#I think bubbas real biggest fear is drayton
Sawyer Family biggest fears:
Drayton: the family getting caught
Nubbins: things moving around behind him
Chop Top: being alone
Bubbas: Playing Mario Party with his brothers (they get very violent)
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goldie90 · 3 years
Things the Sawyers are afraid of.😨
Strangers. It´s not a secret that Bubba is extremly scared of people he don´t know.
He gets very nervous in the presence of every person who´s not part of his family, even if it´s just a small child.
For him it feels like they´re all a potential threat and there´s nothing he can do against this feeling.😞
And because of this, going to a public place is especially scaring for him, cause in this case there are a lot of strangers around him, which makes him feel very uncomfortable. He would never walk into a grocery store without at least one family member who accompanies him, because this way, he feels at least a little more safe. (Emphasis is on a little)😟
Something bad happen to a family member. That would be even worse for Bubba than having to deal with a thousand strangers at once.
His family means everything to him and therefore, the thought of one of them getting hurt almost breaks his heart.💔 Therefore, I think there´s no need to emphasize that he´s willing to do absolutely anything to prevent this. For Bubba, it goes without saying that he would protect every member of the family at all costs. 
Clowns.🤡 This is probably a very unfounded fear, but nonetheless Bubba can´t help himself. Whenever he sees a clown, he gets pretty nervous.
It started back when he was a little boy and Drayton took him and the twins to the circus.🎪 While Chop and Nubbins were completely amazed by the clowns, little Bubba just found them scary and this never changed. 
Well, my dear husband isn´t really afraid of anything. 
Quite the opposite, in his opinion a certain risk only makes things more interesting.🙄
He can be pretty careless from time to time, which often causes me to worry about him, but of course this doesn´t change anything about his behaviour.😩
But despite of him being pretty fearless, there was one thing that actually scared him. 
When Chop was in vietnam, Nubbins was very worried and yes, scared for him. 
Of course, he tried his best to hide it and told himself that everything would be alright, that Chop would be fine, yet the fear that something could happen to his twin, that he could get injured or even die was always there.😰
When Chop actually got injured, it got even worse. I don´t think that Nubbins was ever so scared in his whole life, as he was at this time.
He really thought that he would never see his twin again and this thought scared him more than anything.
Chop Top:
First and foremost he´s afraid to ever experience something like the vietnam war again. It was without a doubt the worst time of his life and he has still nightmares almost every night.😟
Not to forget the flashbacks he´s often got when he´s awake. They feel so real like he´s actually back in Nam again, so I think it´s more than understandable that he´s scared of them. 
Dentists.👨‍⚕️🦷 My favorite brother in law is very, very scared of dentists (even though he always tries to deny it🙄), which is the reason why he haven´t seen one in years. 
In his opinion they are one of the most scary things that exist in this world.
After the last time he´ve seen one, he actually swore to never set one feet inside a dental practice again. (With devastating consequences as you know, if you ever took a closer look at his teeth.🤢)
Drayton´s biggest fear is without a doubt that someone could find out about the family´s lifestyle. 
This fear is keeping him awake many nights. (And makes him even more grumpy than usual in the next morning)😠🧹😰
Another fear he has and which might sound a bit silly, is that he could lose at the chili cook-off. 
Yes, this thought actually scares him very much. It´s because cooking is much more than just a little hobby for him.
It´s the one thing he´s actually really good at and lord knows, he´s really proud of it. And because of this, he just can´t stand the thought that someone else could be better at it than him. There can only be one winner and it have to be him.🥇🏆
Being unable to work. This is also something Drayton is really afraid of. Even though he complains about his work all the time, he simply can´t live without it. And I don´t mean because he needs the money (even though he does), but rather because he needs to do something.
Drayton isn´t made for sitting at home and doing nothing, he needs the feeling of doing something useful, the feeling of being needed (and exceptionally not by his family, but rather by society). Therefore, whenever he has to stay at home on a workday (which he only does when he´s really, really sick), he´s in a incredible bad mood, which means that the whole family has to suffer because of it.😟
Is grandpa afraid of something?🤔
I honestly don´t know and I highly doubt that I will ever find out, because like with so many other things there´s simply no way to tell.😞
But when I think about it, I have to say that, due to his health state, grandpa most likely doesn´t have any fears. (It´s pretty hard to be afraid of something, if you don´t realize what´s going on around you anyways)  
And when it comes to me:
One word: Arachnophobia. Yes, I´m extremly afraid of spiders, which my dear husband of course finds incredible funny.😒
When I see a spider my first reaction is in most cases to scream.😱 It depends a little on what kind of spider it is, but generally applies: the bigger and uglier it is, the more I will scream.
Step 2 after screaming is to panically search for a weapon, you know, some heavy object to squash the spider with. 
Step 3: Squashing the spider. I´m not proud of it, but I just can´t help myself. It´s like something just tells me to “kill the enemy” so this is what I do.😅
Beside the fear of spiders, I´m of course sometimes scared for my husband´s safety, which is mostly because, as I mentioned above, he´s pretty careless. 
Of course I know that he can take care of himself just fine, that he knows what he does, yet I can´t help but worry about him from time to time, which I think is only natural.🤷‍♀️
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