#I think an exit would’ve been inevitable at some point even if Harry married someone else
megandzane · 3 years
"I get that Harry has a lot of unresolved issues but what I don't get is why he's so adamant in wanting to show the world how much he hated his old life - the only life he ever knew, when we all know that he and Meghan would have stayed if they were allowed to as evidenced by the Megxit manifesto. Wasn't that Sandringham showdown meant for them to fight for their roles as half-in, half-out royals? Royalty was okay then but when you're not given what you wanted, you're suddenly trapped all your life? They supposedly moved away to get away from it all but it seems that they carried all that baggage with them and can’t seem to leave it behind. It's pitiful. Are you really happy like you claim to be if you seem to be stuck in 2020?"
Thoughts on this? Is this comment even accurate? I saw one reply to this saying that it's not profitable to leave their emotional baggage behind that's why he in particular can't seem to let it go. Were they even paid for the Oprah interview and the documentary? I also think it's unfair that most of the negative comments didn't take what he went through seriously just because he's a prince. They're even making fun of the tagline (the not as the Prince I was born bit).
They are just trolls ( the fact that they call their exit M*gxit makes that clear). It’s someone who is upset that Harry choose a black woman. Or maybe they are just obsessed with the fantasy world of the royals and don’t want Harry ruining that for them idk. Harry has every right to tell his story. Maybe this is part of his healing processes. I haven’t heard him trash his old life, he’s sharing his experiences. And yes, sometimes that means sharing how unhappy you were at times. Them not being payed for the Oprah interview and the profits of his book going to charity, make me think this is something they are doing for closure.
Who cares if that’s the only life he knew, he was trapped in a very toxic and very abnormal life from birth. He’s not the only one to share his grievances with the institution.
His family was going to stand by and let his pregnant wife kill herself. How some folks don’t factor this into the changing dynamics is beyond me.
I don’t know if they really would have stayed even if the family had agreed to the part-time royals model. We don’t know what those negotiations were like, but they stressed that they wanted to support the queen. Even back in 2015 Harry admitted he thought about leaving / stepping back but stayed for his grandmother. I think she was what might’ve caused hesitation to do a clean break.
I think it’s important to note that those were their initial plans, but that clearly changed. That was before they were abused and thrown to the wolves. Prior to stepping a back they were thinking of living elsewhere in a commonwealth country such as Canada, that sounds like they were trying to find ways to distance themselves from that toxicity or work around a system they felt trapped in.
Meghan said she signed up for this for life when she got married. But she was under the impression that she would be protected in the way other royal women are. She was under the impression thar her babies wouldn’t be treated like illegitimate children. She was under the impression that she wouldn’t be isolated and denied treatment if she was suicidal. They said that lack of support was one of the big reasons they left.
Harry said they were trying to be as diplomatic as possible in the Oprah interview to leave the door open for reconciliation. After the family smeared Meghan in the lead up he was a lot more open. But it’s never been a secret that Harry was always kinda the reluctant royal. Even years Prior to Meghan he’s never hidden how much he wished to be normal. But I don’t think he ever realized that there was a way out.
Being privileged doesn’t mean you’re immune to pain. And the whole prince thing is unfair, he never asked to be born into that role.
None is these people know Harry personally, who he was while on the job is going to be different than who he is as a private citizen. How do they know he’s changed if they don’t know him personally??
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