#I think Strickler and Jim probably have a healthier relationship lol because at least Strickler wasn't giving Jim low self esteem-
pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
Hi Pinky
Do you think that Merlin is a good Person Despite him being a Jerk?
i don't hate him but i do think he's Kinda of a Jerk i hated what he did to Jim While i do Like Troll Jim but there is a lot of Toxicity created form it. and i do Prefer him as a human.
so Despite that do you think that Merlin is a good Person with Misunderstood Morals or that he's is a bad Person?
I wouldn't say he's a good person... He's a complected, morally grey individual who is trying to strive for the greater good.
He's more aware of the bigger picture, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. He finds a more firmer and harsher method of training is what yields results, which is why he has to grudgingly admit Strickler's training methods are better at teaching Jim. Or as he says, "the changeling tried to teach you, but you're too young to listen" or something. Don't wholly agree with THAT though.
How he turned Jim into a troll was wrong, yes. But remember he had to, otherwise he'd have created a time paradox as Wizards demonstrates as Jim went back in time as a half-troll.
He doesn't have misunderstood morals so much as morals that aren't concerned with a single individual, but rather a collective. He's not good or bad, he's both and neither. He's interesting as a character because he subverts the usual depiction of Merlin as the kind and good mentor and doesn't stick to the black and white. It makes him fun to write belive it or not!
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