#I think if Janeway came to Tuvok (pre that Episode where she gets a Dear John letter) and told him about how much she felt for Chakotay
bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
Me reading fics where Tuvok encourages other peoples’ romantic pursuits:
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#If Janeway came to Tuvok like 'I have feelings for Chakotay Tuvok and it's tearing me apart' he'd be like 'I understand completely. What you#have to do is completely eradicate those feelings.'#I think if Janeway came to Tuvok (pre that Episode where she gets a Dear John letter) and told him about how much she felt for Chakotay#Tuvok would be like 'hmm.........what about Mark =_=' and it'd send her into a spiral#Given that BOTH Janeway & Tuvok have said in canon that they pretty much consider holosex cheating (this is implied not to be a commonly#held view and I get how others would see it more like consuming porn)#I think Tuvok would 10000% made a comment to Janeway that's like 'wow I just never thought you of all people......well. I suppose that's#humanity for you.' and Janeway would run out of there so fast after being like You're A bso lutely Right Tuvok Tha nk You.#What do you do when your best friend and moral compass doesn't agree with you pursuing a torrid love affair with your first officer?#And when ppl have Tuvok BRING it UP to Janeway?? Specifically to encourage her to go for it?? Could not disagree more#If he's bringing it up ?? In MY mind it's to be like 'cool it with the workplace flirtation. you were on the bridge. Junior officers could#see you.'#and if it was anyone BUT Janeway I think he'd just be like 'I don't need to hear about this....if you don't want to eliminate all your#emotions I don't know what to tell you.'#Bonus: After Janeway gets that dear John letter and Mark's confirmed off the table Tuvok is still unhelpful#'I just don't know what to say to him...!'#'Why not just say you want to be in romantic relationship?'#'It's not that simple!'#Tuvok: (vaguely irritated and losing interest) 'Clearly.'#BUT...bonus for if you're Janeway and no one else....if you come to him with a complaint about your relationship there's a 98% chance he's#going to agree with you and say the other person was being unreasonable#Chakotay & Janeway: -get in argument-#Janeway: WELL. Let's see what Tuvok has to say.#Chakotay: DON'T call Tu-#Tuvok: (before he's even fully in the door) I have to agree with the Captain v_v#this is just my opinion of course...I know why he's used so much - bc he's Janeway's friend and the only high ranking person besides#Chakotay (who she of course is being paired with) who she would consider talking about her romantic life with#so even though Tom/Harry/B'Elanna are much better candidates to fill that role of eager-to-talk-about-romance they can't be used#so basically Tuvok's the only one left and thus is a bit ooc (in my opinion) such is the tragedy of Voyager#I only have such an opinion on this bc to get Tuvok content I must skim through many chakotay/janeway fics to discover he has four lines
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