#I think poc misa would be interesting
scuttlebear · 1 year
Why has no-one (that I can find) written a Death Note fanfic about a black person who's younger sibling was incriminated for a petty crime and murdered by Kira, who is dead-set on getting revenge for their little sibling and ends up confronting Kira's views from the pov of a disenfranchised person living in a country he isn't even from? Or just a re-telling of the story where a character, like Misa for example, is a poc. Death Note was written in a very specific setting about a very specific type of boy and his very single sighted view on the world. I'd love to see a story about a poc character living in the world of Kira. So many fics are written from the pov of a white character, or a Japanese character. I'd love to see a new perspective. I just can't write it because I'm white as fuck and I think that would completely defeat the point.
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moonbeamjean · 8 years
Okay so despite Hollywood casting not learning from any of their bullshit and the white-washed majority of the cast and story... there could be hope for the Death Note movie?
I’m remaining incredibly skeptical but by changing the cast to entirely white teenagers, maybe they can raise the awareness of those asshole white kids who cause the majority of crimes and deaths at schools. Maybe it can examine just how toxic these privileged attitudes are that lead to teenagers (often white boys) doing awful things in the name of their personal cause or beliefs. Maybe the rest of the cast, who haven’t been announced yet, are Japanese-Americans or POC who address this behaviour and these statistics.
I don’t think they’ve announced L yet (tell me otherwise if they have) and personally that’ll be the deciding factor: a narrative about a white kid getting away with murder and a genius detective of colour trying to expose his behaviour could genuinely be interesting. It won’t make the white-washing any better, but it would give the plot some depth in another culture’s take on a famous Japanese series.
That being said my favourite character (Misa) looks like all the fun’s been sucked out of her, Light’s hair looks awful, the gritty stained font screams of bad Hot Topic merchandise, and the desaturation looks so boring. Soooo given the track record of Western/American anime adaptations I’mma go ahead and say that this is going to be a shit-show.
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