#I think I'm gonna have to save the 2nd half for tomorrow because I am actually getting tired. I worked today and I finally listened to the
mimiri22-6 ยท 2 years
I'm not even halfway through the most recent episode and I am Terrified for Arlin
I think I'm gonna have to save the 2nd half for tomorrow because I am actually getting tired. I worked today and I finally listened to the
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notfrancisann ยท 4 years
Day 1. List 10 things that make you really happy.
(This is in no particular order. ๐Ÿคช)
1. Books
โœ“ People who knows me well knew this side of me. I'm really into books. I usually save my money to buy a lot of them whenever I get the chance to go to the bookstores. I really have this mantra whenever I enter malls that says, "I'd rather go home hungry than go home without a new book with me." Lol. But, the plot twist there is I don't really read every book that I buy. I've got a lot of unread books in my shelf but I always go around the book sale trying to find something I could buy and display again. ๐Ÿคท
2. Music
โœ“ I really can't last a day without listening to music. You can always see me wearing earphones wherever I go. I get dizzy in commuting whenever I don't have music in my ears. I play music when doing chores, taking a bath and even pooping. I wear earphones during exams (if the teacher's not too strict) because I really can't concentrate without them. I have 700+ songs in my phone and I guarantee you, I literally knew every single one of them. But then again, here's the plot twist, I love music but music doesn't love me. You know what I mean. ๐Ÿคช
3. Writing
โœ“ It's already obvious because you're reading this one. I really love writing. I find peace whenever I write. It's like an orgasm for me. Releasing and spitting words and ideas that could make me feel better and awe. I love writing poems. I love writing essays and journals. I love writing stories (well, if weren't for my inner procastinator self, I would have completed three novels by now. ๐Ÿฅด). I love writing literary stuffs. I love papers and pens. I could say that I love them more than I loved my ex boyfriends. Hahahaha!
4. Reading
โœ“ This is also one of the things I can't last a day without. I feel like I'm gonna get sick if I don't read something in a day. This is like my food for the my soul. I usually read on wattpad. Yeah, you could say that I love wattpad as much as I love reading. Believe me when I say that I literally can go around reading wattpad without sleep and without eating. Sounds unhealthy, right? But, don't worry I'm changing my ways now. Vacation's almost done. My readings for the next months will not be as entertaining anymore. I'll be catering academic stuffs and thinking about that makes me half giddy and half disappointed. Lol.
5. Foods
โœ“ Who doesn't like food, anyway? The only thing that could cheer me up from a bad day, a bad score and and dysmenorrhea is food. They're enough to make feel extra again.
6. Public Speaking
โœ“ Yes. That's the reason why I chose HUMSS as my strand in Senior High School. I don't why but I feel so happy whenever I get to speak and talk in front of a crowd. I love it when people try to hear things I want to say. My classmates often call me the "pabibo kid" because I really get extra during recitations. Hahaha! (Well, pabibo naman talaga ako kase nga bibo kid naman talaga me.) ๐Ÿ’
7. Meeting new people
โœ“ Growing up, I don't really have a lot of friends. The only people I considered my friends are my sister and cousins. So when I started school, that's the only time I met new people. I'm not really sociable when I was little, I go around punching my annoying classmates for stealing my crayons way back in kinder to 2nd grade. I transferred school in 3rd grade but I was bullied that time. But when we transferred here in Iloilo, I've met a lot of people. I had classmates turned best friends for almost 10 years already. Even when I attended SHS, I've gained a lot friends. That's when I realized that I like meeting new people because that's one way to build lifelong friendships.
8. Sunsets
โœ“ I'm not really a morning person so I don't really get to see sunrise often. Sunsets makes me happy in a way no one can do. Sunsets bring me peace of mind. It always reminds me that it's always okay to make mistakes today because I have tomorrow that offers me new learnings and to make things right.
9. Coffee
โœ“ I'm a nocturnal person. I usually stay up late to read or watch movies that's why I need coffee to stay awake. Me being a procastinator usually crams before the deadlines. I like doing my projects or presentations the night before the due date. So, what do I need to survive? Of course, coffee. I'm a human with caffeine running in my veins. ๐Ÿคช
10. Peaceful Weekends
โœ“ Peaceful weekends for me means there's no practice during Saturdays, no meetings during Sundays. Peaceful weekends make me really happy because I get to spend two days of being a bed potato. I get to relax without thinking about my paperworks due on Monday. I get to wear baggy clothes and there's an excuse for me not to take a bath because I don't have somewhere to go. Hahaha!
So, that's the list of things that makes me really really happy. I hope you get to know what kind of person I am while reading that.
And btw, here's my most favorite picture of myself. HAHAHAHAHA the most decent, I must say.
Francis ๐Ÿ™†
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