#I think S3 will be more Klaus based so fingers crossed he gets treated better and not just as a funny and wacky dude
feralnumberfive · 2 years
Tbh I think Klaus, Luther and Diego were all dumbed down for comic relief last season. Diego especially seemed massively stupider than in s1 XD But I agree it's time they gave Luther some decent plot to me work with!
Oh yeah it definitely was Klaus and Diego too and not just Luther. S2 was noticeably "lighter" and not as gritty as S1, but Luther's change definitely stands out to me. I talked about this with someone (99% sure it was @thehargreevesfam) but S2 just didn't treat all three of them like the same people they were in S1. Granted Diego went a little coo-coo with his obsession over JFK but he wasn't as brooding as he was in S1 and definitely didn't seem as sharp as he was in S1. S2 seemingly wanted to bring more comedy into it, which I have no problem with, but it's a little odd to “dumb” down some of the characters to pull off comedic moments as funny as they were.
S2 Luther: Boo hoo my sister is married to a man when I want to date her also I'm kind of just following everyone around and not contributing a whole lot🧍
S2 Diego: Oh my god I can save JFK and not think about the consequences of messing up the timeline even more by not letting him die because I want to save the president just because I saw him on tv when I landed in the 60s!! This would be even funnier to think about if the Hargreeves are Canadian and Diego just thought "No way, I gotta save this US president from an assassination holy shit"
S2 Klaus: So hey uh my boyfriend is alive again and I'm going to just follow him around to try to save his life and do a few little cult things here and there and get chased by cult members and be the comedic punching bag again🧍
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I really liked @christopher-the-cube 's tags because I think people forget that Luther is a legit astronaut and presumably pilot?? Technically we don't know what training Luther since he presumably he went to the moon trough Reginald’s technology and not NASA, but he at least has to know some advanced science and most likely had pilot training. It would be awesome to see him correct Five's math or contribute to Five working with math at some point.
Um Tumblr has now broke for me and I can’t insert screenshots now but @lazywolfeyes brought up a good point that it seems like Luther was “dumbed” down in S2 to try to make him more appealing to fans since a lot of people hated him in S1 and I 100% have to agree
“I thought Luther was hilarious in S2 and Tom has serious comedic chops but I suspect the dumbing down was to make Luther “softer” after the vitriol aimed at him from certain fans after s1 & to make him more likeable… but they are in danger of flanderising him if this trend continues. 
This is why I really wish fans wouldn’t have the influence they have on tv and film because they can alter characters and storylines. A bunch of loud fans on social media are not writers and should not be taken as seriously as they often are.”
So I really hope that S3 is going back to a more gritty and darker tone instead of the more comedic and lighter tone S2 had. And like @lazywolfeyes said, if they continue to push Luther down the path of becoming a repeated comic relief instead of his S1 self then it’s just going to tarnish the bold character he was in S1 and ruin the potential he has. This also applies to Diego and especially Klaus too, but I’m more concerned about the sudden change they gave Luther in S2
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