#I think It's because it kind of looks like brown suger
corvidaebluejay · 6 months
Why does sand look tasty???
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Like, I just wanna get a spoonful of it.
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addytheheartbreaker · 5 years
Blind Memory
Chapter 3: Something hopeful
The asylum can be creppy yet haunting for the moment you stayed this place for a very long time ago until your sanity will drop out and get used of it as you become one of them which is called insanity. By the echoing noises across the empty halls in the early morning, the door belongs to the Rabbit brothers that they stayed and slept for god knows 9 years. Joen peacefully sleeping his comfy bed after that long hours inside the Box for some reason was his attempt to escape by the psychiatrist and the guards with his outburst, he smiled at his sleep finally had his head rest from the horrific noises, bad odors from his inmates inside their solitary confinement who are in between his cell, lack of comfort of sleep because of his restrained jacket and laying at the rough floor and most of all his hunger.
He haven't been eaten any dinner after his attempt to escape for an hour which he deeply regretted for skipping his meal and not being with his brothers as such. He was in deep tiredness as he heard shouting from his ears causing him to wake up and hurt his eardrum to who ever woke him up this early morning.
Jason: WHITE!!! Wake up!
Leon: its time to wake up White.
Joen groan in annoyance, sit up from his bed slowly with the black rabbit's assistance to carry his body in sitting position and yawn tired, rubbing his eyes before he confronted his younger brothers.
Joen: *groan* Why do we have to wake up so early in the morning?
It is 6:30 am, that is the asylums daily routine to wake up early in the morning and the start of the day. Nothing much actually. The white rabbit lazily stands up from his bed and scratching his head, looking at his brothers together with their own stretches, Helios is still sleeping while Jacob tried to wake the big black and white rabbit besides Leon and Jason fixing their beds.
Leon: White, you should go take a shower first. I could smell you stinking out at your sleep while we snoozing at night.
In all honesty, the black rabbit isn't lying. The white rabbit did in fact smells horrible because of his sweat and tears during his solitary confinement time. Joen rolled his eyes, slowly leading his way to the opened metal door before giving a small fart to make the younger rabbit disgusted from his mischief action and giving the white rabbit a punch at the shoulder causing them to laugh together before he headed to the mens bathroom.
7 am they all went to the canteen where they all lined up in boredom. The Rabbit man felt his stomach growling loudly through his ears with a sigh in annoyance about the fact he haven't eaten for a long hours and he waited impatiently from the line of his inmates are getting their food trays. This place felt like a prison instead of a asylum because when he finally made it to the line, his tray was nothing but less food or anything that he likes. However his oldest brothers told the other 4 to force eat the food that they gave them in their trays because the lunch lady isn't really kind enough to give the patients what they really like or inmates isn't allowed to sneak inside the asylums kitchen to steal food. He hated about this and went to his brothers same table they hang out together.
Eating just a small portion of vegetables, meat and a single apple at the corner of his tray, to his brothers have different foods they get but the portion of their food is less like he had except his brother Jason who was a bowl of cereal and suger for some reason. Forcing himself to eat like he didn't mind because he likes food yet the asylum canteen is worse then the school canteen when he and his brothers are just young cotton balls.
They aren't allow to go back to their cells instead all the patients will either go to their own routine, some has a schedule for their therapy section. For Joen, he has one, he couldn't just skip to meet his same psychiatrist since the guards in this place is well secure and much stronger then him when he outburst his rage toward his psychiatrist or his attempt to escape out of struggle. As for his brothers, the brown rabbit is actually been to the same routine, Jacob did been to the Box multiple times but not mostly then Joen's. Helios has been restrained like Joen to prevent him to go crazy from the hallucinations that haunts him and often go to a room which they didn't know or explore that room, Leon however been out of reality at the same chair and table with yellow flower that he pluck it out making a huge mess while singing weirdly or doing scary pranks at patients, doctors, guards or anyone except for his brothers. Although his youngest brother Jason, the gray rabbit has been to the Box for just 2 or 3 times then the white rabbit and the brown rabbit.
They all had their own daily routine, the Rabbit's psychiatrist will be here soon and he had time to go any therapy section that is available. Two rooms that he enjoyed, one was the music room which is mostly what he and the 5 Rabbit brothers was most talented. He always be there to practice dancing his own dance moves with inspiration from his brothers, singing vocally and mostly writing his own song with his own head, he is a very intelligent rabbit man he is. Speaking of intelligent, the other room he always went were the puzzle room to test the patients intelligence. Books, puzzles experiments, and interesting education is just what Joen like the most. Being the smartest rabbit from his brothers, he likes to have a common everyday questions. He may be a mentally unstable rabbit man but he is still the most smartest one of the asylum.
Hours later, the speaker called his name echoing through the halls with Joen jolt his head with a twitch then sigh as he get off from his chair and left the room grumpily walking through his way to his favorite (hated) psychiatrist to her office. Hours later of argument talk to his psychiatrist, it is almost night time with his brothers going back to their cell to rest. Joen came in the room with just 3 of his brothers, he knew his brother Jason will always be the last one to came back to the room. The white rabbit take a deep breath before yawning by tiredness again due that he is still tired from the lack of full sleep. Before he could went to his bed, he heard something from the outside of the door through the halls.
Joen look back at the door window and take a peak at the window door to see what it is.
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A sound of metal wheels squeaking, loud multiple foot steps walking through the empty hallow halls that some screaming and shouting at the distance, a quiet faint sobbing that sounds almost like a little girl crying. He look closely seeing the shadows of many people coming to pass his cell as the people revealed was doctors and nurses behind the new patient while one big guard carrying a type of stroller that has chains and a strapped little girl crying with her head down.
Walking almost pass his cell, the little girl has black, long hair in a messy pigtails and a white bandage around her face to cover her eyes when she raise her head and look at Joen's door with her wet face and a soaked bandage from her eyes as if she has been crying for hour. The Rabbit man could make out what she looks like behind the bandage covering her eyes and the people who carried a mysterious new patient girl carried her to her cell. Curiosity lead to some sort of feeling, that's what he felt when a new patient came to this place, he became pity from them if they are stuck in this place for a life how long will she last long.
Jason: White?
Joen heard his brother called him from behind and turn his head to see his brother.
Jason: its time to bed.
Joen: yeah Gray, I'll be on my bed for a moment.
He soon went to his bed with his hand rubbing into his face as he groan. He had a long day of a never ending boredom from the asylum. No fun or anything new for him to see, he still thinking about the amusement park he used to have along with the circus. Yup, he still missed his old times at the amusement park where he entertained, cheer, do magic tricks and things that he loves, food which he made and his favorites that he want to devoured for his greedy stomach after that long starvation when he is finally release and lastly..... He missed his time with his brothers together with a song they all make for the longest time as a family together in one house.
Unfortunately, the asylum has become his home too..... That he loves and hated so much. Joen loves to wear all white straightjacket that is so crazy which reminds him of his crazy ringmaster suit that doesn't fit him anymore. He likes to keep the straightjacket after he release him but if they doesn't allow him to keep it then he must make one for himself, actually he doesn't know how to draw his own straightjacket design that he likes, his time at the music room and the puzzle room where he boost up his talent in the highest level in the past 9 years and mostly that one friend who is now release 3 years ago.
However, what he hates is everything. Torture, restrainment, lack of proper food and sleep and the people who put him into the Box, the horrible smell, the disgusting inmates beside his Box, the noises that he wanted to block his ears and most of all loneliness. He hates being alone at the Box where he is unable to call for his brothers that he needed them the most from the intense mental breakdown for hours for christ sake!
He said goodnight to each of his brothers as they said goodnight in return before forcing them to swallow a single sleeping pill to knock them out to slumber. Joen was in deep sleep opening his eyes to his dreamscape nonetheless this isn't his....
Joen look around his dream and it felt something wrong about this dream. This dream isn't his, the dream revealed a location that he never went there at all. The place in his dream was some sort of school, a huge school and he is standing at the middle of a open spaces. He started walking around the huge school with strong curiosity and excitement, this may not be his school that he used to enrolled but this dream just told him to explore the place.
He went around, up and down, reading articles and some books can be found in classrooms, the calendar even wrote the same year and date, rooms he could look around, he teleported to return to where he had started, then lastly he is going to explore the huge stage outside the open space of the school where he just first standing. He look around the stage first then ended to the right side of the stage with stone stairs, he get into the first step of the stone stairs until he heard a soft humming song at the stage. He didn't look up until he step by step through the stairs then stop where he was going, there is someone at the stage seeing just right infront of him with her back showing, she looks familiar to him.
There is a girl in a white dress, black long hair in pigtails and there is a bandage around her but couldn't make out her face because he is behind her.
Joen: hello?
He said giving a stranger a small greeting to caught her attention. Did he saw this person before?
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She flinch from behind that someone is here in this lonely place, she turn around slowly to meet the rabbit man behind her with her bandage covering her eyes. Joen was surprised to see the girl turn her face to him. This is the same girl he just saw at the halls, the new inmate.
To be continue.....
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theprettiestshit · 8 years
Too Faced Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar Palette
Written By: Danyelle V
Us beauty enthusiasts lose our minds whenever Too Faced launches a new line of products. Their themes and irresistibly cute packaging capture our attention and make our hearts race. Instantly we can imagine that product sitting on our vanities for forever. And they will; until another launch and we repeat the cycle all over again. It's vicious beautiful torture that I live for.
Luckily for us, Too Faced's products don't only look cute, they work nicely too. Their products are very easy to use and perfect for the average makeup consumer, like you and me. Your skills can be just below average you will still be able to create any eye look you can think of or borrow from Pinterest and Instagramers. 
The Semi-Sweet Chocolate bar is the baby brother to the original Chocolate Bar Palette. It has mostly neutral eyeshadows with little pops of color to make your look stand out. It has a mix of textures, tones, and finishes that will keep you from feeling stunned or stunted when creating. Too Faced is becoming famous for their scented products and this one doesn't fall short. Makeup therapy is now aromatic with the Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar. Let's break down the shades by row!
The top row of shadows are the essential shades for a palette of this size complete. These shades can be used to darken, highlight, and blend any look you can think of.
From left to right we have the shades:
Licorice: ashy matte black; the shadow swatches a bit patchy but it's totally workable with a brush. While it isn't the darkest black eye shadow, it is great to darken the crease or as a liner but I wouldn't make it the featured shadow in an eyelook.
Coconut Creme: creamy matte vanilla; so smooth! love that it is a larger shadow because you can get so much use from it
Nougat: matte pinky beige; one of my top three picks from this palette. This is actually the kind of shade I like to use on my browbone. Because I have puffy-hooded eyes, I like more neutral, truly flesh tones on my brow bone. It gives just a kiss of a highlight!
Truffled: warm matte chocolate brown
Hot Fudge: satin blackened brown with purple shimmers; the shimmers fade when blended
The middle row is a mix of shimmers, mattes, topper shades.
From left to right we have the shades:
Cocoa Chili: shimmery dark brown; I wish I could take a picture that would show you the depth of this shade! it's pretty with it's reddish, gold and green reflects. 
Pink Suger: sheer base with pink, purple, and gold shimmers: My absolute favorite shadow in this palette. I want 8 of them. I want to fill a Z palette with this shade. Use your finger to apply this shadow atop of any shadow. I have used this as a highlight on my cheeks! I looked like an ethereal goddess and I just can't get enough! Only down side is that this shadow is SUPER fragile. Do not dig at this shadow, it will crumble in the pan. 
Puddin': cool mid-tone brown
Blueberry Swirl: shimmery blue; for it being the only true pop of color in the whole palette, it doesn't really pop. Needs a base to really stand out. 
Peanut Butter: matte warm brown; Skippy peanut butter in a pan. This is what warm transition shade dreams are made of.  I love packing this shade all over my lid and blending it in the crease or even dragging it under my all grungy. I completely understand why Too Faced made a 9 pan eye shadow palette based on this color: The Peanut Butter & Jelly palette, which, of course, smelled of a middle school cafeteria (a PJ&J sandwich, so we're clear.) I was one of those people who thought it was a gimmick and I thought the hype was foolish! Child, I was wrong! It is beautiful!
Frosting: satin cool toned brown
The bottom row has great accent colors
From left to right we have the shades:
Rum Rasin: satin lilac brown
Mousse: neutral light brown
Caramel: shimmery warm gold; very delicate shade. handle with care :)
Bon Bon: shimmer copper
Butter Pecan: champagne gold with, dare I say, a hair of peachiness?: love this one as a cheek highlight as well
This is the perfect palette if you're not super into color but you like your neutrals to be fun. I would recommend this to any person who is interested in playing with some eye makeup for the first time. I would not recommend anyone traveling with this palette. Some of the shades are really fragile and will shatter if mishandled.
Let us know what some of your favorite eyeshadows palettes are! 
Comment! Like! Share! We would truly love to hear your thoughts!
 Available at Sephora; $49
Product Photo from Toofaced.com
Photo taken with iPhone 7
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