I'm sorry that I don't have a better closer for this post. I might not reblog anything on here for a little bit. There was a more fun post that I wanted to make instead, but writing this took center stage. Please love your pets while you can, please hug them and kiss them and tell them that they are cherished. Very few things are indestructible. Very few things are plastic and last forever.
Please just treasure your time together.
Edit: 8:20 PM
He's gone.
I know it's cliched, but it doesn't feel real at all. I know he's not coming back but I still feel like he should be here. He was like my baby brother, I don't know what I'm going to do without him.
I'm just glad that he isn't suffering and in pain any longer.
I'm going to add some pictures of him to this post a little later so that you can see what a good boy he was, but since I'm not really done crying my eyes out yet that takes first priority.
Like I said before, please love your pets while they're still in your life. You can never predict when death will take them from you.
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