#I think if kohaku were a zashiki-warashi he'd exclusively sing the creepy ones about war and death and human trafficking
enstarsurbanfantasy · 10 months
Crazy:B Introduction - POV Niki
[CW: Bloody, creepy nursery rhymes.]
There's a rustling of papers in the bedroom.
Niki sets down the wooden spoon and sighs. "Rinne, if you're going to invade my apartment, use the door."
No response.
He frowns at the pot of bolognese sauce. it's just about ready to simmer for a few hours, so he gives it a final stir, sets the lid on, and turns down the heat.
Niki turns the doorknob and...
There's no one there?
He advances on the desk, looking for clues. The papers on the desk are untouched, but there's a white powder dusting the floor. He crouches down to examine it, and--
He hears laughter.
Teru-teru bozu, teru bozu Do make tomorrow a sunny day, Like the sky in a dream one night. If it's sunny I'll give you a golden bell.
The front door unlocks. "Niki?" Rinne pokes his head into the bedroom. "Why are you on the ground?"
"Did you see anyone out there?"
"No. What's going on?"
"I heard a rustling in here, and there's ashes on the floor..."
Rinne touches the back of his hand to Niki's forehead, testing his body temperature. "Are you okay?"
Niki gives him a confused look. "What?"
"There's nothing there."
Teru-teru bozu, teru bozu Do make tomorrow a sunny day. If you make my wish come true, We'll drink lots of sweet sake.
Niki slams his head down. The first two verses of that stupid nursery rhyme have followed him all day and he's sick of it.
In a fit of anger, he sings the last verse.
"Teru-teru bozu, teru bozu, do make tomorrow a sunny day. But if it's cloudy and I find you crying, then I shall snip your head off!"
The singing finally, finally stops.
But then it starts again, clearly delighted.
Where are you from? From Higo. — Where in Higo? In Kumamoto. — Where in Kumamoto? In Senba.
He blinks. Tentatively, he sings.
"A tanuki is in the Senba mountains. A hunter shoots it with a gun. Boils it — Roasts it — Eats it. Let's hide it in the leaves."
There's another laugh, a warm caress from the floral-scented wind, and the unsettling presence disappears.
The next day, his local supermarket has a 50% off sale.
Their unit is called Crazy:B. Which is a bit stupid, because they're neither crazy nor bees.
Or, well, Niki isn't. He glances at the others. Rinne, with his gambling smile. HiMERU, placid and uninviting. Kohaku, with the face of an axe murderer.
He feels off-center. For so long, it's just been him and Rinne, them against the world. Having two new people is uncomfortable, as if he's accidentally overcrowded his skillet and nothing cooks right.
Well, if in doubt, food.
"Do you guys wanna come over? I can cook."
HiMERU grimaces slightly.
"I have pork, rice, aburaage, miso... how about inarizushi?"
"I don't mind Inarizushi," Kohaku pipes up.
"HiMERU agrees." His countenance had lifted slightly at the mention of aburaage. Niki suspects a preferred food.
A gleeful smile spreads on Rinne's face, and Niki hurries to cut him off. "Let's head to the subway."
There is something familiar about Oukawa Kohaku, Niki thinks, as he mixes rice vinegar, salt, and sugar in rice. As soon as Oukawa had passed the threshold of Niki's apartment, that unsettling presence had returned, and he wonders if it's related.
He carries the plates of inarizushi out to the living room, HiMERU and Kohaku conversing on the couch while Rinne flits about like a hummingbird testing nectar from three different flowers.
Kohaku hums as he bites into one of the inarizushi. The song is familiar, and Niki realizes... it's Teru Teru Bozu.
Kohaku looks up.
"You were in my house?"
Kohaku smiles, and sings a new nursery rhyme, the voice familiar after the past few days.
"Kagome, kagome The bird in the basket When, oh when will it come out In the night of dawn The crane and turtle slipped Who is behind you now?"
Niki doesn't know what the song means, but he's heard other people speculate on it too, so he knows he's not the only one.
Kohaku waves a hand. "I was curious."
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