#I think someone had made the 'is this our stab wound' joke with leo before
separatedleoau · 2 years
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The stab situation on this ask was not literal, it was more on the lines of Leo being badly wounded and them taking care of him against his will bc the boy refuses to sit down
but we can make it happen!
*adds "stab Leo" to my notes*
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camillemontespan · 5 years
a kingdom divided [part fourteen: a world of colour]
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Part Thirteen here if you want to catch up!
Chapter List 
@jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @pug-bitch @drakesensworld @moonlightgem7 @dcbbw @notoriouscs @thecordoniandiaries @ifyouseekheart @thequeenofcronuts @tacohead13 @be-still-my-aching-heart @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore
'That fucking traitor.'
Olivia was the first one to speak after the long silence. Liam was sat at his desk with his head in his hands and he had gathered his circle of friends so he could tell them about Kiara and her betrayal.
'I can't believe it.. Are you sure it's her writing?' Hana asked, her eyes wide. Liam nodded silently.
Camille was clenching Drake's hand in shock. Bertrand had turned pale at the thought that Kiara was part of the club who had conspired to kill him. He felt sick to his stomach.
'This is treason,' Leo said fiercely. 'Liam, you have to do something.'
Liam looked at his brother with a distraught look in his brown eyes. 'What can I do? Imprison her? Sentence her to exile? If I play my cards too soon, the club will just find another way...'
'Liam, you imprison her. You have evidence that she is plotting against you, you have got to defend yourself!' Drake protested. 'It might stop them when they see you reacting. They might think twice about targeting again -'
'Drake, don't be so naive, it doesn't suit you,' Liam interrupted. Camille's eyes flashed. 'He is only trying to help,' she said. 'Let us help you.'
The King sighed. He felt so weary and bone tired. 'I can't be like Louis XIV,' he muttered. 'I refuse to lock anyone up unless it is necessary. Besides, if I act harshly, they will use that against me, as an example of why Cordonia is better off as a Republic, without tyrants ruling over them. No, I will continue my current plan which is to act like I know nothing while keeping an eye out. I need more evidence of the club. That means Kiara will think she is safe for now but I will be watching her.'
The others sighed. They clearly didn't agree with his plan but Liam was the King. It was his decision. Liam filed away the note for safekeeping. 'Be my eyes,' he told them. 'But most importantly, be safe.'
'That poor servant girl being threatened like that,' Hana said quietly.
Liam nodded. 'She's too scared to stay in the servants quarters. She's only seventeen, she's terrified.'
Camille looked at him. 'She could stay with us,' she suggested. 'I don't want a teenager to feel scared in her own space especially when it's my family history that has inspired this rebellion. I feel responsible.'
'What would she do at ours?' Drake asked. Camille smiled. 'She could just do what she does here! We have a small household anyway, she could do a bit of everything maybe? She’s seventeen, Drake. Someone has to look out for her.’
Drake smiled softly. 'You've gotten all maternal, haven't you?'
'I think that's a good idea. Plus if we carry it off like she has been fired for serving poisoned wine, the club might lose its suspicion,' Liam said.
He signalled that the meeting was over. Drake stayed behind as he was staying with Liam for the next appointment, which was with the new People’s Committee. As the Duke of Valtoria, he had to be there. Camille had been told by Drake to get home and rest.
The meeting  was poor timing for Liam as he wanted to focus on what to do about Kiara but he had to keep this appointment. At least he would be making one group happy, as opposed to feeling like he was failing everyone.
Olivia left Liam's study with the others behind her.  When the rest of the group had gone their separate ways, Leo caught her by the wrist.
She reached out to hit him, her usual reaction whenever anyone touched her without permission. Leo grabbed her hand and chuckled. 'You're more fiery than usual today.'
Olivia rolled her eyes. 'I'm angry about Kiara. That little French weasel.'
'Perhaps I could take your mind off it..' Leo suggested cooly.
'No thank you. You've done enough,' she replied, twisting out of his grip. She began to stalk down the corridor with her head high. Leo followed until he was in step beside her, his hands in his pockets. 'So, did I make you forget?'
Olivia reddened. Of course he had.  Liam's face didn't even come up once in her mind, which was a relief as he was really a constant presence in her head, and she had woken up this morning in Leo's bed. The sunlight had filtered in, turning his golden skin even more golden.
'You fulfilled your purpose,' she told him bluntly.
'Indeed I did. Three times if I recall.'
Olivia ignored the memory. They had fucked twice last night and once this morning. The way Leo looked in the morning sunlight had been enough to make her want him one last time before she went back to ignoring him.
'You didn't answer my question though. Did I make you forget?'
She stopped and looked at him, her eyes narrowed. 'Yes. You happy? Now go and fuck a maid.'
Leo burst out laughing. 'You sure you want me to? You won't get jealous?'
She continued striding down the corridor, ignoring him. God, she couldn't stand him.
Did she regret last night and this morning? Yes and no.  No because she had needed it. Olivia needed a reminder that there were other men in the world aside from Liam. Shame she had to fuck his brother to do it but oh well. 
'Well, I'm glad I could be of service,' he told her. 'And I hope you remember our time together fondly.' He was joking with her now, as always. Trying to rile her up. He was back to playing the fun loving, irresponsible role he had perfected. Listening to him, Olivia couldn't believe that he was the same man who set out ground rules before they slept together. He had made sure she felt safe and understood, giving her all the power in the situation. He had actually listened to her.
She wasn't going to succumb to it again. She couldn’t, no matter how good it had been. 
'Try not to imagine having my babies,' he continued. 'Apparently some women do that.'
Olivia stopped and stared at him. 'Will you please just shut up?' she asked. 'God you're so annoying. Yes, you are great in bed but I'm not going to suddenly fall in love with you, I'm not like the other girls you've had! So just stop trying to rile me up! Get over yourself, we had sex, who gives a fuck? In all honesty, you were just convenient-'
She stopped ranting. Leo was staring at her. A wounded expression passed over his face. Olivia felt a stab of guilt but she pushed it down.
'Right then. I guess I'll go fuck a maid, to use your expression,' he said. He moved towards her and she stepped back. His gaze was intense. Gently, he stroked his finger along her jawline. His touch burned. ‘But I know where you live now, Nevrakis,’ he murmured. ‘It was you who initiated it. Three times. Not me. I helped you forget and now you have tasted it. You know what it’s like not to have him in your head and I was the reason.  Might be good for you to remember that.’ He withdrew his finger and Olivia let out a haggered breath. Without a word, Leo sloped off and left her standing in the corridor.
The People’s Committee sat around the table in the meeting room. The group was varied with men and women, old and young. So far, Liam had listened to how the apples weren’t growing as well this year, tax was too high and fishing was the only sustainable industry. Liam had known this for some time, but it still hurt when he heard first hand accounts from his own people. He hadn’t realised how badly they had been affected; while many were working two jobs to make ends meet, he had been throwing balls in his glittering palace. He felt so ignorant of it all.
Drake had some Valtorians present at the meeting and he made special effort to get to know them. He wanted Valtoria to be a safe and happy place for his daughter and it was obvious to the Valtorians that he genuinely wanted to make the duchy better.
Liam agreed that the citizens could visit the palace once a month with petitions which he would consider. He promised that he would meet with his finance team and see if taxes could be lowered.
All in all, it was a successful meeting.
When the People's Committee were leaving the palace, happy and enthusiastic after the meeting, they passed a group of nobles. The silence that followed was so audible, it made Drake cringe.
'Who let the commoners in here?'
Drake closed his eyes. Why did Neville always have to be a world class dickhead?
The citizens, about five of them, turned to stare at Lord Neville who was looking at them down his nose, staying close to the wall, as far away as possible from them. Who knew why? To make a point it seemed.
'We've just had a meeting with the King actually,' one citizen replied. He was in his sixties and Drake remembered his name was Matthew. 'Very productive, I must say!' He grinned at Neville.
'Riiiight I'm sure it was', Neville sneered. 'Though you could just let the King govern and leave everything to us nobility. Just a thought. We have more understanding of these sort of things.'
Another man, James, strode forward. He was only twenty and he had a temper. 'How patronising are you?!' he said loudly. 'Who the fuck do you think you are?'
Drake stepped forward. 'Look, just ignore him, it's fine. Keep moving.'
Neville smirked. 'If course, Duke Walker is with the commoners. How typical. Even with your new title it seems you can't resist staying in the gutter.'
Drake forced down the urge to punch him. Camille had taught him how to rise above such insults and he wasn't going to disappoint her now.
Unfortunately, James hadn't been taught how to rise above it. He bolted forward and shoved Neville against the wall. 'Call us commoners one more time, Posh Boy,' he growled. Neville had turned pale, Drake could see.
'Please don't touch my waistcoat, it's one of a kind and very expensive, not that you would appreciate such things..' Neville said, shaking away his shock.
With a frustrated shout, James pulled back his fist to connect with Neville. 'James, don't!' Drake shouted, rushing forward to pull him back. But he was too late and James's fist connected with Neville's jaw. There was a resounding crack. Neville fell back against the wall, his eyes screwed up tightly. He let out a series of expletives which was not appropriate for a noble to say.
Drake pulled James back. 'James! Stop!'
James whipped around, his eyes flashing. 'Don't tell me you're defending this asshole? This creep who thinks he's better than us? I know you're a Duke now but I thought you still understood the common people! You used to be one of us!'
Drake reddened. 'Believe me, I am. It's just fighting will get you nowhere.'
James stared at Neville now. Neville, with such audacity, smirked. That set James off again. 'Fucking nobles! No wonder there's calls for a Republic if this who we have above us! ' he shouted. Suddenly, he rushed at Neville, intent to cause more damage. Drake grabbed him but instantly regretted it when James pulled back his arm, his elbow hitting Drake in the eye.
Drake stumbled back. His eye watered and everything around him seemed to fade out. He heard shouts and when he managed to regain his vision, he could see the security team had ascended on the group. James was dragged away from laying into Neville.
Drake wanted to get home. He was sick of court and everything it entailed.
'What happened to you?!'
Drake grimaced. 'Neville and a citizen happened. Don't worry, I tried to stop it, I wasn't actually attacked.'
He slumped down onto the sofa and smiled weakly when Camille came over with a bag of frozen peas. She settled down on his lap and placed the bag over his eye. Gently, she kissed his forehead. 'Were you trying to be the hero again?' she asked wearily. This was not the first time they had had this conversation.
'Neville riled up a young guy,' Drake explained. 'I was trying to stop the guy from killing Neville.'
'Wow, you tried to help Neville? How times have changed..'
Drake chuckled. 'I've grown up, Camille.'
She looked at him, her eyes steady. 'You have, haven't you?'
'I had to,' he replied. 'It's not just me I have to look after anymore.'
He placed a hand on Camille's bump and she wrapped her arm around his shoulders. Drake was tempted to bring up the subject of leaving for Texas, but the way she was holding him and keeping him close to her.. he didn't want to ruin it. He would have to find the right moment.
Hana examined her appearance in the mirror. She had settled on an outfit that she thought would be appropriate for crazy golf. She had chosen ripped blue mom jeans, espadrilles and a red camisole top. Relaxed but pretty.
Her phone buzzed with a text. It was Maxwell telling her he was outside. He had added a bunch of emojis in his excitement, one being of a dancing man, fireworks and an aubergine.
Grabbing her bag, Hana took a deep breath. It's just a date. Sure, your first ever date but it's with Maxwell, you've already slept with him so there should be no surprises..
She stepped out the front door of the palace and found Maxwell standing by a duck egg blue convertible. He was holding a bouquet of red roses.
Hana grinned, butterflies filling her stomach, and she raced down the steps towards him. He scooped her up into a cuddle and placed a kiss on her forehead. He handed her the roses. 'For you, my lady,' he smiled. Hana blushed. 'These are beautiful. '
'Heh. Just like you then,' he replied. He opened the passenger door for her and she stepped into the car.
'I didn't know you drove!' she said. Maxwell grinned. 'There's a lot you don't know about me yet, Hana!'
She smiled at him happily. 'I honestly can't wait to find out more.'
It turned out that Hana loved crazy golf. She knocked the ball through a mini castle so it hit the dragon in the eye, which was the target.
She navigated the obstacle course with precision, hitting the golf ball through hoops and down little slides.
When she won the coveted Crazy Golf Crown, Maxwell placed it on her head and bowed.
There was a carnival next door. Still wearing her crown, Hana and Maxwell held hands as they entered the gates. 'Where to first?' Maxwell asked.
Maxwell broke into a grin and pulled her along to the candy floss stall. He ordered two and the vendor passed them both pink swirled candyfloss.
They wandered through the carnival. Maxwell's arm was slung over Hana's shoulder casually, as if this was how they always walked. Hana felt so at ease. Maxwell made her feel at ease.
He pointed out the rollarcoasters like he was a child at Disneyland. He picked her up and whirled her around, Hana laughing hysterically as they spun together under the rainbow lights of the carnival, the colors melting together creating a kaleidoscope of red, yellow, purple and pink. Hana wished that this world of colour could be theirs forever.
They came across a glass cabinet with stuffed toys inside and a giant claw above them. Maxwell squealed. 'Pikachu!'
Hana frowned. 'Sorry, what?'
'Pikachu,' Maxwell repeated. 'There's a toy of him in there, begging for me to take him home!'
Hana reddened. 'Um.. What's Pikachu?'
Maxwell dragged her to the cabinet. 'There! The yellow toy! Pikachu from Pokemon!' He suddenly broke into song. 'GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL!'
Hana was very confused. She had no idea what he was talking about. Yet again, she cursed her parents for her sheltered upbringing. She had never experienced things that made Maxwell - no, most people her age - fizz with excitement.
Patiently, Maxwell explained Pokemon and Pikachu. He promised he would sit get down and get her to watch the TV show with him.
Determined, Maxwell started to manoeuvre the claw down into the toys. He needed Pikachu. He was going to get Pikachu.
Three attempts later, he was practically weeping with frustration. He was rubbish at this game.
Sighing, Hana gently pushed him out the way and took over. Maxwell held his breath as he watched her move the claw. Already, she was getting closer to Pikachu.
'Oh my god, Hana! You've nearly got him!' Maxwell cried, jumping up and down. Hana bit her lip in concentration. Steadily, she moved the claw around until it touched Pikachu. Maxwell squealed. 'Nearly there!'
The claw gripped hold of Pikachu. Maxwell's mouth dropped open as he watched it carry his new toy. Hana dropped it into the slide so it came out of the cabinet.
'Hana you're amazing!' he cried picking it up. He stared at Pikachu.
'Maxwell.. Are you crying?'
He nodded slowly and let out a sniffle. 'I always wanted Pikachu..' he whispered. 'I had every other Pokemon but for some reason never Pikachu.'
Hana gave him a tight hug. Maxwell felt like all was right in the world and he knew it was because of Hana.
Later, Maxwell drove up to the palace. 'Tonight was amazing,' he told her. Hana blushed. Maxwell leaned over and kissed her softly, placing his hand behind her neck. The kiss grew more deep as their tongues met and Hana groaned, feeling her body react. Maxwell's fingers ran through her hair. He tasted of candyfloss.
Hana moved from her seat over to where Maxwell sat. She straddled him and they kissed more urgently. He pulled up her top and cast it to the backseat of the car. Hana felt his hands unclip her bra before making his way down to her jeans button. Hana reciprocated, pulling off his shirt and unbuckled his belt.
They did the best they could in the cramped space. It was dark outside and they were parked under a tree so they were well hidden. Their breaths came out harsh as they moved together, Hana riding him hard. They wanted each other desperately. Maxwell kissed her neck and focused on how she felt around him. She felt perfect.
Hana ground her hips harder and felt her body about to lose control. Maxwell groaned her name and that was all she needed. As her body jerked and she cried out, all she could see was their world of colour.
The next morning, Olivia wandered down Leo's corridor. She had been thinking and she wanted to apologise for her behaviour. She hadn't meant to say he was just convenient.
Before she reached his door, it opened. She stopped, preparing herself for what she was going to say, but her mind went blank when she saw a maid leave Leo's room. Her dark hair was dishevelled and her uniform crinkled. She was carrying her shoes.
Leo leaned against the doorway watching the maid leave. He was wearing trousers but nothing else. When he turned, his eyes caught Olivia's and he stared at her. Heat passed between them as his green eyes looked at her steadily. For a moment, he looked guilty.
Olivia's breath hitched.
Leo shook his head and the guilty expression vanished, replaced by a wolfish grin. Leo padded back into his room, shutting the door behind him. Throwing her shoulders back, Olivia strode along the corridor, past Leo's room. I am a Nevrakis. He is beneath me.
The court was gathered outside in the sunshine for brunch. It was a buffet, with macaroons, pain au chocolate, breakfast muffins, toast, coffee and jasmine tea.
Liam, Hana, Maxwell and Penelope were standing under a cherry blossom tree, talking. Maxwell had brought over a plate full of macaroons for him and Hana to share. So far, they both liked the cappuccino flavour one.
Penelope held a cup of jasmine tea in her hand. She was speaking to Liam about his meeting with the People's Committee. Many believed Penelope to be a little lost, always confused and could only be relied on to talk about poodles, but Liam felt she was underestimated. Whenever he had spoken to her, she showed great intellect and an interest in the country.
Maxwell found that every so often, he would reach out to take Hana's hand, but remembering they were in public, he had to stop himself. He hated having to stop himself. All he wanted was to kiss her and show her off, saying that she was with him. Instead, he sipped on his coffee and tried to ignore his feelings.
'You really must visit my family,' Penelope told Liam. 'My parents are so keen to host you again!'
She took a sip of her jasmine tea. 'They adore you. I keep saying they should come visit the palace for a weekend but they worry -'
Penelope began to cough. Liam frowned. 'Penelope, are you okay?'
She nodded but her coughing continued. Soon, she was spluttering and Liam noted with alarm that her face was turning purple. 'Oh god, Penelope -'
Hana reached out to her, clapping her on the back but it didn't help. Penelope continued coughing until the sound started to sound very much like she was choking.
She grabbed hold of Liam's arms tightly. Liam stared at her and his heart pounded when Penelope crumpled to the ground. 'Someone call an ambulance!' Liam ordered to the courtiers who were now surrounding them.
Her face had changed from purple to extremely red and froth was beginning to appear around the sides of her mouth. She choked and only Hana had the presence of mind to get down on the ground beside her and tilt her head so she wouldn't choke on the foam.
Liam was on his knees, holding Penelope's hands, trying to soothe her, even though his head was full of panic. He didn't know what to do. He felt helpless as he watched her cough some more, choking.
Her violet eyes looked up into his. Her terror reflected his own. 'I knew I shouldn't have left my poodles..' she whispered.
Her hand went slack.
Liam's vision blurred as tears escaped. He held Penelope close to him, trying to protect her from the world. This was his fault.
'An ambulance is here!' someone called out.
But it didn't matter now because Penelope was gone.
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kadmeread · 5 years
Not Over Yet - Chapter 1: A New Pantheon
If anyone is interested, I decided to redo this story, it is currently published under my account on fanfiction.net (kadmeread) there as well. But I thought I might publish this new version on here and AO3 (same username again) as well to hopefully get it out there. Please let me know what you think!
So this story is a PJO/HOO/TOA crossed over with MCGA. Set after Burning Maze and during Ship of the Dead. Basically the summary goes along the lines of; Jason's confused. Where the hell is he? This isn't Elysium...and there are Norse gods now?
Chapter 1: A New Pantheon
So I finally did it, I died. Now I’ve been close to dying before, I’ve even actually died for a minute, but I never expected to go so soon. When I did go I expected to wake up in the Underworld, on my way to be judged. I would hope that I would get judged worthy of Elysium, but it's hard to tell sometimes. Anyway, I did not expect to be holding the hand of a girl riding what looked like a venti. As I started to show signs of being awake she dropped me on this lawn. It was connected to this really large building, like Olympus sized. As I was looking around, the doors opened and I was addressed.
“Ahh, you’re early, oh well come on in Mr Grace.”
The guy who spoke had on a doorman’s uniform, but the rest of him contradicted the welcoming look. He had a distinctly viking like look, with the wild hair and beard. He had a large double bladed axe at this side and his hand hovered over it threateningly. I decided it would probably be the best idea to do what he said as I still wasn’t even sure if I was dead.
As I walked towards him I noticed the lack of pain, in theory I shouldn’t have even been able to walk, even if I had survived. But I couldn’t even feel any of the various wounds I knew I had gotten. When I looked down at myself I saw no sign of the wounds, I also noted that I was in my Camp Jupiter t-shirt, and IVLIVS was in my jeans pocket. I thought this was odd as I knew I had been using it when I died.
The doorman looked at me impatiently, “Well hurry it up,” he said. “You can’t hang out over there all day, we have other new arrivals expected after all.”
I sped up slightly and tried to work pout what exactly had actually happened. I had been fighting Caligula…Piper and Meg and Apollo had been there fighting with me…Oh gods, the Sybil’s prophecy…it had come true...I had died, I was now dead. I felt the weight of this realisation settle upon me. If I was dead then…
“Where am I?” I demanded. I was confident that this wasn’t any part of the Greco-Roman Underworld. Between Percy, and Nico, and Annabeth, and Hazel, and even Thalia, I knew what it all looked and felt like and smelt like. It was kind of sad that most of my friends could describe the entire Underworld to me like going there was an everyday thing.
The guy’s eyes softened, I really needed to get a name for him.
“All in good time lad,” he said, “For now let’s get you checked in.” He put a hand on my back and guided me in.
The foyer was larger than I expected considering the outside appearance, sure the building seemed tall, but large? Nope. I was no architecture expert like Annabeth, but I was pretty confident that it was physically impossible for the foyer to be this big without magic. The walls were covered in polished Viking shields, the floor almost reminded me of how Percy had described Diana’s tent; (that was a story, he was the only man to have gained her respect in centuries) covered in the pelts of various animals, including what appeared to be a dragon skin. On the right wall a large hearth crackled, I bowed my head towards it, Vesta probably wasn’t there but you never know, and she would always have my respect. There were pictures and statues of wolves scattered around the room, which I greatly appreciated, wolves always did make me feel at home after being raised by Lupa.
I found what appeared to be a reception desk and headed over there. Another guy who unless my dyslexia was acting up was called Helgi said “Welcome to Hotel Valhalla, here is your room key, it’s a suite.”
I had no idea what was going on so I decided the best idea was to ask this guy. “Ah...thanks, I guess? Where am I? This isn;t part of the Underworld is it?”
Helgi’s eyes crinkled “No, you are now in Valhalla, the home of the valiant warriors who shall fight in Ragnarok. Congratulations. In Midgard we are in Boston. Your Valkyrie should be by soon to answer any other questions you might have. Hunding…” He glanced at the other guy, well I knew his name now, “Can you please escort Mr Grace here to his room on Floor 19?”
Hunding nodded and gestured to a door through which I could hear the shouts and metal clanging. “Right this was Mr Grace.”
I shifted uncomfortably, I might not be like Thalia and have completely renounced our last name but I wasn’t used to it being constantly used. “Please, call me Jason.”
He looked at me strangely for a second before nodding.
After we went through the door, we came upon a lounge. We were walking through the lounge to the door on the other side, when a guy about my age came in. I noticed him because he wasn’t really bothering to try and avoid the weapons, nobody else really was, but he also wasn’t joining in on the shouting or other games going on. He appeared to be looking for someone. It became obvious who he was looking for when he came over and started up a conversation with Hunding. I stood there awkwardly for 5 minutes as Hunding had forgotten about me for his conversation. Eventually the other guy gave Hunding what looked like some chocolate before noticing me for the first time. He gave a start and looked me up and down before smiling at me and asking Hunding.
“Who’s the new guy?”
Hunding glanced at me and replied “Jason Grace, just came in today. He’s actually going to be your new neighbour.”
“Really? Cool…” he nodded at me “You’ll have the corridor to yourself soon.” He told me before turning back to Hunding, “Would you me to show him around until Sam gets here, I’m guessing he’s one of hers? I know Helgi will have a bunch of other jobs for you to do.”
Hunding beamed at that, “Yeah he’s one of Samirah’s, and I’d really appreciate it thanks Magnus, you’re a star.”
Magnus turned towards me as Hunding walked off. As I got a good look at him, his eyes startled me, they were the same steel grey as Annabeth’s although they were a lot friendlier, that girl was scary.
“Hi,” he said, “I’m Magnus, welcome to Valhalla.” He held out his hand for me to shake.
I took it saying “Thanks, Jason Grace.”
He looked down at my arm and noticed my tattoo, I had forgotten about it. I wanted to ask about his reaction as he almost seems to recognise it but he forestalled me by asking, “So what impressively heroic feat did you do to end up here?”
As I turned to follow him as we got into an elevator to go up to my new floor I told him, “Umm...I got stabbed in the back with a spear.”
He winced “Ouch, I know how that feels.”
He seemed to be a good person to ask what the Hades was going on. “So,” I continued, “What exactly is Valhalla?”
He looked uncomfortable, “I’m probably not the best person to explain this, but basically it’s the Norse afterlife for those who died heroically with a weapon in hand.”
“Ok…” I decided that until I was sure what the Hades was going on I wouldn’t mention that I’m in the wrong afterlife. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t meant to go to the Norse afterlife instead of the Underworld.
After standing in an awkward silence for a few seconds the elevator finally arrived at floor 19. Magnus told me all about my new neighbours as we passed their rooms. “So this is Halfborn’s room, he’s your typical Viking; big, hairy, thickheaded, good to have on your side in a fight. He and Mallory are in an on again off again relationship, so tread carefully there, I think they aren’t currently together. That’s T.J’s room, he was a soldier in the Civil War. He fought with the Union and is obsessed with hills, I think it’s a Civil War thing.”
I nodded, “I have a friend whose grandmother was a slave, she wasn’t happy to hear that my forebears were Confederates.”
Magnus nodded, “Yeah probably best not to mention that to T.J either. Anyway that’s Mallory’s room, she’s Irish and has the brogue to match. Don’t get on her bad side, her knives are always sharp.” I thought that she sounded kind of like Annabeth and noted to be careful where I stepped with her.
I then pointed to a door which had Alex Fierro and a snake like symbol on it and asked, “What about him?”
Magnus hesitated before answering, “That’s Alex’s room...she’s genderfluid, so be careful what you say about her.”
I nodded absorbing that information, “Sorry about that, almost sounds like you have a crush on her.”
Magnus looked kind of panicked “What?! No...she’s just...cool. Anyway, you're here beside me.” He hurriedly pointed to the next door.
I looked at the door for my new home. It was purple and orange, reminding me of the two camps. Magnus looked queasy at the colour choices but it made me feel nostalgic for my cabin on the Argo, it’s door had been the exact same, all the doors had all been like that, in order to remind us what we were fighting for. I opened the door and was transported to the lounge of the Argo, it even had the Camp Half Blood video walls, but it also had Camp Jupiter ones as well.
“How did they do this?” I asked in awe, wandering around.
Magnus grinned and said “Magic, it takes your best memories and recreates them to make you feel at home here. My rooms have a tree. What’s the reasoning behind yours, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Uhh…” I said as I caught sight of the Superman poster in my bedroom, that Leo had hung in my room in the Argo as a joke. “This is the lounge area from a cruise I went on with some of my friends and family. The video walls were created by a genius friend of mine, they show videos of the summer camps we went to, we all met at them.”
“Wow,” he said looking at some photos. “Are these your friends?”
I joined him and picked up one of the photos, which had me, the rest of the Seven and Nico and Reyna in it. We had taken the photo in Epirus, so Percy and Annabeth were still looking a little the worse for wear, but we were all ecstatic to have survived to close the Doors of Death and to have Annabeth and Percy back with us.
I felt close to crying, “Yeah, those are my friends, this one has all of us who went on the cruise and a couple of others who flew out to join us, we’re in Epirus, which is in Greece. That’s Nico,” I pointed as I named them and described them for Magnus. “The goth looking boy, he’s my cousin along with Percy and Hazel. Reyna, we grew up together, she’s one of my best friends, she’s amazing, a natural leader and very strong in all ways. Frank, he's a beast man, I didn’t really know him all that well when we first went on the cruise, but now he’s a good friend. He’s also a distant cousin of Percy’s I think. Hazel, she’s Nico’s half sister, and the sweetest thing alive. She and frank are together and adorable about it. Then it’s Annabeth, she’s crazy smart, and super scary.” Magnus smiled at that for some reason, but I carried on. “When I first met her, she was looking for her boyfriend and thought I might know where he was. She scared the heebie jeebies out of me, when she stalked up to me demanding to know where he was. We’re close now though, my older sister practically raised her as a kid. Next is Percy, Annabeth’s boyfriend, he’s kinda the leader of our group of friends, but he’s really cool, we’re bros. He and Annabeth had just got back from a really hard tramp, which is why they weren’t looking so good. Then it’s Piper, we’re best friends, at the time this photo was taken, we were together, but she broke up with me later because she felt it wasn’t working. Her mum pushed her into it, her mum is a crazy matchmaker and really ships Percy and Annabeth together. Then it’s me, and then it’s my boy, Leo the Supersized McShizzle, he’s annoying and a bit of a jokester, but we’ve been through a lot together. He decided to go AWOL for a bit, and I only just found out where he was.” I choked back a sob, “We were about to see each other again too, when I died. Oh, and this…” I picked up another photo. “Is Thalia, my sister, she had only just found me again before we went on that cruise. My stepmother decided to raise me, and then Thalia ran away because our mum was abusive, and she didn’t even know I was alive. Gods she’s going to be devastated when she hears…” I trailed off lost in thought of all the friends and family that I had lost, and Magnus quietly slipped out the door behind me.
I hope you enjoyed! Please do let me know what you think, and I’ll try and get the next chapter up soon hopefully. Redoing this in part was me trying to get past writer’s block on some of my other projects, but if you guys ever want feel free to send in prompts or requests for me to write, it’s always nice to get feedback etc.
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