#I think Jacob out of sheer himboness & Ryan out of stoic honesty
So no matter what ending you get, there are GOING to be charges filed, arrests made, possibly murder trials after The Quarry. Which means Laura and Travis are going to see each other.
And Laura's parents are going to be there.
Please imagine Laura saying hi to Travis in the lobby of some courthouse or police station. They stop and chat for awhile and Travis is on his best, least creepy behavior because HER PARENTS ARE THERE. So it's all handshakes and, "Sheriff Hackett, nice to meet you, ma'am" act normal act normal act normal
Then he leaves and her folks are like, "wow what a creep. Honey, we do NOT want you talking with that redneck, he's CLEARLY guilty"
"Shut the fuck up, dad!"
Then going and finding him somewhere they can speak privately because they already had a little romance sparking, but Travis is just like, "Nope. No way. Anything we had, that's over. It was never going to work."
"Why? What’s wrong??"
"buuuuut you're the same age as my dad.....? :D"
"Goddammit, Laura"
Also, what story are they going to tell the police? There are going to be a bunch of counselors giving varied reports about hunters, werewolves, bears... Given that there are multiple bodies on Hackett property and Travis is the SHERIFF, he's going to fall under heavy suspicion -- "You're telling me you didn't know the body of a lost hiker was tied up at the bottom of your FAMILY'S lake, sheriff?"
Let's say Laura vouches for him. But where the fuck was Laura all summer? If she wants to help Travis she can't exactly say she was abducted, but she can't pretend she was at camp either since the other counselors know she wasn't. So what was she doingn there? Then again, the other counselors will also say she had a pirate eyepatch & a werewolf bite, soooo not exactly reliable witnesses as far as the court is concerned.
She could claim she was helping Travis investigate a serial killer known as "Silas the dog boy" who had a grudge against the Hackett family since his circus burned down six years ago.
Pining everything on Silas makes the most sense, if they take the time to wipe Laura and Ryan's prints from the shotgun and put it in Silas's hands. Silas ran rampant around the camp, killed most of the Hackett family, then Laura and Travis tracked him down and killed him... in... self-defense? By shooting him in the back? With.... his own shotgun I guess?
It's still a pretty fishy story that doesn't add up forensically... but probably fishy enough that no one can get a conviction. There is so much reasonable doubt -- we honestly have no idea wtf happened! Everyone's story is different and many versions involve werewolves!
OK, which character do you think is gonna be the fool who tries to be honest with the police, says "werewolves did it," and ends up in a padded cell?
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