#I think the people in the task force have lower stats because they don't know everything regarding the death note
last-starfighter · 2 years
Hello. sorry this will be long, I didnt know where to leave a review. I played Jjimjilbang for a bit (not the full demo, not gonna lie, I am too tired for this today. Just so you know the extent of my gameplay) Also I am generally not good at games (easy mode is my mode) and I don't know much about stats.
I have no problem with the graphics and music (my first console was the big grey gameboy lol). I quite enjoy all of that, it feels nostalgic to me. Music isnt too intrusive either and does not distract from stuff on the screen (granted there isnt a whole lot going on so its pretty safe) I like how the characters are designed, and their little avatar picture in the bottom speech frame (I am foreign, I dont know how thats called in english)
I like the rpg aspect. It was a bot weird to be thrown into the story simply with a text screen (well plenty of old games do that but I was spoiled by the zelda games and "illustrated" storytelling). I dunno if youre supposed to find roach first, but i explored a bit alone and got obliterated, before I found him. so If you're supposed to find him and the shop before diving head first into danger like an idiot (me, I am the idiot)... maybe it should be more obvious/forced? otherwise just blame my bad decision making skills. (this is where its obvious I started as a new game and not from the save)
I have a very bad sense of direction so I got confused often in the rooms. i know there is a "map" text but it didnt help for me to paint a general map in my brain. I insist that my sense of direction is lower than average lol.
I enjoy the random encounters as much as I enjoyed them in the tall grass in pokemon, which is not at all. BUT they are ghosts and it makes sense for them to jumpscare you and be annoying. I am not SUPPOSED to enjoy it so that's not a real problem. I wish their level was a bit more worked? i dunno i was without roach and encountered 3 of them at once, I think, it seemed overkill (it sure overkilled me). and then I had a tiny one that I oneshot, which restored my ego a bit. But maybe I stepped in the wrong room, as I said. In fact the ghosts would have been less annoying if I wasnt interrupted while trying to retrace my steps because I got disoriented on the map. encountering them when you explore is fine. being interrupted while going back and forth is a bit more of a pain. it adds to the frustration. As I said again, my direction is absolute shite.
The decor is real nice, I am a bit bummed that there are items that are just decorative. like there was a locker with a thing on top, I was upset that it wasnt something I can pick up, and just deco, while the items to loot are in very obvious chests. I don't know, I am a fallout player, I see a locker I inspect it hahaha. Having dungeon chests for regular non-ghost items felt a bit non-immersive maybe. like I expected to find items such as the mirror and watch in the locker itself. though finding a key in a safe makes sense. it does make it easy to pinpoint what your task is, in a specific room, but takes away from immersion in my opinion.
Anyway I enjoyed it really much so far and would enjoy playing a full version. This is not bad at all and I am nitpicking. see thins a being honest and constructive about my experience as a below average gamer, not in a "here is a list of why it sucked" way (not at ALL).
Also is there a korean version? I would be interested in that too.
holy shit thank you uhhhhhhhh
youre bein super nice and so im just goin a little bit blue screen of death yknow
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so uh if you wanna leave a review next time you can do it on the games itch.io page but this is a really good review and it made me happy
a lot of the bullshit you mentioned (like missing roach) is shit that other people have told me about so were gonna fix it for the final build
and rn theres no plans for a korean version because i dont speak korean- but it would be so fucking cool and if you know someone who can translate maybe when we go for a final release you can hook us up?
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mikami · 2 years
This isn't a question about intelligence of characters (I hate those discussions) but if we consider in character stats (in HTR13) by "intelligence" it actually meant "knowledge" what kind of knowledge does it referring to?
I've seen people discussing this and one of their assumptions was that the word knowledge is referring to characters knowledge about death note and shinigami. Which I don't think it makes sense because a character like Misa (who was second kira) has a lower stat than characters like Ray Penber (who had no idea what the death note was). Also surviving Task Force members should have more stat.
Other than that it might mean academic knowledge. But then characters like L, Near, Mello and Matt who grew up in wammy house and probably had very high quality education get to be in the same range to characters like Light, Mikami, Takada, Ray, Naomi (and etc.) who had normal educations.
Do you have any thoughts on this? Or what knowledge means in this context?
I've looked into it a bit ago and in the end, the answer I've reached is that is that the multiple pro translators who have arrived at 'intelligence' as their way of interpreting it had a good reason.
HTR13 translation isn't always good, but with monolingual dictionaries giving explanations like 'the ability to know and understand something'... I feel like it works out alright as a way of putting it in English.
Jisho also lists "知識人" (the same term + kanji for person) as 'an intellectual', which further supports the idea of this meaning something that is both having knowledge and being able to put it to good use rather than just learning things by heart.
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